1. Where do we communicate when we access a single web-page
2. Use wireshark to uncover all the destinations associated with visiting bbc.com, for instance
3. How we can analyze such traffic withtout using wireshark?
4. Firebug and "debug" mode in Chrome - what can we see there?
5. What kind of information about our browser can be exposed?
6. Cookies, what it is for, and what is stored in it. Locate cookies folder. Are cookies dangerous by themselves?
7. How can we control/limit the amount of digital traces that we leave behind?
8. How "unique" is our browser - panopticlick.com - how can we limit tracking using our browser?
9. Use privacy mode - does it help, how?
10. How about turning off JavaScript?
11. What is a web bug - can it only affect web pages (HTML emails as well)
12. Same for social media "like buttons"
13. What do you think about DoNotTrack - Facebook does not accept this (because there is no technological consensuns around DoNotTrack)
14. HTTPS everywhere - nice but does not prevent us at all
15. Page referer - start from google.com first
16. No script plugin - install it and test it - what is the user experience? ScriptBlock in Chrome
17. How about advertisements? Use AdBlock
18. How about browser Toolbars - when you download a free AV, or Flash plugin, a toolbar comes with it by default
19. Ghostery plugin helps filter web trackers
20. How about mobile phone browsers that are attached to your Google account for instance? (w.r.t. synchronizing content accross such devices)
21. Use TOR - but a strict discipline is necessara

Homework (submit a single pdf or zip file. Try to provide information based on how you understand these things, not a Wiki cut/paste. Minimum is 2 pages.)
 - what is a super cookie (Adobe Flash and Silverlight)
 - what is a evercookie
 - what is a canvas fingerprinting