4. XSLT PB138 XSLT ● people.xml + people.xsl = xsl-result.html ● XSLT is composed of templates. Running the Transformation ● Try transformation from Netbeans and from Java ● HELLO WORLD Basic Transformations ● / vs /people ● Evaluation of the algorithm ○ apply-templates will again apply the whole template file to each child ○ text() matching ● The implicit templates ○ We can override them! Implicit Templates Template Priority .... .... Modes, foreach and IFs ● Functional calling ● create a table "id, name" ○ Steven Segal in red color Other important concepts ● xsl:sort ● xsl:element ● xsl:call-template (with parameters) xsl:element, xsl:attribute ID1 ● Output the names in "id" elements: Filip Nguyen