The Genomics Knowledge You Need, When You Need It Seattle Boston San Francisco 12600 SE 38 th Street, Suite 230 65 Main Street 193 Haight Street Bellevue, WA 98006 Somerville, MA 02145 San Francisco, CA 94012 (425) 401-1400 (617) 627-9398 (415) 252-1519 Exercises for UCSC Advanced Topics: Table Browser and Custom Tracks 1) Obtain a list of SNPs in a single gene (Clock) using the Table Browser. Skills: basic table search menus and options; choosing format; downloading sequence 2) Find CpG islands in known genes on the last part of chromosome 22 of the human genome. Obtain this sequence as one FASTA record per region. Skills: basic table search menus and options; intersecting tables, choosing format, downloading sequence 3) From a list of UCSC genes, add gene symbols and GO IDs for additional information about the gene set. Bonus step: add GO terms. Skills: basic table search menus and options; using tables, choosing related tables and selected fields UCSC Advanced Topics Exercises, version 15b. Correspond to the data available in October 2008. The materials and slides offered are for non-commercial use only. Reproduction, distribution and/or use for commercial purposes are strictly prohibited. Copyright 2008, OpenHelix, LLC.