API for XML Processing (to repeat)
APIs offer simple standardized XML access.
APIs connect application to the parser and applications together.
APIs allow XML processing without knowledge of physical document structure (entities).
APIs optimize XML processing.
XML APIs Fundamental Types
- Tree-based API
tree representation in constructed and processed
- Event-based API
events are produced and handled
- Pull API
events are pulled off the document
Tree-based API
They map an XML document to a memory-based tree structure.
It allows to traverse the entire DOM tree.
Best-known is Document Object Model (DOM) from W3C, http://www.w3.org/DOM)
Programming Language Specific Models
Java JDOM - http://jdom.org
Java dom4j - http://dom4j.org
Java XOM - http://www.xom.nu
Python 4Suite - http://4suite.org
PHP SimpleXML - http://www.php.net/simplexml
Document Object Model (DOM)
Basic interface to process and access the tree representation of XML data
Three versions of DOM: DOM Level 1, 2, 3
DOM - does not depend on the XML parsing.
Described using IDL + API descriptions for particular programming languages (C++, Java, etc.)
HTML Documents Specific DOM
The HTML Core DOM is more less consolidated with the XML DOM
Designated to CSS
Used for dynamic HTML programming (scripting using VB Script, JavaScript, etc)
Contains the browser environment (windows, history, etc) besides the document model itself.
DOM references
JAXP Tutorial, part dedicated to the DOM Part III: XML and the Document Object Model (DOM) (http://java.sun.com/xml/jaxp/dist/1.1/docs/tutorial/dom/index.html)
Portal dedicated to the DOM http://www.oasis-open.org/cover/dom.html
DOM 1 Interface visual overview http://www.xml.com/pub/a/1999/07/dom/index.html
Tutorial ”Understanding DOM (Level 2)” available at https://www.ibm.com/developerworks/xml/
Using DOM in Java
Native DOM support in the new Java versions (JDK and JRE) - no need of additional library.
Applications need to import needed symbols (interfaces, classes, etc.) mostly from package
What will we need often?
Most often used interfaces are:
corresponds to the element in a logical document structure. It allows us to access name of the element, names of attributes, child nodes (including textual ones). Useful methods: -
Node getParentNode()
- returns the parent node -
String getTextContent()
- returns textual content of the element. -
NodeList getElementsByTagName(String name)
- returns the list of ancestors (child nodes and their ancestors) with the given name. -
super interface ofElement
, corresponds to the general node in a logical document structure, may contain element, textual node, comment, etc. -
a list of nodes (a result of callinggetElementsByTagName
for example). It offers the following methods for its processing: -
int getLength()
- returns the number of nodes in a list -
Node item(int index)
- returns the node at position index -
corresponds to the document node (its a parent of a root element)
Example 1 - creating DOM tree from file
public class Task1 { public Task1(URL url) throws SAXException, ParserConfigurationException, IOException { // We create new instance of factory class DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); // We get new instance of DocumentBuilder using the factory class. DocumentBuilder builder = factory.newDocumentBuilder(); // We utilize the DocumentBuilder to process an XML document // and we get document model in form of W3C DOM Document doc = builder.parse(url.toString()); } }
Example 2 - DOM tree modification
public class Task1 { private Document doc; // Method for a salary modification. // If the person’s salary is less then // minimum, the salary will increased to minimum. // No action is performed for the other persons. public void adjustSalary(double minimum) { // get the list of salaries NodeList salaries = doc.getElementsByTagName("salary"); for (int i = 0; i < salaries.getLength(); i++) { // get the salary element Element salaryElement = (Element) salaries.item(i); // get payment double salary = Double.parseDouble( salaryElement.getTextContent()); if (salary < minimum) { // modify the text node/content of element salaryElement.setTextContent(String.valueOf(minimum)); } } } }
Example 3 - storing a DOM tree into an XML file
Example of the method storing a DOM tree into a file (see Homework 1). The procedure utilizes a transformation we do not know yet. Let use it as a black box.
public class Task1 { private Document doc; public void serializetoXML(File output) throws IOException, TransformerConfigurationException { // We create new instance of a factory class. TransformerFactory factory = TransformerFactory.newInstance(); Transformer transformer = factory.newTransformer(); // The input is the document placed in a memory DOMSource source = new DOMSource(doc); // The transformation output is the output file StreamResult result = new StreamResult(output); // Let’s make the transformation transformer.transform(source, result); } }
Event-based API
Generates Sequence of Events while parsing the Document.
Technical implementation: using callback methods
[The Hollywood Principle: Do not call us, we will call you!]
Application implements handlers (which process generated events).
Works on lower-level than tree-based.
Application should do further processing.
It saves memory - does not itself create any persistent objects.
Event Examples
start document
,end document
start element
- contains the attributes as well,end element
. -
processing instruction
entity reference
Best-known event-based API: SAX http://www.saxproject.org
SAX - Document Analysis Example
<?xml version="1.0"?> <doc> <para>Hello, world!</para> <!-- that’s all folks -→ <hr/> </doc>
SAX - Document Analysis Example
It generates following events:
start document start element: doc
list of attributes: empty
start element: para
list of attributes: empty
characters: Hello, world!
end element: para
comment: that’s all folks
start element: hr
end element: hr
end element: doc end document
When to use event-based API?
Easier to parser programmer, more difficult to application programmer.
No complete document available to application programmer.
She must keep the state of analysis herself.
Suitable for tasks, that can be solved without the need of entire document.
The fastest possible processing usually.
Difficulties while writing applications can be solved using extensions like Streaming Transformations for XML (STX), http://stx.sourceforge.net
Optional SAX Parser Features
The SAX parser behavior can be controlled using so called features a properties.
For optional SAX parser’s features see http://www.saxproject.org/?selected=get-set
For more details on properties and features see Use properties and features in SAX parsers (IBM DeveloperWorks/XML).
SAX filters
The SAX filters (implementation of
interface) can be programmed using the SAX API. -
Such a class instance accepts input events, process them and sends them to the output.
For more information on event filtering see Change the events output by a SAX stream http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/xml/library/x-tipsaxfilter/ (IBM DeveloperWorks/XML) for example.
Additional SAX References
Primary source: http://www.saxproject.org
SAX Tutorial on JAXP: http://java.sun.com/webservices/reference/tutorials/jaxp/html/sax.html
Pull-based APIs
Application does not process incoming events, but it pulls data from the processed file.
Can be used when programmer knows the structure of an input data and she can pull them off the file.
As opposite to event-based API.
Very comfortable to an application programmer, but implementations are usually slower the push event-based APIs.
Java offers the XML-PULL parser API - see Common API for XML Pull Parsing http://www.xmlpull.org/ and also
newly develop API - Streaming API for XML (StAX) http://www.jcp.org/en/jsr/detail?id=173 developed like a product of JCP (Java Community Process).
Streaming API for XML (StAX)
The API may become the part of the Java API for XML Processing (JAXP) in the future.
It offers two ways to pull-based processing:
pulling the events using iterator - more comfortable
low-level access using so called cursor - it is faster.
StAX - an Iterator Example
(from Oracle Java Tutorials http://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/jaxp/stax/example.html)
StAX - source XML document
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <BookCatalogue xmlns="http://www.publishing.org"> <Book> <Title>Yogasana Vijnana: the Science of Yoga</Title> <author>Dhirendra Brahmachari</Author> <Date>1966</Date> <ISBN>81-40-34319-4</ISBN> <Publisher>Dhirendra Yoga Publications</Publisher> <Cost currency="INR">11.50</Cost> </Book> <Book> <Title>The First and Last Freedom</Title> <Author>J. Krishnamurti</Author> <Date>1954</Date> <ISBN>0-06-064831-7</ISBN> <Publisher>Harper & Row</Publisher> <Cost currency="USD">2.95</Cost> </Book> </BookCatalogue>
StAX - source XML document
In this example, the client application pulls the next event in the XML stream by calling the next method on the parser; for example:
try { for (int i = 0 ; i < count ; i++) { // pass the file name.. all relative entity // references will be resolved against this // as base URI. XMLStreamReader xmlr = xmlif.createXMLStreamReader(filename, new FileInputStream(filename)); // when XMLStreamReader is created, // it is positioned at START_DOCUMENT event. int eventType = xmlr.getEventType(); printEventType(eventType); printStartDocument(xmlr); // check if there are more events // in the input stream while(xmlr.hasNext()) { eventType = xmlr.next(); printEventType(eventType); // these functions print the information // about the particular event by calling // the relevant function printStartElement(xmlr); printEndElement(xmlr); printText(xmlr); printPIData(xmlr); printComment(xmlr); } } }
Tree and event-based access combinations
Events → tree
Tree → events
Events → tree
Allow us either to skip or to filter out the ”uninteresting” document part using the event monitoring and then
create memory-based tree from the ”interesting” part of a document only and that part process.
Tree → events
We create an entire document tree (and process it) and
we go through the tree than and we generate events like while reading the XML file.
It allows us easy integration of both processing types in a single application.
Virtual object models
Document DOM model is not memory places, but is created on-demand while accessing particular nodes.
combines event-based and tree-based processing advantages (speed and comfort)
There is an implementation: the Sablotron processor, http://www.xml.com/pub/a/2002/03/13/sablotron.html
Alternative tree-based models
XML Object Model (XOM)
XOM (XML Object Model) created as an one man project (author Elliote Rusty Harold).
It is an interface that strictly respect XML data logical model.
For motivation and specification see the XOM home page (http://www.xom.nu).
You can get there the open-sourceXOM implementation and
the API documentation, too.
DOM4J - practically usable tree-based model
comfortable, fast and memory efficient tree-oriented interface
designed and optimized for Java
available as open-source at http://dom4j.org
perfect ”cookbook” (http://dom4j.org/cookbook/cookbook.html) available
dom4j is powerful, seetree-based models efficiency comparison (http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/xml/library/x-injava/)