Real-Time Scheduling Formal Model [Some parts of this lecture are based on a real-time systems course of Colin Perkins] 1 Real-Time Scheduling – Formal Model Introduce an abstract model of real-time systems abstracts away unessential details sets up consistent terminology Three components of the model A workload model that describes applications supported by the system i.e. jobs, tasks, ... A resource model that describes the system resources available to applications i.e. processors, passive resources, ... Algorithms that define how the application uses the resources at all times i.e. scheduling and resource access protocols 2 Basic Notions A job is a unit of work that is scheduled and executed by a system compute a control law, transform sensor data, etc. A task is a set of related jobs which jointly provide some system function check temperature periodically, keep a steady flow of water A job executes on a processor CPU, transmission link in a network, database server, etc. A job may use some (shared) passive resources file, database lock, shared variable etc. 3 Life Cycle of a Job READY RUN WAITING COMPL. scheduling preemption wait for a busy resource signal free resource release completed 4 Jobs – Parameters We consider finite, or countably infinte number of jobs J1, J2, . . . Each job has several parameters. There are four types of job parameters: temporal release time, execution time, deadlines functional Laxity type: hard and soft real-time preemptability, (criticality) interconnection precedence constraints resource usage of processors and passive resources 5 Job Parameters – Execution Time Execution time ei of a job Ji – the amount of time required to complete the execution of Ji when it executes alone and has all necessary resources Value of ei depends upon complexity of the job and speed of the processor on which it executes; may change for various reasons: Conditional branches Caches, pipelines, etc. ... Execution times fall into an interval [e− i , e+ i ]; we assume that we know this interval (WCET analysis) but not necessarily ei We usually validate the system using only e+ i for each job i.e. assume ei = e+ i 6 Job Parameters – Release and Response Time Release time ri – the instant in time when a job Ji becomes available for execution Release time may jitter, only an interval [r− i , r+ i ] is known A job can be executed at any time at, or after, its release time, provided its processor and resource demands are met Completion time Ci – the instant in time when a job completes its execution Response time – the difference Ci − ri between the completion time and the release time Time Ji Ji r− i r+ i Release time ri Completion time Ci Response time 7 Job Parameters – Deadlines Absolute deadline di – the instant in time by which a job must be completed Relative deadline Di – the maximum allowable response time i.e. Di = di − ri Feasible interval is the interval (ri, di] Time Ji Ji r− i r+ i Release time ri Completion time Ci Response time Absolute deadline di Rel. deadline Di A timing constraint of a job is specified using release time together with relative and absolute deadlines. 8 Laxity Type – Hard Real-Time A hard real-time constraint specifies that a job should never miss its deadline. Examples: Flight control, railway signaling, anti-lock brakes, etc. Several more precise definitions occur in literature: A timing constraint is hard if the failure to meet it is considered a fatal error e.g. a bomb is dropped too late and hits civilians A timing constraint is hard if the usefulness of the results falls off abruptly (may even become negative) at the deadline Here the nature of abruptness allows to soften the constraint Definition 1 A timing constraint is hard if the user requires formal validation that the job meets its timing constraint. 9 Laxity Type – Soft Real-Time A soft real-time constraint specifies that a job could occasionally miss its deadline Examples: stock trading, multimedia, etc. Several more precise definitions occur in literature: A timing constraint is soft if the failure to meet it is undesirable but acceptable if the probability is low A timing constraint is soft if the usefulness of the results decreases at a slower rate with tardiness of the job e.g. the probability that a response time exceeds 50 ms is less than 0.2 Definition 2 A timing constraint is soft if either validation is not required, or only a demonstration that a statistical constraint is met suffices. 10 Jobs – Preemptability Jobs may be interrupted by higher priority jobs A job is preemptable if its execution can be interrupted A job is non-preemptable if it must run to completion once started (Some preemptable jobs have periods during which they cannot be preempted) The context switch time is the time to switch between jobs (Most of the time we assume that this time is negligible) Reasons for preemptability: Jobs may have different levels of criticality e.g. brakes vs radio tunning Priorities may make part of scheduling algorithm e.g. resource access control algorithms 11 Jobs – Precedence Constraints Jobs may be constrained to execute in a particular order This is known as a precedence constraint A job Ji is a predecessor of another job Jk and Jk a successor of Ji (denoted by Ji < Jk ) if Jk cannot begin execution until the execution of Ji completes Ji is an immediate predecessor of Jk if Ji < Jk and there is no other job Jj such that Ji < Jj < Jk Ji and Jk are independent when neither Ji < Jk nor Jk < Ji A job with a precedence constraint becomes ready for execution when its release time has passed and when all predecessors have completed. Example: authentication before retrieving an information, a signal processing task in radar surveillance system precedes a tracker task 12 Tasks – Modeling Reactive Systems Reactive systems – run for unlimited amount of time A system parameter: number of tasks may be known in advance (flight control) may change during computation (air traffic control) We consider three types of tasks Periodic – jobs executed at regular intervals, hard deadlines Aperiodic – jobs executed in random intervals, soft deadlines Sporadic – jobs executed in random intervals, hard deadlines ... precise definitions later. 13 Processors A processor, P, is an active component on which jobs are scheduled The general case considered in literature: m processors P1, . . . , Pm, each Pi has its type and speed. We mostly concentrate on single processor scheduling Efficient scheduling algorithms In a sense subsumes multiprocessor scheduling where tasks are assigned statically to individual processors i.e. all jobs of every task are assigned to a single processor Multi-processor scheduling is a rich area of current research, we touch it only lightly (later). 14 Resources A resource, R, is a passive entity upon which jobs may depend In general, we consider n resources R1, . . . , Rn of distinct types Each Ri is used in a mutually exclusive manner A job that acquires a free resource locks the resource Jobs that need a busy resource have to wait until the resource is released Once released, the resource may be used by another job (i.e. it is not consumed) (More generally, each resource may be used by k jobs concurrently, i.e., there are k units of the resource) Resource requirements of a job specify which resources are used by the job the time interval(s) during which each resource is required (precise definitions later) 15 Scheduling Schedule assigns, in every time instant, processors and resources to jobs. More formally, a schedule is a function σ : {J1, . . .} × R+ 0 → P({P1, . . . , Pm, R1, . . . , Rn}) so that for every t ∈ R+ 0 there are rational 0 ≤ t1 ≤ t ≤ t2 such that σ(Ji, ·) is constant on [t1, t2). (We also assume that there is the least time quantum in which scheduler does not change its decisions, i.e. each of the intervals [t1, t2) is larger than a fixed ε > 0.) 16 Valid and Feasible Schedule A schedule is valid if it satisfies the following conditions: Every processor is assigned to at most one job at any time Every job is assigned to at most one processor at any time No job is scheduled before its release time The total amount of processor time assigned to a given job is equal to its actual execution time All the precedence and resource usage constraints are satisfied A schedule is feasible if all jobs with hard real-time constraints complete before their deadlines A set of jobs is schedulable if there is a feasible schedule for the set. 17 Scheduling – Algorithms Scheduling algorithm computes a schedule for a set of jobs A set of jobs is schedulable according to a scheduling algorithm if the algorithm produces a feasible schedule Sometimes efficiency of scheduling algorithms is measured using a cost function: the maximum/average response time the maximum/average lateness – the difference between the completion time and the absolute deadline, i.e. Ci − di miss rate – the percentage of jobs that are executed but completed too late ... Definition 3 A scheduling algorithm is optimal if it always produces a feasible schedule whenever such a schedule exists, and if a cost function is given, minimizes the cost. 18 Real-Time Scheduling Individual Jobs 19 Scheduling of Individual Jobs We start with scheduling of finite sets of jobs {J1, . . . , Jm} for execution on single processor systems Each Ji has a release time ri, an execution time ei and a relative deadline Di. We assume hard real-time constraints The question: Is there an optimal scheduling algorithm? We proceed in the direction of growing generality: 1. No resources, independent, synchronized (i.e. ri = 0 for all i) 2. No resources, independent but not synchronized 3. No resources but possibly dependent 4. The general case 20 No resources, Independent, Synchronized J1 J2 J3 J4 J5 ei 1 1 1 3 2 di 3 10 7 8 5 Is there a feasible schedule? Minimize maximal lateness. Note: Preemption does not help in synchronized case Theorem 4 If there are no resource contentions, then executing independent jobs in the order of non-decreasing deadline (EDD) produces a feasible schedule (if it exists) and minimizes the maximal lateness (always). Proof. Any feasible schedule σ can be transformed in finitely many steps to EDD schedule whose lateness is ≤ the lateness of σ (whiteboard). Is there any simple schedulability test? {J1, . . . , Jn} where d1 ≤ · · · ≤ dn is schedulable iff ∀i ∈ {1, . . . , n} : i k=1 ek ≤ di 21 No resources, Independent (No Synchro) J1 J2 J3 ri 0 0 2 ei 1 2 2 di 2 5 4 find a (feasible) schedule (with and without preemption) determine response time of each job in your schedule determine lateness of each job in your schedule (is the maximal lateness minimized?) Recall that lateness of Ji is equal to Ci − di Preemption makes a difference 22 No resources, Independent (No Synchro) Earliest Deadline First (EDF) scheduling: At any time instant, a job with the earliest absolute deadline is executed Here EDF works in the preemptive case but not in the non-preemptive one. J1 J2 ri 0 1 ei 4 2 di 7 5 23 No Resources, Dependent (No Synchro) Theorem 5 If there are no resource contentions, jobs are independent and preemption is allowed, the EDF algorithm finds a feasible schedule (if it exists) and minimizes the maximal lateness. Proof. We show that any feasible schedule σ can be transformed in finitely many steps to EDF schedule which is feasible and whose lateness is ≤ the lateness of σ. Let σ be a feasible schedule but not EDF. Assume, w.l.o.g., that for every k ∈ N at most one job is executed in the interval [k, k + 1) and that all release times and deadlines are in N. (Otherwise rescale by the least common multiple.) 24 No Resources, Dependent (No Synchro) Proof cont. We say that σ violates EDF at k if there are two jobs Ja and Jb that satisfy: Jb is executed in [k, k + 1) Ja is executed in [ , + 1) for > k da < db We say that Ja and Jb witness the violation. Let k ∈ N be the least time instant such that σ violates EDF at k as witnessed by jobs Ja and Jb. Assume, w.l.o.g. that Ja has the minimum deadline among all jobs ready for execution at k. Let us define a new schedule σ which is the same as σ except: executes Ja in [k, k + 1) executes Jb in [ , + 1) Then σ does not violate EDF at any k ≤ k. So finitely many transformations transform any feasible schedule to EDF. 25 No resources, Independent (No Synchro) The non-preemptive case is NP-hard. Heuristics are needed, such as the Spring algorithm, that usually work in much more general setting (with resources etc.) Use the notion of partial schedule where only a subset of tasks has been scheduled. Exhaustive search through partial schedules start with an empty schedule in every step either add a job which maximizes a heuristic function H among jobs that have not yet been tried in this partial schedule or backtrack if there is no such a job After failure, backtrack to previous partial schedule Heuristic function identifies plausible jobs to be scheduled (earliest release, earliest deadline, etc.) 26 No resources, Dependent (No Synchro) Theorem 6 Assume that there are no resource contentions and jobs are preemptable. There is a polynomial time algorithm which decides whether a feasible schedule exists and if yes, then computes one. Idea: Reduce to independent jobs by changing release times and deadlines. Then use EDF. Observe that if Ji < Jk then replacing rk with max{rk , ri + ei} (Jk cannot be scheduled for execution before ri + ei because Ji cannot be finished before ri + ei) di with min{di, dk − ek } (Ji must be finished before dk − ek so that Jk can be finished before dk ) does not change feasibility. Replace systematically according to the precedence relation. 27 No Resources, Dependent (No Synchro) Define r∗ k , d∗ k systematically as follows: Pick Jk whose all predecessors have been processed and compute r∗ k := max{rk , maxJi UALG, then there is T with UT ≤ U that is not schedulable by ALG. 72 Utilization – Example T1 = (2, 1) then u1 = 1 2 T1 = (11, 5, 2, 4) then u1 = 2 5 (i.e., the phase and deadline do not play any role) T = {T1, T2, T3} where T1 = (2, 1), T2 = (6, 1), T3 = (8, 3) then UT = 1 2 + 1 6 + 3 8 = 25 24 73 Real-Time Scheduling Priority-Driven Scheduling Dynamic-Priority 74 Optimality of EDF Theorem 10 Let T = {T1, . . . , Tn} be a set of independent, preemptable periodic tasks with Di ≥ pi for i = 1, . . . , n. The following statements are equivalent: 1. T can be feasibly scheduled on one processor 2. UT ≤ 1 3. T is schedulable using EDF (i.e., in particular, UEDF = 1) Proof. 1.⇒2. We prove that UT > 1 implies that T is not schedulable 2.⇒3. Next slides and whiteboard ... 3.⇒1. Trivial 75 Proof of 1.⇒2. Assume that UT = N i=1 ei pi > 1. Consider a time instant t > maxi ϕi (i.e. a time when all tasks are already "running") Observe that the number of jobs of Ti that are released in the time interval [0, t] is t−ϕi pi . Thus a single processor needs n i=1 t−ϕi pi · ei time units to finish all jobs released before or at t. However, n i=1 t − ϕi pi ·ei ≥ n i=1 (t−ϕi)· ei pi = n i=1 tui−ϕiui = n i=1 tui− n i=1 ϕiui = t·UT − n i=1 ϕiui Here n i=1 ϕiui does not depend on t. Note that limt→∞ t · UT − n i=1 ϕiui − t = ∞. So there exists t such that t · UT − n i=1 ϕiui > t + maxi Di. So in order to complete all jobs released before time t we need more time than t + maxi Di. However, the latest deadline of a job released before t is t + maxi Di. So at least one job misses its deadline. 76 Proof of 2.⇒3. – Simplified Let us start with a proof of a special case (see the assumptions A1 and A2 below). Then a complete proof will be presented. We prove ¬3.⇒ ¬2. assuming that Di = pi for i = 1, . . . , n. (Note that the general case immediately follows.) Assume that T is not schedulable according to EDF. (Our goal is to show that UT > 1.) This means that there must be at least one job that misses its deadline when EDF is used. Simplifying assumptions: A1 Suppose that all tasks are in phase, i.e. the phase ϕ = 0 for every task T . A2 Suppose that the first job Ji,1 of a task Ti misses its deadline. By A1, Ji,1 is released at 0 and misses its deadline at pi. Assume w.l.o.g. that this is the first time when a job misses its deadline. (To simplify even further, you may (privately) assume that no other job has its deadline at pi.) 77 Proof of 2.⇒3. – Simplified Let G be the set of all jobs that are released in [0, pi] and have their deadlines in [0, pi]. Crucial observations: G contains Ji,1 and all jobs that preempt Ji,1. (If there are more jobs with deadline pi, then these jobs do not have to preempt Ji,1. Assume the worst case: all these jobs preempt Ji,1.) The processor is never idle during [0, pi] and executes only jobs of G. Denote by EG the total execution time of G, that is, the sum of execution times of all jobs in G. Corollary of the crucial observation: EG > pi because otherwise Ji,1 (and all jobs that preempt it) would complete by pi. Let us compute EG. 78 Proof of 2.⇒3. – Simplified Since we assume ϕ = 0 for every T , the first job of T is released at 0, and thus pi p jobs of T belong to G. E.g., if p = 2 and pi = 5 then three jobs of T are released in [0, 5] (at times 0, 2, 4) but only 2 = 5 2 = pi p of them have their deadlines in [0, pi]. Thus the total execution time EG of all jobs in G is EG = n =1 pi p e But then pi < EG = n =1 pi p e ≤ n =1 pi p e ≤ pi n =1 u ≤ pi · UT which implies that UT > 1. 79 Proof of 2.⇒3. – Complete Now let us drop the simplifying assumptions A1 and A2 ! Notation: Given a set of tasks L, we denote by L the set of all jobs of the tasks in L. We prove ¬3.⇒ ¬2. assuming that Di = pi for i = 1, . . . , n (note that the general case immediately follows). Assume that T is not schedulable by EDF. We show that UT > 1. Suppose that a job Ji,k of Ti misses its deadline at time t = ri,k + pi. Assume that this is the earliest deadline miss. Let T be the set of all tasks whose jobs have deadlines (and thus also release times) in [ri,k , t] (i.e., a task belongs to T iff at least one job of the task is released in [ri,k , t]). Let t− be the end of the latest interval before t in which either jobs of (T T ) are executed, or the processor is idle. Then ri,k ≥ t− since all jobs of (T T ) waiting for execution during [ri,k , t] have deadlines later than t (thus have lower priorities than Ji,k ). 80 Proof of 2.⇒3. – Complete (cont.) It follows that no job of (T T ) is executed in [t−, t], (by definition of t−) the processor is fully utilized in [t−, t]. (by definition of t−) all jobs (that all must belong to T ) executed in [t−, t] are released in [t−, t] and have their deadlines in [t−, t] since no job of T executes just before t−, all jobs of T released in [t−, ri,k ] have deadlines before t, jobs of T released in [ri,k , t] with deadlines after t are not executed in [ri,k , t] as they have lower priorities than Ji,k . Let G be the set of all jobs that are released in [t−, t] and have their deadlines in [t−, t]. Note that Ji,k ∈ G since ri,k ≥ t−. Denote by EG the sum of all execution times of all jobs in G (the total execution time of G). 81 Proof of 2.⇒3. – Complete (cont.) Now EG > t − t− because otherwise Ji,k would complete in [t−, t]. How to compute EG? For T ∈ T , denote by R the earliest release time of a job in T during the interval [t−, t]. For every T ∈ T , exactly t−R p jobs of T belong to G. (For every T ∈ T T , exactly 0 jobs belong to G.) Thus EG = T ∈T t − R p e As argued above: t−t− < EG = T ∈T t − R p e ≤ T ∈T t − t− p e ≤ (t−t−) T ∈T u ≤ (t−t−)UT which implies that UT > 1. 82 Density and EDF What about tasks with Di < pi ? Density of a task Ti with period pi, execution time ei and relative deadline Di is defined by ei/ min(Di, pi) Total density ∆T of a set of tasks T is the sum of densities of tasks in T Note that if Di < pi for some i, then ∆T > UT Theorem 11 A set T of independent, preemptable, periodic tasks can be feasibly scheduled on one processor if ∆T ≤ 1. Note that this is NOT a necessary condition! (Example whiteb.) 83 Schedulability Test For EDF The problem: Given a set of independent, preemptable, periodic tasks T = {T1, . . . , Tn} where each Ti has a period pi, execution time ei, and relative deadline Di, decide whether T is schedulable by EDF. Solution using utilization and density: If pi ≤ Di for each i, then it suffices to decide whether UT ≤ 1. Otherwise, decide whether ∆T ≤ 1: If yes, then T is schedulable with EDF If not, then T does not have to be schedulable Note that Phases of tasks do not have to be specified Parameters may vary: increasing periods or deadlines, or decreasing execution times does not prevent schedulability 84 Schedulability Test for EDF – Example Consider a digital robot controller A control-law computation takes no more than 8 ms the sampling rate: 100 Hz, i.e. computes every 10 ms Feasible? Trivially yes .... Add Built-In Self-Test (BIST) maximum execution time 50 ms want a minimal period that is feasible (max one second) With 250 ms still feasible .... Add a telemetry task maximum execution time 15 ms want to minimize the deadline on telemetry period may be large Reducing BIST to once a second, deadline on telemetry may be set to 100 ms .... 85 Real-Time Scheduling Priority-Driven Scheduling Fixed-Priority 86 Fixed-Priority Algorithms Recall that we consider a set of n tasks T = {T1, . . . , Tn} Any fixed-priority algorithm schedules tasks of T according to fixed (distinct) priorities assigned to tasks. We write Ti Tj whenever Ti has a higher priority than Tj. To simplify our reasoning, assume that all tasks are in phase, i.e. ϕk = 0 for all Tk . We will remove this assumption at the end. 87 Fixed-Priority Algorithms – Reminder Recall that Fixed-Priority Algorithms do not have to be optimal. Consider T = {T1, T2} where T1 = (2, 1) and T2 = (5, 2.5) UT = 1 and thus T is schedulable by EDF If T1 T2, then J2,1 misses its deadline If T2 T1, then J1,1 misses its deadline We consider the following algorithms: RM = assigns priorities to tasks based on their periods the priority is inversely proportional to the period pi DM = assigns priorities to tasks based on their relative deadlines the priority is inversely proportional to the relative deadline Di (In all cases, ties are broken arbitrarily.) We consider the following questions: Are the algorithms optimal? How to efficiently (or even online) test for schedulability? 88 Maximum Response Time Which job of a task Ti has the maximum response time? As all tasks are in phase, the first job of Ti is released together with (first) jobs of all tasks that have higher priority than Ti. This means, that Ji,1 is the most preempted of jobs in Ti. It follows, that Ji,1 has the maximum response time. Note that this relies heavily on the assumption that tasks are in phase! Thus in order to decide whether T is schedulable, it suffices to test for schedulability of the first jobs of all tasks. 89 Optimality of RM for Simply Periodic Tasks Definition 12 A set {T1, . . . , Tn} is simply periodic if for every pair Ti, T satisfying pi > p we have that pi is an integer multiple of p Example 13 The helicopter control system from the first lecture. Theorem 14 A set T of n simply periodic, independent, preemptable tasks with Di = pi is schedulable on one processor according to RM iff UT ≤ 1. i.e. on simply periodic tasks RM is as good as EDF Note: Theorem 14 is true in general, no "in phase" assumption is needed. 90 Proof of Theorem 14 By Theorem 10, every schedulable set T satisfies UT ≤ 1. We prove that if T is not schedulable according to RM, then UT > 1. Assume that a job Ji,1 of Ti misses its deadline at Di = pi. W.l.o.g., we assume that T1 · · · Tn according to RM. Let us compute the total execution time of Ji,1 and all jobs that preempt it: E = ei + n =i+1 pi p e = n =i pi p e = pi n =i u ≤ pi n =1 u = piUT Now E > pi because otherwise Ji,1 meets its deadline. Thus pi < E ≤ piUT and we obtain UT > 1. 91 Optimality of DM (RM) among Fixed-Priority Algs. Theorem 15 A set of independent, preemptable periodic tasks with Di ≤ pi that are in phase (i.e., ϕi = 0 for all i = 1, . . . , n) can be feasibly scheduled on one processor according to DM if it can be feasibly scheduled by some fixed-priority algorithm. Proof. Assume a fixed-priority feasible schedule with T1 · · · Tn. Consider the least i such that the relative deadline Di of Ti is larger than the relative deadline Di+1 of Ti+1. Swap the priorities of Ti and Ti+1. The resulting schedule is still feasible. DM is obtained by using finitely many swaps. Note: If the assumptions of the above theorem hold and all relative deadlines are equal to periods, then RM is optimal among all fixed-priority algorithms. Note: no "in phase" assumption is needed here. 92 Fixed-Priority Algorithms: Schedulability We consider two schedulability tests: Schedulable utilization URM of the RM algorithm. Time-demand analysis based on response times. 93 Schedulable Utilization for RM Theorem 16 Let us fix n ∈ N and consider only independent, preemptable periodic tasks with Di = pi. If T is a set of n tasks satisfying UT ≤ n(21/n − 1), then UT is schedulable according to the RM algorithm. For every U > n(21/n − 1) there is a set T of n tasks satisfying UT ≤ U that is not schedulable by RM. Note: Theorem 16 holds in general, no "in phase" assumption is needed. 94 Schedulable Utilization for RM It follows that the maximum schedulable utilization URM over independent, preemptable periodic tasks satisfies URM = inf n n(21/n − 1) = lim n→∞ n(21/n − 1) = ln 2 ≈ 0.693 Note that UT ≤ n(21/n − 1) is a sufficient but not necessary condition for schedulability of T using the RM algorithm (an example will be given later) We say that a set of tasks T is RM-schedulable if it is schedulable according to RM. We say that T is RM-infeasible if it is not RM-schedulable. 95 Proof – Special Case To simplify, we restrict to two tasks and always assume p2 ≤ 2p1. (the latter condition is w.l.o.g., proof omitted) Outline: Given p1, p2, e1, denote by max_e2 the maximum execution time so that T = {(p1, e1), (p2, max_e2)} is RM-schedulable. We define Up1,p2 e1 to be UT where T = {(p1, e1), (p2, max_e2)}. We say that T fully utilizes the processor, any increase in an execution time causes RM-infeasibility. Now we find the (global) minimum minU of Up1,p2 e1 . Note that this suffices to obtain the desired result: Given a set of tasks T = {(p1, e1), (p2, e2)} satisfying UT ≤ minU we get UT ≤ minU ≤ Up1,p2 e1 , and thus the execution time e2 cannot be larger than max_e2. Thus, T is RM-schedulable. Given U > minU, there must be p1, p2, e1 satisfying minU ≤ Up1,p2 e1 < U where Up1,p2 e1 = UT for a set of tasks T = {(p1, e1), (p2, max_e2)}. However, now increasing e1 by a sufficiently small ε > 0 makes the set RM-infeasible without making utilization larger than U. 96 Proof – Special Case (Cont.) Consider two cases depending on e1: 1. e1 < p2 − p1 : Maximum RM-feasible max_e2 (with p1, p2, e1 fixed) is p2 − 2e1. Which gives the utilization Up1,p2 e1 = e1 p1 + max_e2 p2 = e1 p1 + p2 − 2e1 p2 = e1 p1 + p2 p2 − 2e1 p2 = 1 + e1 p2 p2 p1 − 2 As p2 p1 − 2 ≤ 0, the utilization Up1,p2 e1 is minimized by maximizing e1. 2. e1 ≥ p2 − p1 : Maximum RM-feasible max_e2 (with p1, p2, e1 fixed) is p1 − e1. Which gives the utilization Up1,p2 e1 = e1 p1 + max_e2 p2 = e1 p1 + p1 − e1 p2 = e1 p1 + p1 p2 − e1 p2 = p1 p2 + e1 p2 p2 p1 − 1 As p2 p1 − 1 ≥ 0, the utilization Up1,p2 e1 is minimized by minimizing e1. The minimum of Up1,p2 e1 is attained at e1 = p2 − p1. (Both expressions defining U p1,p2 e1 give the same value for e1 = p2 − p1.) 97 Proof – Special Case (Cont.) Substitute e1 = p2 − p1 into the expression for Up1,p2 e1 : Up1,p2 p2−p1 = p1 p2 + p2 − p1 p2 p2 p1 − 1 = p1 p2 + 1 − p1 p2 p2 p1 − 1 = p1 p2 + p1 p2 p2 p1 − 1 p2 p1 − 1 = p1 p2  1 + p2 p1 − 1 2  Denoting G = p2 p1 − 1 we obtain Up1,p2 p2−p1 = p1 p2 (1 + G2 ) = 1 + G2 p2/p1 = 1 + G2 1 + G Differentiating w.r.t. G we get G2 + 2G − 1 (1 + G)2 which attains minimum at G = −1 ± √ 2. Here only G = −1 + √ 2 > 0 is acceptable since the other root is negative. 98 Proof – Special Case (Cont.) Thus the minimum value of Up1,p2 e1 is 1 + ( √ 2 − 1)2 1 + ( √ 2 − 1) = 4 − 2 √ 2 √ 2 = 2( √ 2 − 1) It is attained at periods satisfying G = p2 p1 − 1 = √ 2 − 1 i.e. satisfying p2 = √ 2p1. The execution time e1 which at full utilization of the processor (due to max_e2) gives the minimum utilization is e1 = p2 − p1 = ( √ 2 − 1)p1 and the corresponding max_e2 = p1 − e1 = p1 − (p2 − p1) = 2p1 − p2. Scaling to p1 = 1, we obtain a completely determined example p1 = 1 p2 = √ 2 ≈ 1.41 e1 = √ 2−1 ≈ 0.41 max_e2 = 2− √ 2 ≈ 0.59 that fully utilizes the processor (no execution time can be increased) but has the minimum utilization 2( √ 2 − 1). 99 Proof Idea of Theorem 16 Fix periods p1 < · · · < pn so that (w.l.o.g.) pn ≤ 2p1. Then the following set of tasks has the smallest utilization among all task sets that fully utilize the processor (i.e., any increase in any execution time makes the set unschedulable). 0 p1 2p1 0 p2 0 p3 0 pn−1 0 pn ... T3 T2 T1 Tn Tn−1 ek = pk+1 − pk for k = 1, . . . , n − 1 en = pn − 2 n−1 k=1 ek = 2p1 − pn 100 Time-Demand Analysis Consider a set of n tasks T = {T1, . . . , Tn}. Recall that we consider only independent, preemptable, in phase (i.e. ϕi = 0 for all i) tasks without resource contentions. Assume that Di ≤ pi for every i, and consider an arbitrary fixed-priority algorithm. W.l.o.g. assume T1 · · · Tn. Idea: For every task Ti and every time instant t ≥ 0, compute the total execution time wi(t) (the time demand) of the first job Ji,1 and of all higher-priority jobs released up to time t. If wi(t) ≤ t for some time t ≤ Di, then Ji,1 is schedulable, and hence all jobs of Ti are schedulable. 101 Time-Demand Analysis Consider one task Ti at a time, starting with highest priority and working to lowest priority. Focus on the first job Ji,1 of Ti. If Ji,1 makes it, all jobs of Ti will make it due to ϕi = 0. At time t for t ≥ 0, the processor time demand wi(t) for this job and all higher-priority jobs released in [0, t] is bounded by wi(t) = ei + i−1 =1 t p e for 0 < t ≤ pi (Note that the smallest t for which wi(t) ≤ t is the response time of Ji,1, and hence the maximum response time of jobs in Ti). If wi(t) ≤ t for some t ≤ Di, the job Ji,1 meets its deadline Di. If wi(t) > t for all 0 < t ≤ Di, then the first job of the task cannot complete by its deadline. 102 Time-Demand Analysis – Example Example: T1 = (3, 1), T2 = (5, 1.5), T3 = (7, 1.25), T4 = (9, 0.5) This is schedulable by RM even though U{T1,...,T4} = 0.85 > 0.757 = URM(4) 103 Time-Demand Analysis The time-demand function wi(t) is a staircase function Steps in the time-demand for a task occur at multiples of the period for higher-priority tasks The value of wi(t) − t linearly decreases from a step until the next step If our interest is the schedulability of a task, it suffices to check if wi(t) ≤ t at the time instants when a higher-priority job is released and at Di Our schedulability test becomes: Compute wi(t) Check whether wi(t) ≤ t for some t equal either to Di, or to j · pk where k = 1, 2, . . . , i and j = 1, 2, . . . , Di/pk 104 Time-Demand Analysis – Comments Time-demand analysis schedulability test is more complex than the schedulable utilization test but more general: Works for any fixed-priority scheduling algorithm, provided the tasks have short response time (Di ≤ pi) Can be extended to tasks with arbitrary deadlines Still more efficient than exhaustive simulation. Assuming that the tasks are in phase the time demand analysis is complete. We have considered the time demand analysis for tasks in phase. In particular, we used the fact that the first job has the maximum response time. This is not true if the jobs are not in phase, we need to identify the so called critical instant, the time instant in which the system is most loaded, and has its worst response time. 105 Critical Instant – Formally Definition 17 A critical instant tcrit of a task Ti is a time instant in which a job Ji,k in Ti is released so that Ji,k either does not meet its deadline, or has the maximum response time of all jobs in Ti. Theorem 18 In a fixed-priority system where every job completes before the next job in the same task is released, a critical instant of a task Ti occurs when one of its jobs Ji,k is released at the same time with a job from every higher-priority task. Note that the situation described in the theorem does not have to occur if tasks are not in phase! 106 Critical Instant and Schedulability Tests We use critical instants to get upper bounds on schedulability as follows: Set phases of all tasks to zero, which gives a new set of tasks T = {T1 , . . . , Tn} By Theorem 18, the response time of the first job Ji,1 of T1 in T is at least as large as the response time of every job of Ti in T . Decide schedulability of T , e.g. using the timed-demand analysis. If T if schedulable, then also T is schedulable. If T is not schedulable, then T does not have to be schedulable. But may be schedulable, which make the time-demand analysis incomplete in general for tasks not in phase. 107 Dynamic vs Fixed Priority EDF pros: optimal very simple and complete test for schedulability cons: difficult to predict which job misses its deadline strictly following EDF in case of overloads assigns higher priority to jobs that missed their deadlines larger scheduling overhead DM (RM) pros: easier to predict which job misses its deadline (in particular, tasks are not blocked by lower priority tasks) easy implementation with little scheduling overhead (optimal in some cases often occurring in practice) cons: not optimal incomplete and more involved tests for schedulability 108 Real-Time Scheduling Priority-Driven Scheduling Aperiodic Tasks 109 Current Assumptions Single processor Fixed number, n, of independent periodic tasks Jobs can be preempted at any time and never suspend themselves No resource contentions Aperiodic jobs exist They are independent of each other, and of the periodic tasks They can be preempted at any time There are no sporadic jobs (for now) Jobs are scheduled using a priority driven algorithm 110 Scheduling Aperiodic Jobs Consider: A set T = {T1, . . . , Tn} of periodic tasks An aperiodic task A Recall that: A schedule is feasible if all jobs with hard real-time constraints complete before their deadlines ⇒ This includes all periodic jobs A scheduling algorithm is optimal if it always produces a feasible schedule whenever such a schedule exists, and if a cost function is given, minimizes the cost We assume that the periodic tasks are scheduled using a priority-driven algorithm 111 Background Scheduling of Aperiodic Jobs Aperiodic jobs are scheduled and executed only at times when there are no periodic jobs ready for execution Advantages Clearly produces feasible schedules Extremely simple to implement Disadvantages Not optimal since the execution of aperiodic jobs may be unnecessarily delayed Example: T1 = (3, 1), T2 = (10, 4) 112 Polled Execution of Aperiodic Jobs We may use a polling server A periodic job (ps, es) scheduled according to the periodic algorithm, generally as the highest priority job When executed, it examines the aperiodic job queue If an aperiodic job is in the queue, it is executed for up to es time units If the aperiodic queue is empty, the polling server self-suspends, giving up its execution slot The server does not wake-up once it has self-suspended, aperiodic jobs which become active during a period are not considered for execution until the next period begins Simple to prove correctness, performance less than ideal – executes aperiodic jobs in particular timeslots 113 Polled Execution of Aperiodic Jobs Example: T1 = (3, 1), T2 = (10, 4), poller = (2.5, 0.5) Can we do better? Yes, polling server is a special case of periodic-server for aperiodic jobs. 114 Periodic Severs – Terminology periodic server = a task that behaves much like a periodic task, but is created for the purpose of executing aperiodic jobs A periodic server, TS = (pS, eS) pS is a period of the server eS is the (maximal) budget of the server The budget can be consumed and replenished; the budget is exhausted when it reaches 0 (Periodic servers differ in how they consume and replenish the budget) A periodic server is backlogged whenever the aperiodic job queue is non-empty idle if the queue is empty eligible if it is backlogged and the budget is not exhausted When a periodic server is eligible, it is scheduled as any other periodic task with parameters (pS, eS) 115 Periodic Severs Each periodic server is thus specified by consumption rules: How the budget is consumed replenishment rules: When and how the budget is replenished Polling server consumption rules: Whenever the server executes, the budget is consumed at the rate one per unit time. Whenever the server becomes idle, the budget gets immediately exhausted replenishment rule: At each time instant k · pS replenish the budget to eS 116 Periodic Severs Deferrable sever Consumption rules: The budget is consumed at the rate of one per unit time whenever the server executes Unused budget is retained throughout the period, to be used whenever there are aperiodic jobs to execute (i.e. instead of discarding the budget if no aperiodic job to execute at start of period, keep in the hope a job arrives) Replenishment rule: The budget is set to eS at multiples of the period i.e. time instants k · pS for k = 0, 1, 2, . . . (Note that the server is not able tu cumulate the budget over periods) We consider both Fixed-priority scheduling Dynamic-priority scheduling (EDF) 117 Deferrable Server – RM Here the tasks are scheduled using RM. Is it possible to increase the budget of the server to 1.5 ? 118 Deferrable Server – RM Consider T1 = (3.5, 1.5), T2 = (6.5, 0.5) and TDS = (3, 1) A critical instant for T1 = (3.5, 1.5) looks as follows: i.e. increasing the budget above 1 may cause T1 to miss its deadline 119 Deferrable Server – Critical Instant Lemma 19 Assume a fixed-priority scheduling algorithm. Assume that Di ≤ pi and that the deferrable server (pS, eS) has the highest priority among all tasks. Then a critical instant of every periodic task Ti occurs at a time t0 when all of the following are true: One of its jobs Ji,c is released at t0 A job in every higher-priority periodic task is released at t0 The budget of the server is eS at t0, one or more aperiodic jobs are released at t0, and they keep the server backlogged hereafter The next replenishment time of the server is t0 + eS 120 Deferrable Server – Critical Instant Assume TDS T1 T2 · · · Tn (i.e. T1 has the highest pririty and Tn lowest) 121 Deferrable Server – Time Demand Analysis Assume that the deferrable server has the highest priority The definition of critical instant is identical to that for the periodic tasks without the deferrable server + the worst-case requirements for the server Thus the expression for the time-demand function becomes wi(t) = ei + i−1 k=1 t pk ek +eS + t − eS pS eS for 0 < t ≤ pi To determine whether the task Ti is schedulable, we simply check whether wi(t) ≤ t for some t ≤ Di Note that this is a sufficient condition, not necessary. Check whether wi(t) ≤ t for some t equal either to Di, or to j · pk where k = 1, 2, . . . , i and j = 1, 2, . . . , Di/pk , or to eS, eS + pS, eS + 2pS, . . . , eS + (Di − ei)/pS pS 122 Deferrable Server – Time Demand Analysis TDS = (3, 1.0), T1 = (3.5, 1.5), T2 = (6.5, 0.5) 123 Deferrable Server – Schedulable Utilization No maximum schedulable utilization is known in general A special case: A set T of n independent, preemptable periodic tasks whose periods satisfy pS < p1 < · · · < pn < 2pS and pn > pS + eS and whose relative deadlines are equal to their respective periods, can be scheduled according to RM with a deferrable server provided that UT ≤ URM/DS(n) := (n − 1)   uS + 2 uS + 1 1 n−1 − 1   where uS = eS/pS 124 Deferrable Server – EDF Here the tasks are scheduled using EDF. TDS = (3, 1), T1 = (2, 3.5, 1.5), T2 = (6.5, 0.5) 125 Deferrable Server – EDF – Schedulability Theorem 20 A set of n independent, preemptable, periodic tasks satisfying pi ≤ Di for all 1 ≤ i ≤ n is schedulable with a deferrable server with period pS, execution budget eS and utilization uS = eS/pS according to the EDF algorithm if: n k=1 uk + uS 1 + pS − eS mini Di ≤ 1 126 Sporadic Server – Motivation Problem with polling server: TPS = (pS, eS) executes aperiodic tasks at the multiples of pS Problem with deferrable server: TDS = (pS, eS) may delay lower priority jobs longer than periodic task (pS, eS) Therefore special version of time-demand analysis and utilization bounds were needed. Sporadic server TSS = (eS, pS) may execute jobs “in the middle” of its period never delays periodic tasks for longer time than the periodic task (pS, eS) Thus can be tested for schedulability as an ordinary periodic task. Originally proposed by Sprunt, Sha, Lehoczky in 1989 original version contains a bug which allows longer delay of lower priority jobs Part of POSIX standard also incorrect as observed and (probably) corrected by Stanovich in 2010 127 Very Simple Sporadic Server For simplicity, we consider only fixed priority scheduling, i.e. assume T1 T2 · · · Tn and consider a sporadic server TSS = (pS, eS) with the highest priority Notation: tr = the latest replenishment time tf = first instant after tr at which server begins to execute nr = a variable representing the next replenishment Consumption rule: The budget is consumed (at the rate of one per unit time) whenever the current time t satisfies t ≥ tf Replenishment rules: At the beginning, tr = nr = 0 Whenever the current time is equal to nr , the budget is set to eS and tr is set to the current time At the first instant tf after tr at which the server starts executing, nr is set to tf + pS (Note that such server resembles a periodic task with the highest priority whose jobs are released at times tf and execution times are at most eS ) 128 Very Simple Sporadic/Background Server New notation: tr = the latest replenishment time tf = first instant after tr at which server begins to execute and at least one task of T is not idle nr = a variable representing the next replenishment Consumption rule: The budget is consumed (at the rate of one per unit time) whenever the current time t satisfies t ≥ tf and at least one task of T is not idle Replenishment rules: At the beginning, tr = nr = 0 Whenever the current time is equal to nr , the budget is set to eS and tr is set to the current time At the beginning of an idle interval of T , the budget is set to eS and nr is set to the end of this interval At the first instant tf after tr at which the server starts executing and T is not idle, nr is set to tf + pS This combines the very simple sporadic server with background scheduling. 129 Very Simple Sporadic Server Correctness (informally): Assuming that T never idles, the sporadic server resembles a periodic task with the highest priority whose jobs are released at times tf and execution times are at most eS Whenever T idles, the sporadic server executes in the background, i.e. does not block any periodic task, hence does not consume the budget Whenever an idle interval of T ends, we may treat this situation as a restart of the system with possibly different phases of tasks (so that it is safe to have the budget equal to eS) Note that in both versions of the sporadic server, eS units of execution time are available for aper. jobs every pS units of time This means that if the server is always backlogged, then it executes for eS time units every pS units of time 130 Real-Time Scheduling Priority-Driven Scheduling Sporadic Tasks 131 Current Assumptions Single processor Fixed number, n, of independent periodic tasks, T1, . . . , Tn where Ti = (ϕi, pi, ei, Di) Jobs can be preempted at any time and never suspend themselves No resource contentions Sporadic tasks Independent of the periodic tasks Jobs can be preempted at any time Aperiodic tasks For simplicity scheduled in the background – i.e. we may ignore them Jobs are scheduled using a priority driven algorithm A sporadic job = a job of a sporadic task 132 Our situation Based on the execution time and deadline of each newly arrived sporadic job, decide whether to accept or reject the job Accepting the job implies that the job will complete within its deadline, without causing any periodic job or previously accepted sporadic job to miss its deadline Do not accept a sporadic job if cannot guarantee it will meet its deadline 133 Scheduling Sporadic Jobs – Correctness and Optimality A correct schedule is one where all periodic tasks, and all sporadic jobs that have been accepted, meet their deadlines A scheduling algorithm supporting sporadic jobs is a correct algorithm if it only produces correct schedules for the system A sporadic job scheduling algorithm is optimal if it accepts a new sporadic job, and schedules that job to complete by its deadline, iff the new job can be correctly scheduled to complete in time 134 Model for Scheduling Sporadic Jobs with EDF Assume that all jobs in the system are scheduled by EDF if more sporadic jobs are released at the same time their acceptance test is done in the EDF order Definitions: Sporadic jobs are denoted by S(r, d, e) where r is the release time, d the (absolute) deadline, and e is the maximum execution time The density of S(r, d, e) is defined by e/(d − r) The total density of a set of sporadic jobs is the sum of densities of these jobs The sporadic job S(r, d, e) is active at time t iff t ∈ (r, d] Note that each job of a periodic task (ϕ, p, e, D) can be seen as a sporadic job; to simplify, we assume that always D ≤ p. This in turn means that there is always at most one job of a given task active at a given time instant. For every job of this task released at r with abs. deadline d, we obtain the density e/(d − r) = e/D 135 Schedulability of Sporadic Jobs with EDF Theorem 21 A set of independent preemptable sporadic jobs is schedulable according to EDF if at every time instant t the total density of all jobs active at time t is at most one. Proof. By contradiction, suppose that a job misses its deadline at t, no deadlines missed before t Let t−1 be the supremum of time instants before t when either the system idles, or a job with a deadline after t executes Suppose that jobs J1, . . . , Jk execute in [t−1, t] and that they are ordered w.r.t. increasing deadline (Jk misses its deadline at t) Let L be the number of releases and completions in [t−1, t], denote by ti the i-th time instant when i-th such event occurs (then t−1 = t1, we denote by tL+1 the time instant t) Denote by Xi the set of all jobs that are active during the interval (ti, ti+1] and let ∆i be their total density The rest on whiteboard .... 136 Sporadic Jobs with EDF – Example Note that the above theorem includes both the periodic as well as sporadic jobs This test is sufficient but not necessary Example 22 Three sporadic jobs: S1(0, 2, 1), S2(0.5, 2.5, 1), S3(1, 3, 1) Total density at time 1.5 is 1.5 Yet, the jobs are schedulable by EDF 137 Admission Control for Sporadic Jobs with EDF Let ∆ be the total density of periodic tasks. Assume that a new sporadic job S(t, d, e) is released at time t. At time t there are n active sporadic jobs in the system The EDF scheduler maintains a list of the jobs, in non-decreasing order of their deadlines The deadlines partition the time from t to ∞ into n + 1 discrete intervals I1, I2, . . . , In+1 I1 begins at t and ends at the earliest sporadic job deadline For each 1 ≤ k ≤ n, each Ik+1 begins when the interval Ik ends, and ends at the next deadline in the list (or ∞ for In+1) The scheduler maintains the total density ∆S,k of sporadic jobs active in each interval Ik Let I be the interval containing the deadline d of the new sporadic job S(t, d, e) The scheduler accepts the job if e/(d − t) + ∆S,k ≤ 1 − ∆ for all k = 1, 2, . . . , i.e. accept if the new sporadic job can be added, without increasing density of any intervals past 1 138 139 Admission Control for Sporadic Jobs with EDF This acceptance test is not optimal: a sporadic job may be rejected even though it could be scheduled. The test is based on the density and hence is sufficient but not necessary. It is possible to derive a – much more complex – expression for schedulability which takes into account slack time, and is optimal. Unclear if the complexity is worthwhile. 140 Sporadic Jobs with EDF One way to schedule sporadic jobs in a fixed-priority system is to use a sporadic server to execute them Because the server (pS, eS) has eS units of processor time every pS units of time, the scheduler can compute the least amount of time available to every sporadic job in the system Assume that sporadic jobs are ordered among themselves according to EDF When first sporadic job S1(t, dS,1, eS,1) arrives, there is at least (dS,1 − t)/pS eS units of processor time available to the server before the deadline of the job Therefore it accepts S1 if the slack of the job σS,1(t) = (dS,1 − t)/pS eS − eS,1 ≥ 0 141 Sporadic Jobs with EDF To decide if a new job Si(t, dS,i, eS,i) is acceptable when there are n sporadic jobs in the system, the scheduler first computes the slack σS,i(t) of Si: σS,i(t) = (dS,i − t)/pS eS − eS,i − dS,k 1 processor system. Proof. Assume m = 2 and consider three jobs J1, J2, J3 are released at time 0 with the following parameters: e1 = e2 = 2 and e3 = 4 d1 = d2 = 4 and d3 = 8 Depending on scheduling in [0, 2], new tasks T4, T5 are released at 2: If J3 is executed in [0, 2], then at 2 release J4, J5 with d4 = d5 = 4 and e4 = e5 = 2. If J3 is not executed in [0, 2], then at 4 release J4, J5 with d4 = d5 = 8 and e4 = e5 = 4. In either case the schedule produced is not feasible. However, if the scheduler is given either of the sets {J1, . . . , J5} at the beginning, then there is a feasible schedule. 187 Individual Jobs – Speedup Helps(?) Theorem 30 If a set of jobs is feasible on m identical processors, then the same set of jobs will be scheduled to meet all deadlines by EDF on identical processors in which the individual processors are (2 − 1 m ) times as fast as in the original system. The result is tight for EDF (assuming dynamic job priority): Theorem 31 There are sets of jobs that can be feasibly scheduled on m identical processors but EDF cannot schedule them on m processors that are only (2 − 1 m − ε) faster for every ε > 0. ... there are also general lower bounds for online algorithms: Theorem 32 There are sets of jobs that can be feasibly scheduled on m (here m is even) identical processors but no online algorithm can schedule them on m processors that are only (1 + ε) faster for every ε < 1 5 . [Optimal Time-Critical Scheduling Via Resource Augmentation, Phillips et al, STOC 1997] 188 Reactive Systems Consider fixed number, n, of independent periodic tasks T = {T1, . . . , Tn} i.e. there is no dependency relation among jobs Unless otherwise stated, assume no phase and deadlines equal to periods Ignore aperiodic tasks No sporadic tasks unless otherwise stated Utilization ui of a periodic task Ti with period pi and execution time ei is defined by ui := ei/pi ui is the fraction of time a periodic task with period pi and execution time ei keeps a processor busy Total utilization UT of a set of tasks T = {T1, . . . , Tn} is defined as the sum of utilizations of all tasks of T , i.e. by UT := n i=1 ui Given a scheduling algorithm ALG, the schedulable utilization UALG of ALG is the maximum number U such that for all T : UT ≤ U implies T is schedulable by ALG. 189 Multiprocessor Scheduling Taxonomy Allocation (migration type) No migration: each task is allocated to a processor (Task-level migration: jobs of a task may execute on different processors; however, each job is assigned to a single processor) Job-level migration: A single job can migrate and execute on different processors (however, parallel execution of one job is not permitted and migration takes place only when the job is rescheduled) Priority type Fixed task-level priority (e.g. EDF) Fixed job-level priority (e.g. RM) (Dynamic job-level priority) Partitioned scheduling = No migration Global scheduling = job-level migration 190 Fundamental Limit – Fixed Job-Level Priority Consider m processors and m + 1 tasks T = {T1, . . . , Tm+1}, each Ti = (L, 2L − 1). Then UT = m+1 i=1 L/(2L −1) = (m +1) (L/(2L − 1)) = (m +1)/2·L/(L −1) For very large L, this number is close to (m + 1)/2. The set T is not schedulable using any fixed job-level priority algorithm. In other words, the schedulable utilization of fixed job-level priority algorithms is at most (m + 1)/2, i.e., half of the processors capacity. There are variants of EDF achieving this bound (see later slides). 191 Partitioned vs Global Scheduling Most algorithms up to the end of 1990s based on partitioned scheduling no migration From the end of 1990s, many results concerning global scheduling job-level migration The task-level migration has not been much studied, so it is not covered in this lecture. We consider fixed job-level priority (e.g. EDF) and fixed task-level priority (e.g. RM). As before, we ignore dynamic job-level priority. 192 Partitioned Scheduling & Fixed Job-Level Priority The algorithm proceeds in two phases: 1. Allocate tasks to processors, i.e., partition the set of tasks into m possibly empty modules M1, . . . , Mm 2. Schedule tasks of each Mi on the processor i according to a given single processor algorithm The quality of task assignment is determined by the number of assigned processors Use EDF to schedule modules Suffices to test whether the total utilization of each module is ≤ 1 (or, possibly, ≤ ˆU where ˆU < 1 in order to accomodate aperiodic jobs ...) Finding an optimal schedule is equivalent to a simple uniform-size bin-packing problem (and hence is NP-complete) Similarly, we may use RM for fixed task-level priorities (total utilization in modules ≤ log 2, etc.) 193 Global Scheduling All ready jobs are kept in a global queue When selected for execution, a job can be assigned to any processor When preempted, a job goes to the global queue (i.e., forgets on which processor it executed) 194 Global Scheduling – Fixed Job-Level Priority Dhall’s effect: Consider m > 1 processors Let ε > 0 Consider a set of tasks T = {T1, . . . , Tm, Tm+1} such that Ti = (2ε, 1) for 1 ≤ i ≤ m Tm+1 = (1, 1 + ε) T is schedulable Stadnard EDF and RM schedules are not feasible (whiteb.) However, UT = m 2ε 1 + 1 1 + ε which means that for small ε the utilization UT is close to 1 (i.e., UT /m is very small for m >> 0 processors) 195 How to avoid Dhall’s effect? Note that RM and EDF only account for task periods and ignore the execution time! (Partial) Solution: Dhall’s effect can be avoided by giving high priority to tasks with high utilization Then in the previous example, Tm+1 is executed whenever it comes and the other tasks are assigned to the remaining processors – produces a feasible schedule 196 Global Scheduling – Fixed Job-Level Priority Apparently there is a problem with long jobs due to Dhall’s effect. There is an improved version of EDF called EDF-US(1/2) which assigns the highest priority to tasks with ui ≥ 1/2 assigns priorities to the rest according to deadlines which reaches the generic schedulable utilization bound (m + 1)/2. 197 Partitioned vs Global Advantages of the global scheduling: Load is automatically balanced Better average response time (follows from queueing theory) Disadvantages of the global scheduling: Problems caused by migration (e.g. increased cache misses) Schedulability tests more difficult (active area of research) Is either of the approaches better from the schedulability standpoint? 198 Global Beats Partitioned There are sets of tasks schedulable only with global scheduler: T = {T1, T2, T3} where T1 = (1, 2), T2 = (2, 3), T3 = (2, 3), can be scheduled using a global scheduler: No feasible partitioned schedule exists, always at least one processor gets tasks with total utilization higher than 1. 199 Partitioned Beats Global There are task sets that can be scheduled only with partitioned scheduler (assuming fixed task-level priority assignment): T = {T1, . . . , T4} where T1 = (2, 3), T2 = (3, 4), T3 = (5, 15), T4 = (5, 20), can be scheduled using a fixed task-level priority partitioned schedule: Global scheduling (fixed job-level priority): There are 9 jobs released in the interval [0, 12). Any of the 9! possible priority assignments leads to a deadline miss. 200 Optimal Algorithm? There IS an optimal algorithm in the case of job-level migration & dynamic job-level priority. However, the algorithm is time driven. The priority fair (PFair) algorithm is optimal for periodic systems with deadlines equal to periods Idea (of PFair): In any interval (0, t] jobs of a task Ti with utilization ui execute for amount of time W so that uit − 1 < W < uit + 1 (Here every parameter is assumed to be a natural number) This is achieved by cutting time into small quanta and scheduling jobs in these quanta so that the execution times are always (more or less) in proportion. There are other optimal algorithms, all of them suffer from a large number of preemptions/migrations. No optimal algorithms are known for more general settings: deadlines bounded by periods, arbitrary deadlines. Recall, that no optimal on-line scheduling possible 201 Real-Time Programming & RTOS Concurrent and real-time programming tools 202 Concurrent Programming Concurrency in real-time systems typical architecture of embedded real-time system: several input units computation output units data logging/storing i.e., handling several concurrent activities concurrency occurs naturally in real-time systems Support for concurrency in programming languages (Java, Ada, ...) advantages: readability, OS independence, checking of interactions by compiler, embedded computer may not have an OS Support by libraries and the operating system (C/C++ with POSIX) advantages: multi-language composition, language’s model of concurrency may be difficult to implement on top of OS, OS API stadards imply portability 203 Processes and Threads Process running instance of a program, executes its own virtual machine to avoid interference from other processes, contains information about program resources and execution state, e.g.: environment, working directory, ... program instructions, registers, heap, stack, file descriptors, signal actions, inter-process communication tools (pipes, message boxes, etc.) Thread exists within a process, uses process resources , can be scheduled by OS and run as an independent entity, keeps its own: execution stack, local data, etc. share global data and resources with other threads of the same process 204 Processes and threads in UNIX 205 Process (Thread) States 206 Communication and Synchronization Communication passing of information from one process (thread) to another typical methods: shared variables, message passing Synchronization satisfaction of constraints on the interleaving of actions of processes e.g. action of one process has to occur after an action of another one typical methods: semaphores, monitors Communication and synchronization are linked: communication requires synchronization synchronization corresponds to communication without content 207 Communication: Shared Variables Consistency problems: unrestricted use of shared variables is unreliable multiple update problem example: shared variable X, assignment X := X + 1 load the current value of X into a register increment the value of the register store the value of the register back to X two processes executing these instruction ⇒ certain interleavings can produce inconsistent results Solution: parts of the process that access shared variables (i.e. critical sections) must be executed indivisibly with respect to each other required protection is called mutual exclusion ... one may use a special mutual ex. protocol (e.g. Peterson) or a synchronization mechanism – semaphores, monitors 208 Synchronization: Semaphores A sempahore contains an integer variable that, apart from initialization, is accessed only through two standard operations: wait() and signal(). semaphore is initialized to a non-negative value (typically 1) wait() operation: decrements the semaphore value if the value is positive; otherwise, if the value is zero, the caller becomes blocked signal() operation: increments the semaphore value; if the value is not positive, then one process blocked by the semaphore is unblocked (usually in FIFO order) both wait and signal are atomic Semaphores are elegant low-level primitive but error prone and hard to debug (deadlock, missing signal, etc.) For more details see an operating systems course. 209 Synchronization: Monitors encapsulation and efficient condition synchronization critical regions are written as procedures; all encapsulated in a single object or module procedure calls into the module are guaranteed to be mutually exclusive shared resources accessible only by these procedures For more details (such as condition variables) see an operating systems course. 210 Communication: Message Passing Communication among two, or more processes where there is no shared region between the two processes. Instead they communicate by passing messages. synchronous (rendezvous): send and receive operations are blocking, no buffer required asynchronous (no-wait): send operation is not blocking, requires buffer space (mailbox) remote invocation (extended rendezvous): sender is blocked until reply is received 211 Synchronous Message Passing 212 Asynchronous Message Passing 213 Asynch. Message Passing with Bounded Buffer 214 Concurrent Programming is Complicated Multi-threaded applications with shared data may have numerous flaws. Race condition Two or more threads try to access the same shared data, the result depends on the exact order in which their instructions are executed Deadlock occurs when two or more threads wait for each other, forming a cycle and preventing all of them from making any forward progress Starvation an idefinite delay or permanent blocking of one or more runnable threads in a multithreaded application Livelock occurs when threads are scheduled but are not making forward progress because they are continuously reacting to each other’s state changes Usually difficult to find bugs and verify correctness. 215 Real-Time Aspects time-aware systems make explicit references to the time frame of the enclosing environment e.g. a bank safe’s door are to be locked from midnight to nine o’clock the "real-time" of the environment must be available reactive systems are typically concerned with relative times an output has to be produced within 50 ms of an associated input must be able to measure intervals usually must synchronize with environment: input sampling and output signalling must be done very regularly with controlled variability 216 The Concept of Time Real-time systems must have a concept of time – but what is time? Measure of a time interval Units? seconds, milliseconds, cpu cycles, system "ticks" Granularity, accuracy, stability of the clock source Is "one second" a well defined measure? "A second is the duration of 9,192,631,770 periods of the radiation corresponding to the transition between the two hyperfine levels of the ground state of the caesium-133 atom." ... temperature dependencies and relativistic effects (the above definition refers to a caesium atom at rest, at mean sea level and at a temperature of 0 K) Skew and divergence among multiple clocks Distributed systems and clock synchronization Measuring time external source (GPS, NTP, etc.) internal – hardware clocks that count the number of oscillations that occur in a quartz crystal 217 Requirements for Interaction with "time" For RT programming, it is desirable to have: access to clocks and representation of time delays timeouts (deadline specification and real-time scheduling) 218 Access to Clock and Representation of Time requires a hardware clock that can be read like a regular external device mostly offered by an OS service, if direct interfacing to the hardware is not allowed Example of time representation: (POSIX high resolution clock, counting seconds and nanoseconds since 1970 with known resolution) struct timespec { time_t tv_sec; long tv_nsec; } int clock_gettime( clockid_t clock_id, struct timespec * tp ); int clock_settime( clockid_t id, const struct timespec * tp ); Time is often kept by incrementing an integer variable, need to take case of overflows (i.e. jumps to the past). 219 Delays In addition to having access to a clock, need ability to Delay execution until an arbitrary calendar time What about daylight saving time changes? Problems with leap seconds. Delay execution for a relative period of time Delay for t seconds Delay for t seconds after event e begins 220 A Repeated Task (An Attempt) The goal is to do work repeatedly every 100 time units while(1) { delay(100); do_work(); } Does it work as intended? No, accumulates drift ... Each turn in the loop will take at least 100 + x milliseconds, where x is the time taken to perform do_work() 221 A Repeated Task (An Attempt) The goal is to do work repeatedly every 100 time units while(1) { delay(100); do_work(); } Does it work as intended? No, accumulates drift ... Delay is just lower bound, a delaying process is not guaranteed access to the processor (the delay does not compensate for this) 222 Eliminating (Part of) The Drift: Timers Set an alarm clock, do some work, and then wait for whatever time is left before the alarm rings This is done with timers Thread is told to wait until the next ring – accumulating drift is eliminated Two types of timers one-shot After a specified interval call an associated function. periodic (also called auto-reload timer in freeRTOS) Call the associated function repeatedly, always after the specified interval. Even with timers, drift may still occur, but it does not accumulate (local drift) 223 Timeouts Synchronous blocking operations can include timeouts Synchronization primitives Semaphores, locks, etc. ... timeout usually generates an error/exception Networking and other I/O calls E.g. select() in POSIX Monitors readiness of multiple file descriptors, is ready when the corresponding operation with the file desc is possible without blocking. Has a timeout argument that specifies the minimum interval that select() should block waiting for a file descriptor to become ready. May also provide an asynchronous timeout signal Detect time overruns during execution of periodic and sporadic tasks 224 Deadline specification and real-time scheduling Clock driven scheduling trivial to implement via cyclic executive. Other scheduling algorithms need OS and/or language support: System calls create, destroy, suspend and resume tasks. Implement tasks as either threads or processes. Threads usually more beneficial than processes (with separate address space and memory protection): Processes not always supported by the hardware Processes have longer context switch time Threads can communicate using shared data (fast and more predictable) Scheduling support: Preemptive scheduler with multiple priority levels Support for aperiodic tasks (at least background scheduling) Support for sporadic tasks with acceptance tests, etc. 225 Jobs, Tasks and Threads In theory, a system comprises a set of (abstract) tasks, each task is a series of jobs tasks are typed, have various parameters, react to events, etc. Acceptance test performed before admitting new tasks In practice, a thread (or a process) is the basic unit of work handled by the scheduler Threads are the instantiation of tasks that have been admitted to the system How to map tasks to threads? 226 Periodic Tasks Real-time tasks defined to execute periodically T = (φ, p, e, D) It is clearly inefficient if the thread is created and destroyed repeatedly every period Some op. systems (funkOS) and programming languages (Real-time Java & Ada) support periodic threads the kernel (or VM) reinitializes such a thread and puts it to sleep when the thread completes The kernel releases the thread at the beginning of the next period This provides clean abstraction but needs support from OS Thread instantiated once, performs job, sleeps until next period, repeats Lower overhead, but relies on programmer to handle timing Hard to avoid timing drift due to sleep overuns (see the discussion of delays earlier in this lecture) Most common approach 227 Sporadic and Aperiodic Tasks Events trigger sporadic and aperiodic tasks Might be extenal (hardware) interrupts Might be signalled by another task Usual implementation: OS executes periodic server thread (background server, deferrable server, etc.) OS maintains a “server queue” = a list of pointers which give starting addresses of functions to be executed by the server Upon the occurrence of an event that releases an aperiodic or sporadic job, the event handler (usually an interrupt routine) inserts a pointer to the corresponding function to the list 228 Real-Time Programming & RTOS Real-Time Operating systems 229 Operating Systems – What You Should Know ... An operating system is a collection of software that manages computer hardware resources and provides common services for computer programs. Basic components multi-purpose OS: Program execution & process management processes (threads), IPC, scheduling, ... Memory management segmentation, paging, protection ... Storage & other I/O management files systems, device drivers, ... Network management network drivers, protocols, ... Security user IDs, privileges, ... User interface shell, GUI, ... 230 Operating Systems – What You Should Know ... 231 Implementing Real-Time Systems Key fact from scheduler theory: need predictable behavior Raw performance less critical than consistent and predictable performance; hence focus on scheduling algorithms, schedulability tests Don’t want to fairly share resources – be unfair to ensure deadlines met Need to run on a wide range of – often custom – hardware Often resource constrained: limited memory, CPU, power consumption, size, weight, budget Closed set of applications (Do we need a wristwatches to play DVDs?) Strong reliability requirements – may be safety critical How to upgrade software in a car engine? A DVD player? 232 Implications on Operating Systems General purpose operating systems not well suited for real-time Assume plentiful resources, fairly shared amongst untrusted users Serve multiple purposes Exactly opposite of an RTOS! Instead want an operating system that is: Small and light on resources Predictable Customisable, modular and extensible Reliable ... and that can be demonstrated or proven to be so 233 Implications on Operating Systems Real-time operating systems typically either cyclic executive or microkernel designs, rather than a traditional monolithic kernel Limited and well defined functionality Easier to demonstrate correctness Easier to customise Provide rich support for concurrency & real-time control Expose low-level system details to the applications control of scheduling, interaction with hardware devices, ... 234 Cyclic Executive without Interrupts The simplest real-time systems use a “nanokernel” design Provides a minimal time service: scheduled clock pulse with a fixed period No tasking, virtual memory/memory protection etc. Allows implementation of a static cyclic schedule, provided: Tasks can be scheduled in a frame-based manner All interactions with hardware to be done on a polled basis Operating system becomes a single task cyclic executive 235 Microkernel Architecture Cyclic executive widely used in low-end embedded devices 8 bit processors with kilobytes of memory Often programmed in (something like) C via cross-compiler, or assembler Simple hardware interactions Fixed, simple, and static task set to execute Clock driven scheduler But many real-time embedded systems are more complex, need a sophisticated operating system with priority scheduling Common approach: a microkernel with priority scheduler Configurable and robust, since architected around interactions between cooperating system servers, rather than a monolithic kernel with ad-hoc interactions 236 Microkernel Architecture A microkernel RTOS typically provides: Timing services, interrupt handling, support for hardware interaction Task management, scheduling Messaging, signals Synchronization and locking Memory management (and sometimes also protection) 237 Example RTOS: FreeRTOS RTOS for embedded devices (ported to many microcontrollers from more than 20 manufacturers) Distributed under GPL Written in C, kernel consists of 3+1 C source files (approx. 9000 lines of code including comments) Largely configurable 238 Example RTOS: FreeRTOS The OS is (more or less) a library of object modules; the application and OS modules are linked together in the resulting executable image Prioritized scheduling of tasks tasks correspond to threads (share the same address space; have their own execution stacks) highest priority executes; same priority ⇒ round robin implicit idle task executing when no other task executes ⇒ may be assigned functionality of a background server Synchronization using semaphores Communication using message queues Memory management no memory protection in basic version (can be extended) various implementations of memory management memory can/cannot be freed after allocation, best fit vs combination of adjacent memory block into a single one That’s (almost) all .... 239 Example RTOS: FreeRTOS Tiny memory requirements: e.g. IAR STR71x ARM7 port, full optimisation, minimum configuration, four priorities ⇒ size of the scheduler = 236 bytes each queue adds 76 bytes + storage area each task 64 bytes + the stack size 240 Details of FreeRTOS Scheduling The scheduler must be explicitly invoked by calling void vTaskStartScheduler(void) from main(). The scheduler may also stop either due to error, or if one of the tasks calls void vTaskEndScheduler(void). It is possible to create a new task by calling portBASE_TYPE xTaskCreate( pdTASK_CODE pvTaskCode, const char * const pcName, unsigned short usStackDepth, void *pvParameters, unsigned portBASE_TYPE uxPriority, xTaskHandle *pvCreatedTask); pvTaskCode is a pointer to a function that will be executed as the task, pcName is a human-readable name of the task, usStackDepth indicates how many words must be reserved for the task stack, pvParameters is a pointer to parameters of the task (without interpretation by the OS), uxPriority is the assigned priority of the task (see resource control lecture 7), pvCreatedTask is the task handle used by OS routines. 241 Details of FreeRTOS Scheduling A task can be deleted by means of void vTaskDelete(xTaskHandle pxTaskToDelete) Like most other (non-POSIX-compliant) small real-time systems, does not provide a task cancellation mechanism, i.e. tasks cannot decline, or postpone deletion – the deletion is immediate. Memory is not freed immediately, only the idle task can do it that must be executed occasionally. A shared resource owned by a deleted task remains locked. Priorities are handled by means of uxTaskPriorityGet and uxTaskPrioritySet. FreeRTOS implements priority inheritance protocol, the returned priorities are the current ones. Tasks can be suspended vTaskSuspend or vTaskSuspendAll (suspends of but the calling one), and resumed by vTaskResume or vTaskResumedAll. Suspend/resume all can be used to implement non-preemptable critical sections. 242 Clocks & Timers in FreeRTOS portTickType xTaskGetTickCount(void) Get current time, in ticks, since the scheduler was started. The frequency of ticks is determined by configTICK_RATE_HZ set w.r.t. the HW port. void vTaskDelay(portTickType xTicksToDelay) Blocks the calling task for the specified number of ticks. void vTaskDelayUntil( portTickType *pxPreviousWakeTime, portTickType xTimeIncrement ); Blocks the calling process for xTimeIncrement ticks since the pxPreviousWakeTime. (At the wakeup, the pxPreviousWakeTime is incremented by xTimeIncrement so that it can be readily used to implement periodic tasks.) 243 Real-Time Programming & RTOS Real-Time Programming Languages Brief Overview 244 C and POSIX IEEE 1003 POSIX "Portable Operating System Interface" Defines a subset of Unix functionality, various (optional) extensions added to support real-time scheduling, signals, message queues, etc. Widely implemented: Unix variants and Linux Dedicated real-time operating systems Limited support in Windows Several POSIX standards for real-time scheduling POSIX 1003.1b ("real-time extensions") POSIX 1003.1c ("pthreads") POSIX 1003.1d ("additional real-time extensions") Support a sub-set of scheduler features we have discussed 245 POSIX Scheduling API (Threads) struct sched_param typically contains only sched_priority. pthread_join suspends execution of the thread until termination of the thread; retval of the terminating thread is available to any successfully joined thread. 246 Threads: Example I #include pthread_t id; void *fun(void *arg) { // Some code sequence } main() { pthread_create(&id, NULL, fun, NULL); // Some other code sequence } 247 Threads: Example II #include #include #define NUM_THREADS 5 void *PrintHello(void *threadid) { printf("\n%d: Hello World!\n", threadid); pthread_exit(NULL); } int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { pthread_t threads[NUM_THREADS]; int rc, t; for(t=0; t