Lecture sylabus PV260
Week 4 - The role of software architecture
Lecturer: Ondřej Krajíček, Y Soft
Date: 14. 3. 2016 at 10:00-11:40 in D2, FI MU
Basic principles of good software engineering. Software Architecture and Design. There always is an architecture - Conway’s Rule. Four principles of simple design, their relationship with refactoring and rearchitecting. KISS and YAGNI principle from Extreme Programming. SOLID and GRASP principles.
Lecture Material
Slides of the lecture download
The lecture was strongly oriented on the discussion with the students. We would like to thank both Ondřej for making the lecture highly interactive, and all the students for being very active during the discussion. From the list of most active student, one name was drawn in a lottery fashion (chosen by Stanislav Chren, under surveillance of Bara Bühnová) and awarded with a book Just Enough Software Architecture. We congratulate to the winner, who was informed via email.