XML Schema - Data Types Quick Reference 1 Namespaces §3.1 pt2 • http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema • http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-datatypes 2 Logic Types 3 Binary Data Types 4 Text types 5 Number Types 6 Date Time Types 7 XML Types Following types should only be used in attribute declaration for XML compatibility: 8 Built-in Types 9 Simple Data Type Declaration §4.1.2 pt2 Note: All schema components allow attributes from non-schema namespaces. Content: ( annotation ?, ( restriction | list | union )) Content: ( annotation ?, ( simpleType ?)) Content: ( annotation ?, ( simpleType *)) Content: ( annotation ?, ( simpleType ?, ( minExclusive | minInclusive | maxExclusive | maxInclusive | totalDigits | fractionDigits | length | minLength | maxLength | enumeration | whiteSpace | pattern )*)) . boolean atomic binary-valued logic legal literals {true, false, 1, 0} § pt2 base64Binary atomic Base64-encoded arbitrary binary data. §3.2.16 pt2 hexBinary atomic Arbitrary hex-encoded binary data. Example, “0FB7”is a hex encoding for 16-bit int 4023 (binary 111110110111). §3.2.15 pt2 anyURI atomic A Uniform Resource Identifier Reference (URI). Can be absolute or relative, and may have an optional fragment identifier. §3.2.17 pt2 language derived token natural language identifiers [RFC 1766] Example: en, fr. §3.3.3 pt2 normalizedString derived string White space normalized strings §3.3.1 pt2 string atomic Character strings in XML §3.2.1 pt2 token derived normalized- String Tokenized strings. §3.3.2 pt2 byte derived short 127 to-128. Sign is omitted, “+”assumed. Example: -1, 0, 126, +100. §3.3.19 pt2 decimal atomic Arbitrary precision decimal numbers. Sign omitted, “+”is assumed. Leading and trailing zeroes are optional. If the fractional part is zero, the period and following zero(es) can be omitted. §3.2.3 pt2 double atomic Double-precision 64-bit floating point type legal literals {0, -0, INF, -INF and NaN} Example, -1E4, 12.78e-2, 12 and INF §3.2.5 pt2 float atomic 32-bit floating point type - legal literals {0, -0, INF, -INF and NaN} Example, -1E4, 1267.43233E12, 12.78e-2, 12 and INF §3.2.4 pt2 int derived long 2147483647 to -2147483648. Sign omitted, “+” is assumed. Example: -1, 0, 126789675, +100000. §3.3.17 pt2 integer derived decimal Integer or whole numbers - Sign omitted, “+”is assumed. Example: -1, 0, 12678967543233, +100000. §3.3.13 pt2 ©2002, 2003 D Vint Productions xmlhelp@ dvint.com http://w w w .xm l.dvint.com ver 1/03 long derived integer 9223372036854775807 to - 9223372036854775808. Sign omitted, “+” assumed. Example: -1, 0, 12678967543233, +100000. §3.3.16 pt2 negativeInteger derived nonPositive Infinite set {...,-2,-1}. Example: -1, -12678967543233, -100000. §3.3.15 pt2 nonNegativeInteger derived integer Infinite set {0, 1, 2,...}. Sign omitted, “+” assumed. Example: 1, 0, 12678967543233, +100000. §3.3.20 pt2 nonPositiveInteger derived integer Infinite set {...,-2,-1,0}. Example: -1, 0, - 126733, -100000. §3.3.14 pt2 positiveInteger derived nonNegativeInteger Infinite set {1, 2,...}. Optional “+”sign,. Example: 1, 12678967543233, +100000. §3.3.25 pt2 short derived int 32767 to -32768. Sign omitted, “+”assumed. Example: -1, 0, 12678, +10000. §3.3.18 pt2 unsignedByte derived unsignedShort 0 to 255. a finite-length Example: 0, 126, 100. §3.3.24 pt2 unsignedInt derived unsignedLong 0 to 4294967295 Example: 0, 1267896754, 100000. §3.3.22 pt2 unsignedLong derived nonNegative 0 to 18446744073709551615. Example: 0, 12678967543233, 100000. §3.3.21 pt2 unsignedShort derived unsignedInt 0 to 65535. Example: 0, 12678, 10000. §3.3.23 pt2 date atomic Calendar date.Format CCYY-MM-DD. Example, May the 31st, 1999 is: 1999-05-31. §3.2.9 pt2 dateTime atomic Specific instant of time. ISO 8601 extended format CCYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss. Example, to indicate 1:20 pm on May the 31st, 1999 for Eastern Standard Time which is 5 hours behind Coordinated Universal Time (UTC): 1999-05-31T13:20:00-05:00. §3.2.7 pt2 duration atomic A duration of time. ISO 8601 extended format PnYn MnDTnH nMn S. Example, to indicate duration of 1 year, 2 months, 3 days, 10 hours, and 30 minutes: P1Y2M3DT10H30M. One could also indicate a duration of minus 120 days as: -P120D. §3.2.6 pt2 gDay atomic Gregorian day. Example a day such as the 5th of the month is --05. §3.2.13 pt2 gMonth atomic Gregorian month. Example: May is --05-- §3.2.14 pt2 gMonthDay atomic Gregorian specific day in a month. Example: Feb 5 is --02-05. §3.2.12 pt2 gYear atomic Gregorian calendar year. Example, year 1999, write: 1999. §3.2.11 pt2 gYearMonth atomic Specific gregorian month and year. Example, May 1999, write: 1999-05. §3.2.10 pt2 time atomic An instant of time that recurs every day. Example, 1:20 pm for Eastern Standard Time which is 5 hours behind Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), write: 13:20:00- 05:00. §3.2.8 pt2 Name derived token XML Names §3.3.6 pt2 NCName derived Name XML “non-colonized”Names. §3.3.7 pt2 NOTATIO N atomic NOTATION type §3.2.19 pt2 QName atomic XML qualified names §3.2.18 pt2 ENTITY derived NCName ENTITY attribute type §3.3.11 pt2 ENTITIES derived ENTITY ENTITIES attribute type §3.3.12 pt2 ID derived NCNAME ID attribute type §3.3.8 pt2 IDREF derived NCName IDREF attribute type §3.3.9 pt2 IDREFS derived IDREF IDREFS attribute type §3.3.10 pt2 NMTOKEN derived token NMTOKEN attribute type §3.3.4 pt2 NMTOKENS derived NMTOKENS NMTOKENS attribute type §3.3.5 pt2 anyType ur-type definition Built-in Complex type definition of Ur-Type. §3.4.7 pt1 anySimpleType ur-type definition Built-in Simple type definition of Ur-Type. §4.1.6 pt2 Content: ( (annotation | (simpleType | complexType | group | attributeGroup))*) Schema Component Name (typically prefixed with xsd:) Required Attribute String Value Attribute Default Value Content Model of Schema Component Data Type Optional Attributes 10 Constraining Facets §4.3 pt2 11 Simple Data Types and Constraining Facets §4.1.5 pt2, Appendix B pt0 12 Regular Expressions for Pattern Facet §4.3.4 pt2 §Appendix D pt0, §Appendix F pt2 Special Characters needing to be escaped with a ‘\’ \ | . - ^ ? * + { } ( ) [ ] Character References N or c for hex or decimal XML character references Repetition Operators Interval Operators {x,y} range x to y, {x,} at least x, {x} exactly x, i.e. {4,8} 4 to 8 Character Range Expressions [a-zA-Z] = character a to z upper and lower case [0-9] = digits 0 to 9 Special Character Sequences Pattern Examples ver 1/03 Simple Data Type anyURI u u u u u u base64Binary u u u u u u boolean u u byte - 127 to-128 u u u u u u u u u date - CCYY-MM-DD u u u u u u u dateTime - CCYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss u u u u u u u decimal - Arbitrary precision decimal numbers u u u u u u u u u double - Double-precision 64-bit floating point u u u u u u u duration - PnYn MnDTnH nMn S u u u u u u u ENTITIES u u u u u ENTITY u u u u u u float - 32-bit floating point type u u u u u u u gDay u u u u u u u gMonth u u u u u u u gMonthDay u u u u u u u gYear u u u u u u u gYearMonth u u u u u u u hexBinary u u u u u u ID u u u u u u Content: (annotation?) Content: (annotation?) Content: (annotation?) Content: (annotation?) Content: (annotation?) Content: (annotation?) Content: (annotation?) Content: (annotation?) Content: (annotation?) Content: (annotation?) Content: (annotation?) Content: (annotation?) length minLength maxLength pattern enumeration whiteSpace maxInclusive maxExclusive minExclusive minInclusive totalDigits fractionDigits IDREF u u u u u u IDREFS u u u u u int - 2147483647 to -2147483648. u u u u u u u u u integer u u u u u u u u u language - RFC 1766] Example: en, fr u u u u u u list u u u u u u long - 9223372036854775807 to - 9223372036854775808 u u u u u u u u u Name u u u u u u NCName u u u u u u negativeInteger u u u u u u u u u NMTOKEN u u u u u u NMTOKENS u u u u u nonNegativeInteger u u u u u u u u u nonPositiveInteger u u u u u u u u u normalizedString u u u u u u NOTATION u u u u u u positiveInteger u u u u u u u u u QName u u u u u u short - 32767 to -32768 u u u u u u u u u string u u u u u u time - hh:mm:ss u u u u u u u token u u u u u u union u u unsignedByte - 0 to 255 u u u u u u u u u unsignedInt - 0 to 4294967295 u u u u u u u u u unsignedLong - 0 to 18446744073709551615 u u u u u u u u u unsignedShort - 0 to 65535 u u u u u u u u u * 0 or more, ? 0 or 1, + 1 or more Simple Data Type length minLength maxLength pattern enumeration whiteSpace maxInclusive maxExclusive minExclusive minInclusive totalDigits fractionDigits Expression Match(es) Chapter \d Chapter 0, Chapter 1, Chapter 2.... Chapter\s\w Chapter followed by a single whitespace character (space, tab, newline, etc.), followed by a word character (XML 1.0 Letter or Digit) Espanñola Española \p{Lu} any uppercase character, the value of \p{} (e.g. “Lu”) is defined by Unicode a*x x, ax, aax, aaax.... a?x ax, x a+x ax, aax, aaax.... (a|b)+x ax, bx, aax, abx, bax, bbx, aaax, aabx, abax, abbx, baax, babx, bbax, bbbx, aaaax.... [^0-9]x any non-digit character followed by the character x \Dx any non-digit character followed by the character x .x any character followed by the character x .*abc.* 1x2abc, abc1x2, z3456abchooray.... ab{2}x abbx ab{2,4}x abbx, abbbx, abbbbx ab{2,}x abbx, abbbx, abbbbx.... (ab){2}x ababx \n newline \r return \t tab . (dot) all characters except newline and return \s space characters (space, tab, newline, return) \S non-Space characters \i initial XML name characters (letter _ ;) \I not initial XML name charac- ters \c XML NameChar characters \C not XML NameChar charac- ters \d decimal digits \D not decimal digits \w XML Letter or Digit characters \W not XML Letter or Digit charac- ters \p{IsBasicLatin} block escape identifying ASCII characters, similar IsGreek, IsHebrew, IsThai for these ranges of Unicode blocks \p{L} all Letters \p{M} all Marks \p{N} all Numbers \p{P} all Punctuation \p{Z} all Separators \p{S} all Symbols \p{C} all Others. Additional modifying values like Lu = upper- case, Ll = lowercase, Nd = decimal digit, Sm = math symbols, Sc = currency \P{} not the block or category, \P{IsGreek} = not Greek block ©2002, 2003 D Vint Productions xmlhelp@ dvint.com http://w w w .xm l.dvint.com