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Intro to Markup and XML
slides Introduction to markup
slides XML document structure
slides Characters in XML documents
demo well-formedness checking with
, download as ZIP
Fundamental Standards, XML Specifications
slides Concepts, XML Specification
slides XML Namespaces
slides DOM and other APIs
demo showing DOM tree listing in Java
demo showing simple DOM manipulation in Java
Navigation in XML, XPath
slides XPath
demo XPath from Java
Modeling, XML Schema
slides Modeling, XML Schema
slides Relax NG as other XML modeling language
Transformations, XSLT
slides Transformations, XSLT
demo XSLT from Java
XQuery, XML Databases
slides XQuery
slides XML Databases
Docbook and DITA
slides Docbook
slides DITA
demo Docbook Demo
Metadata, Microformats, Advanced XML Processing
slides Metadata, RDF
slides Microformats
slides XML Pipeline
slides Shells etc.