Literatura a linky
Doporučená literatura
- Michael Sipser: Introduction to the Theory of Computation, PWS Publishing Company 1996
- Sanjeev Arora, Boaz Barak: Computational Complexity: A Modern Approach. Cambridge University Press (elektronická verze knihy není úplná)
- Jose Luis Balcazar, Josep Diaz, Joaquim Gabarro: Structural Complexity I,II, Springer Verlag 1995
- Daniel Pierre Bovet, Pierluigi Crescenzi: Introducition to the Theory of Complexity, Prentice Hall 1993
- Michael R. Garey, David S. Johnson: Computers and Intractability: a Guide to the Theory of NP-completness, W.H.Freeman and Company, San Francisco, 1979
- Lane A. Hemaspaandra, Mitsumori Ogihara: The Complexity Theory Companion. Springer, 2005
- Christos H. Papadimitriou: Computational Complexity, Addison-Wesley 1994
- Uwe Schonig, Randall Pruim: Gems of Theoretical Computer Science, Springer Verlag, 1998
- Ingo Wegener: Complexity Theory (Exploring the Limits of Efficient Algorithms, Springer 2003
- Dexter Kozen: Theory of Computation. Springer 2006
- Maribel Fernández" Models of Computation. Springer 2009
On-line knihy, skriptá, weby a blogy
- Alan Turing
- The Alan Turing Year
- Gödel’s Lost Letter and P=NP
- Computational Complexity blog
- Complexity ZOO
- P versus NP page
- Ingo Wegener: The Complexity of Boolean Functions
- Johan Hastad: Complexity Theory
- Pierluigi Crescenzi and Viggo Kann: A compendium of NP optimization problems
- Raymond Greenlaw, H. James Hoover, Walter L. Ruzzo: Limits to Parallel Computation: P-Completeness Theory
- Richard Ladner: Complexity Theory Lectures
- Herbert Wilf:Algorithms and Complexity
- Oded Goldreich: Introduction to Complexity Theory
- Luca Trevisan Lecture Notes in Computational Complexity
Přehledové články
- Lance Fortnow: The Status of the P versus NP Problem (pdf na web page L. Fortnowa)
- R. E. Stearns:Juris Harmanis: the beginnings of computational complexity
- Russell Impagliazzo: A personal view of average case complexity
- Avi Widgerson: P, NP and Mathematics - a computational complexity perspective
- Scott Aaronson: Why Philosophers Should Care About Computational Complexity
- Scott Aaronson: NP-complete Problems and Physical Reality
- Michael Sipser: The History and Status of the P versus NP Question