ARTICLES 1) Write an article in each gap where necessary. If an article is not necessary, write a dash ( – ) Ray: Hello? Sandy: Hi, is that Ray? It’s (1) _______ Sandy. Ray: Oh, hi! How was (2) _______ film? Sandy: Great! We took (3) _______ taxi to (4) _______ cinema and (5) _______ taxi driver got lost, so we almost missed (6) _______ start. What about you? What did you do (7) _______ last night? Ray: Oh, I just stayed at (8) _______ home. I listened to (9) _______ music for a while and then watched (10) _______ news. Sandy: Oh, yes? So what’s happening in (11) _______ world? Anything I should know about? Ray: Well, I know you don’t like (12) _______ politics, but there was (13) _______ interesting report on (14) _______ Asia. It gave me (15) _______ a few ideas for (16) _______ geography essay we were talking about (17) _______ other day. Sandy: Ah, right. Anything else? Ray: Nothing important. Just that (18) _______ lead singer of your favorite band is getting married – to (19) _______ actress, (20) _______ one who was in that film… Sandy: What?! Why didn’t you tell me? I have to check this out on (21) _______ Internet! See you at (22) _______ school tomorrow. Bye! Ray: Okay, Bye. 2) Rewrite the sentences correctly, adding articles where necessary. a) We went to theater last night and saw great play, although some of acting was bit poor. b) Give me ring tomorrow before I go to work and we’ll arrange to meet at office. c) Prime minister told reporter that government wanted to pass law banning hunting. d) I asked hotel manager where pool was and she directed me to seventh floor. e) They said on news on radio that Mount Vesuvius, volcano that destroyed Pompeii, could erupt again. f) Car has revolutionized transport and is absolutely vital to economy of most countries. g) Judge read jury’s verdict aloud and then sentenced accused to five years in prison. h) Job in media can be quite stressful because of pressure you are under to do things on time. i) Very few people in 19^th century went to school or university and most started work at very young age. j) I have little free time since I gave up karate, so I’m thinking of trying new hobby, like learning to play musical instrument.