{- | First assignment for IB016, semester spring 2017, 20 points (+bonus). == Task overview Your task is to implement several simple encryption/decryption routines. * Monoalphabetic substitution cipher, for general description see the [Wikipedia page on substitution cipher](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Substitution_cipher). * Caesar shift cipher, for general description see the [Wikipedia page on Caesar cipher](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caesar_cipher). * Polyalphabetic substitution encryption called Vigenere cipher, for general description see [Wikipedia page on Vigenere cipher](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vigen%C3%A8re_cipher). The ciphers you should implement differ slightly from their historical prototypes. Namely, they work only on lower-case English letters and ignore other characters, letters are numbered @0..25@. Please make sure to adhere to the specification provided below. == Tips and tricks * You may find several useful functions in [Prelude](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/base-, [Data.List](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/base-, [Data.Char](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/base- and [Data.Tuple](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/base- * The 'mod' function does not guarantee a positive result. == Module and package constraints You can use any modules from the package if you wish. However, try not to use list indexing, i.e. do not use the function '!!'. If you wish so, you can also use Unicode syntax from but no other packages are allowed. -} -- Name: Name Surname -- UID: 123456 module Ciphers ( -- * Monoaplhabetic substitution cipher (4 points) encryptSubstitution , decryptSubstitution -- * Caesar cipher (3 points) , encryptCaesar , decryptCaesar -- * Vigenere cipher (4 points) , encryptVigenere , decryptVigenere -- * Using multiple ciphers (3 points) , applyMultiple -- * Cryptanalysis assistant (6+ points) , assistant ) where -- | Encrypt the given plaintext using monoaplhabetic substitution according to -- the permutation given in the for of associative list. In this case the range -- of characters is not limited (any value of 'Char' type can map to any value -- of 'Char' type). -- -- The first argument is a list of 'Char' tuples representing the permutation. -- The encryption process works on each character of the plaintext independently -- in the following way: -- -- * If the list contains @(x, y)@ then @x@ is encrypted as @y@. -- * If there is no tuple with @x@ as the first component, @x@ is encrypted as @x@. -- -- The valid permutation is defined as follows: -- -- * If the list contains @(x, y)@, then it contains @(y, z)@. -- * If the list contains @(x, z)@ and @(y, z)@, then @x == y@. -- * If the list contains @(x, y)@ and @(x, z)@, then @y == z@. -- * The list does not contain any element multiple times. -- * The set of characters in the first components is the same as -- in the second components of the tuples. -- -- If the first argument is not a permutation the function should fail -- with an appropriate error message. -- -- >>> encryptSubstitution [('a', 'b'), ('b', 'c'), ('c', 'a')] "abcde" -- "bcade" -- -- >>> encryptSubstitution [('a', 'b'), ('b', 'c'), ('c', 'd')] "abcde" -- *** Exception: Not a permutation. -- -- >>> encryptSubstitution [] "abcde" -- "abcde" encryptSubstitution :: [(Char, Char)] -- ^ Character permutation -> String -- ^ Plaintext -> String -- ^ Ciphertext encryptSubstitution = undefined -- | Decrypt the given plaintext using monoaplhabetic substitution. -- For detailed specification, see 'encryptSubstitution'. -- -- For every valid permutation @p@ and for every String @s@ it should -- hold that @decryptSubstitution p (encryptSubstitution p s) == s@. -- -- >>> decryptSubstitution [('a', 'b'), ('b', 'c'), ('c', 'a')] "bcade" -- "abcde" -- -- >>> decryptSubstitution [('a', 'b'), ('b', 'c'), ('c', 'd')] "bcade" -- *** Exception: Not a permutation. decryptSubstitution :: [(Char, Char)] -- ^ Character permutation -> String -- ^ Ciphertext -> String -- ^ Plaintext decryptSubstitution = undefined -- | Shifts each input character by adding given shift value (modulo 26). This -- works only on English lowercase letters. That is, if @'a'@ is shifted by 3, -- it is changed to @'d'@, @'z'@ shifted by 3 is @'c'@. -- -- When shifting (modulo 26) you can make use of function -- [fromEnum](http://hackage.haskell.org/packages/archive/base/latest/doc/html/Prelude.html#v:fromEnum) -- which converts any 'Enum' values (including 'Char') to number. There is also -- 'toEnum' function defined in the same -- [typeclass](http://hackage.haskell.org/packages/archive/base/latest/doc/html/Prelude.html#t:Enum). -- -- The shift must be positive number, but it need not be less then 26. -- -- >>> encryptCaesar 5 "abc" -- "fgh" -- -- >>> encryptCaesar (-3) "abc" -- *** Exception: Incorrect shift. encryptCaesar :: Int -- ^ Shift -> String -- ^ Plaintext -> String -- ^ Ciphertext encryptCaesar = undefined -- | Decrypt the given plaintext using Caesar cipher. -- For detailed specification, see 'encryptCaesar'. -- -- For every valid shift 'i' and for every plaintext string 's' it should hold -- that @decryptCaesar i (encryptCaesar i s) == s@. -- -- >>> decryptCaesar 5 "fgh" -- "abc" -- -- >>> decryptCaesar (-3) "abc" -- *** Exception: Incorrect shift. decryptCaesar :: Int -- ^ Shift -> String -- ^ Plaintext -> String -- ^ Ciphertext decryptCaesar = undefined -- | Adds characters from the input 'String' and from key 'String' modulo 26. -- It works only on characters @'a'..'z'@. If the key string is shorter then -- input string it is repeated. -- -- Similarly to 'encryptCaesar' you can use 'fromEnum' and 'toEnum' to calculate character codes. For example, sum of @'b'@ and @'c'@ gives @'d'@. -- -- As a special case, if the key is empty the result is the same as input. -- -- >>> encryptVigenere "gfe" "abcdefg" -- "gggjjjm" -- -- >>> encryptVigenere "heslo" "hello world" -- "oidwc agczk" -- -- >>> encryptVigenere "" "hello world" -- "hello world" encryptVigenere :: String -- ^ Key string -> String -- ^ Plaintext -> String -- ^ Ciphertext encryptVigenere = undefined -- | Decrypt the given plaintext using Vigenere cipher. -- For detailed specification, see 'encryptVigenere'. -- -- For every valid key string @k@ and for every plaintext string @s@ it should -- hold that @decryptVigenere k (encryptVigenere k s) == s@. -- -- >>> decryptVigenere "abcd" "abcd" -- "aaaa" -- -- >>> decryptVigenere "" "hello" -- "hello" decryptVigenere :: String -- ^ Key string -> String -- ^ Plaintext -> String -- ^ Ciphertext decryptVigenere = undefined -- | Combines several ciphers into one, using each one for a block of given -- size. For example @applyMultiple [f, g] 4 plain@ applies cipher @f@ to first 4 -- characters of @plain@, cipher @g@ to next 4, then again @f@… The last block -- can be shorter than given number (length of plaintext need not be multiple -- of block length). -- -- The first argument is list of encryption (or decryption) functions, these -- function are used for encryption (or decryption) of each blocks of the input -- text (each block has length given by the second argument). Functions are -- repeated in the same way as the key for Vigenere cipher. -- -- * In the case the length of the input string is not divisible by block -- length the last block can be shorter. -- -- * In the case the block length is less or equal to zero, the resulting -- string is same as the input string. -- -- * In the case the list of functions is empty, the resulting string is the -- same as the input string. -- -- >>> applyMultiple [encryptCaesar 1, encryptCaesar 2, encryptCaesar 3] 2 "aaaaaaaaaaaaa" -- "bbccddbbccddb" -- -- >>> applyMultiple [encryptVigenere "abc", encryptVigenere "bce", encryptCaesar 5] 4 "abcdefghijklmnopq" -- "acedfhkinopqmoqpr" -- -- >>> applyMultiple [decryptVigenere "abc", decryptVigenere "bce", decryptCaesar 5] 4 "acedfhkinopqmoqpr" -- "abcdefghijklmnopq" -- -- >>> applyMultiple [] 4 "hello" -- "hello" -- -- >>> applyMultiple [encryptCaesar 2, encryptCaesar 12] (-3) "hello" -- "hello" applyMultiple :: [String -> String] -- ^ List of encryption functions -> Int -- ^ Block size -> String -- ^ Plaintext -> String -- ^ Ciphertext applyMultiple = undefined -- | Interactive cryptanalysis assistant for monoalphabetic substitution cipher. -- -- Minimal requirements: -- -- * The assistant displays current state of plaintext/ciphertext -- * The assistant displays currently applied substitutions -- * You can add a new substitution -- * You can delete a substitution -- * You can delete all substitutions at once -- * You can close the assistant returning the final substitution -- * The substitution currently applied need not be correct permuation as -- defined in 'encryptSubstitution' -- -- The outputs below are just an example, you don't have to adhere -- to that syntax (as long as you support the minimal functionality above). -- -- @ -- >>> assistant "abcdef" -- -- Current state of decryption (CIPHERTEXT, plaintext): -- ABCDEF -- Current substitutions: -- -- Available commands: -- a (add new substitution pair) -- d (delete substitution pair) -- r (reset current substitution) -- q (quit assistant) -- Command choice: a -- Ciphertext letter: a -- Plaintext letter: h -- -- Current state of decryption (CIPHERTEXT, plaintext): -- hBCDEF -- Current substitutions: h->A -- -- Available commands: -- a (add new substitution pair) -- d (delete substitution pair) -- r (reset current substitution) -- q (quit assistant) -- Command choice: a -- Ciphertext letter: b -- Plaintext letter: e -- -- Current state of decryption (CIPHERTEXT, plaintext): -- heCDEF -- Current substitutions: e->B, h->A -- -- Available commands: -- a (add new substitution pair) -- d (delete substitution pair) -- r (reset current substitution) -- q (quit assistant) -- Command choice: r -- -- Current state of decryption (CIPHERTEXT, plaintext): -- ABCDEF -- Current substitutions: -- -- Available commands: -- a (add new substitution pair) -- d (delete substitution pair) -- r (reset current substitution) -- q (quit assistant) -- Command choice: q -- [] -- @ -- -- == BONUS -- -- Add any other functions to the assistant you find useful. -- You can get up to 5 additional point depending on the functionality -- you implement. assistant :: String -- ^ Ciphertext -> IO [(Char, Char)] -- ^ Final substitution assistant = undefined