NoSQL databases
non relational databases, flexible schema
often used for big data applications, clusters
different storage structure than SQL databases
give up constraints/transactions to improve performance
low-level interface
NoSQL types
Redis, Memcached, Amazon SimpleDB…
document (JSON, XML…)
CouchDB, Elasticsearch, MongoDB…
graph / RDF triple
Virtuoso, Neo4j…
Caché, GemStone…
RDF databases / triple store
standard data model (RDF)
standardized interchange format (N-Triples, N-Quads, XML,…)
query language (SPARQL)
Linked Data
Apache Jena, Sesame/RDF4J…
RDF layer to relational database
Virtuoso, IBM DB2…
SPARQL Protocol and RDF Query Language
W3C Recommendation SPARQL 1.1, March 2013
SELECT - values as table
ASK - true/false
DESCRIBE - extract RDF graph
SPARQL example
- Ontology
ex1:FullProfessor rdf:subClassOf ex1:Professor. ex1:AssistantProfessor rdf:subClassOf ex1:Professor. ex1:Professor owl:equivalentClass ex2:Teacher
- Data
ex1:Bob rdf:type ex1:FullProfessor . ex1:Alice rdf:type ex1:AssistantProfessor . ex2:Mary rdf:type ex2:Teacher
- SPARQL query
SELECT ?x WHERE { ?x rdf:type ex1:Professor }
noone is Professor, but inferencing will find Bob, Alice, Mary
XML databases, when to use
working with documents or metadata in XML format
data format/schema changes over time
complex and variable schema
structure queries
XML database concepts
basic element = document
documents gathered in collections ("tables")
query on document structure
output is document, document fragment, or constructed XML
XML database types
XML-enabled databases
mapping XML data to own data model (relational, object…)
character large object
fragmented to series of tables/objects
stored in XML Type
ISO SQL/XML - element construction, data mapping, enhanced SQL with XQuery
Oracle, IBM DB2, MS SQL, PostgreSQL
native XML databases
using XML data model directly
XML database examples
eXist, Sedna, BaseX, MonetDB, Oracle/Berkeley DB XML
MarkLogic, Virtuoso, Qizx
- XQuery
<titles>{ for $book in collection("books")/book where $book/year="1990" return $book/title }</titles>
- XQuery Update
update delete collection("books")/book/isbn
Interface, 2
select id, vol, xmlquery('$j/name', passing journal as "j") as name from journals where xmlexists('$j[licence="CreativeCommons"]', passing journal as "j")
XSLT - output transformation
XML Schema - input validation
Interface, 3
XQJ - XQuery API for Java
unified query layer between application and XML Datasource
prepared statements
binding variables
XQDataSource xqs = new ExistXQDataSource(); XQDataSource xqs = new SednaXQDataSource(); xqs.setProperty("serverName", "localhost"); XQConnection conn = xqs.getConnection(); XQExpression xqe = conn.createExpression(); String xqueryString = "for $x in doc('books.xml')//book return $x/title/text()"; XQResultSequence rs = xqe.executeQuery(xqueryString); while( System.out.println(rs.getItemAsString(null)); conn.close();
Interface, 4
similar concept to JDBC, abstract interface to XML database
Driver - access to given database
Collection - document collection in database
Services - support database features, e.g. XPathQueryService, XUpdateQueryService
Resource - data stored in database
ResourceSet - data as result of query
compare database performance
mostly XQuery speed, less often Update
data generator (up to GBs) and a set of XQueries
XMark, XBench, XMach-1
TPoX - complex database testing, XQuery and SQL/XML, indexing, XML Schema, XQuery Update