3/15/2017 Basics v PA 199 Advanced Game Design Lecture 4 Physics for Game Design Dr. Fotis Liarokapis 16th March 2017 Units Some Basic SI Units The numbers that specify a point have units The spaces we will deal with are mostly regular kinds of space — i.e. Units of distance • i.e. meters and kilometres Almost all physics applications use metric units — Called SI (Systeme International) Quantity Base Unit Derived Units Distance Meter (m) 1 kilometer (km) - 1000 m 1 m = 100 centimetres (cm) Mass Kilogram (kg) 1 kg = 1000 grams (g) 1 g = 1000 milligrams (mg) Time Seconds (s) Temperature Kelvin (K) Prefixes Derived Units Original Language Celsius tempe rat u r arge, quantity of electricity Electric potential, potential difference, lectromotivi Energy, work, quantity of heat Frequency (of a periodic pher Power, radiant flu/ n Terms of Other SI 3/15/2017 Cartesian Coordinate System Polar Coordinate System In the polar coordinate system each point on a plane is determined by an angle and a distance Useful in situations where the relationship between two points is most easily expressed in terms of angles and distance - In the Cartesian coordinate system this can be found through trigonometry Each point is determined by two polar coordinates: - The radial coordinate - The angular coordinate 4D Coordinate Systems Motion • Well this is a bit hard to draw! - Even 3D is hard to draw • Mathematically though it is easy to add more dimensions - Just name points with more numbers • In 4D you need four numbers - The last dimension is usually called w - So points have coordinates (x, y, z, w) Displacement • A positive x value implies that the body is located x meters to the right of the origin • A negative x value implies that the body is located |x| meters to the left of the origin • Here, x is termed as the displacement of the body from the origin track origin displacement body + + + -H + Displacement Over Time x-l+t+ 2 4 2 3/15/2017 Velocity ID • Determine the body's instantaneous velocity as a function of time: — Velocity is the rate of change of displacement with time • This definition implies that: Ax u = —— At • where u is the body's velocity at time t, and Ax is the change in displacement of the body between times t and t + At Velocity General Equation Ax dx v = Jim —7— = — a*->u At dt • where dx/dt represents the derivative of x with respect to t • The above definition is particularly useful if we represent x(t) as an analytic function — It allows us to immediately evaluate the instantaneous velocity u(t) via the rules of calculus Velocity Graph V When u>0 the body is moving to the right When u<0 the body is moving to the left When u=0 the body is instantaneously at rest Velocity and Speed The terms velocity and speed are often confused with one another A velocity can be either positive or negative - Depending on the direction of motion The conventional definition of speed is that it is the magnitude of velocity - A body can never possess a negative speed Vector Velocity Consider a body moving in 3D, and we know the Cartesian coordinates, x, y, and z, of this body as time, t, progresses - How can we use this information to determine the body's instantaneous velocity as functions of time? The vector displacement of the body is given by: :{t) =[i(t), »(*),*(*)] Vector Velocity The body's vector velocity v = (ux, uy, uz) is simply the derivative of r with respect to t vtt) = Hm i(t+At)-r(t) _ di At di When written in component form, the above definition yields to: dx dy dt dz dt 3 3/15/2017 Acceleration ID • The definition of acceleration is as follows: — Acceleration is the rate of change of velocity with time • This definition implies that: A i a = —r-At • where a is the body's acceleration at time t, and Au is the change in velocity of the body between times t and t + At Acceleration General Equation • A general expression for instantaneous acceleration can be obtained by taking the limit of the acceleration equation as At approaches zero: Av dv d2z a — lim —- = — = —-At-a At dt dt' • which is valid irrespective of how rapidly or slowly the body's acceleration changes in time Acceleration Graph V Vector Acceleration When a is positive the "> body is accelerating to the right When a is negative the body is decelerating 10 The body's vector acceleration a = (ax, ay, az) is simply the derivative of v with respect to t afi) = lim v(t + At)-v(t) dv d2i At dt dt2 When written in component form, the above definition yields dvT d2x ~dt ~ ~dt* dvy _ tPy dt dt2 d2; 3z dt dt2 Motion with Constant Velocity ID v Simplest type of motion - Excluding the trivial case in which the body under investigation remains at rest Occurs in everyday life whenever an object slides over a horizontal, low friction surface Motion with Constant Velocity ID The graph consists of a straight-line which can be represented as: X = + V t Here, x0 is the displacement at time t=0 - This can be determined from the graph as the intercept of the straight-line with the -axis u = dx/dt is the constant velocity of the body - Can be determined from the graph Note that: a= y) = (rcosej), rsindp) Relative Velocity Simple Example • Suppose that the plane's velocity relative to the air is 300Km/h, at a compass bearing of 120°, and the air's velocity relative to the ground is 85Km/h, at a compass bearing of 225° • It follows that the components of va and u (measured in units of km/h) are: v _ (300 cos 120°, 300 sin 120°) = (-1.500 X 10!, 2.598 X ID3) u = (85 ma 225°, 85 sili225°) = (-6.010 X ID1, -6.01D X 101) 10 3/15/2017 Relative Velocity Simple Example . • According to (vg = va + u), the components of the plane's velocity vg relative to the ground are simply the algebraic sums of the corresponding components of va and u Vg = (-1.500 X 10z - 6.010 X W\ 2.598 X 10z - 6.010 X 101) = (-2.101 X 102, 1.997 X ID2) • The task is to reconstruct the magnitude and compass bearing of vector vg, given its components (vgx, vgy) based on Pythagoras' theorem vg= vV)1+ («„)' = ^/(-2.1D1 X 103)2 + (1.S97 x 102)3 = 2SB.9km/l Relative Velocity Simple Example .. • The compass bearing of vg is given by: • Because: = i>s oos^ and vsy = vs mnf> — Remember that: r = (x, y) = (rcosc)), rsinc|>) • Unfortunately, the above expression becomes a little difficult to interpret if is negative • An unambiguous pair of expressions for d> is: 4> = Um-1 (^j , v„.>0 $ = 180° - tan-1 (^) , < 0 Relative Velocity Simple Example • These expressions can be derived from simple trigonometry: 4> = 180° - tan _! (1.997 X 10z\ [2.IOI x 10z) • Thus, the plane's velocity relative to the ground is 289km/h at a compass bearing of 136.5° Example 4 - ID Relative Velocity A train travels at 60 m/s to the east with respect to the ground A businessman on the train runs at 5 m/s to the west with respect to the train Find the velocity of the man with respect to the ground Example 4 Solution • The velocity of the train with respect to the ground is: vTG = 60 m/s • The velocity of the man with respect to the train is: vMT= -5 m/s • Putting these together, we get: Example 5 - 2D Relative Velocity • An airplane flies at 250 m/s to the east with respect to the air • The air is moving at 35 m/s to the north with respect to the ground • Find the velocity of Air Force One with respect to the ground 11 3/15/2017 Example 5 Solution Both vPA and vAG are two-dimensional vectors You can find vPG by vector addition: -VPG=VPA+ ——y From Pythagoras: v„ = 1/<250^)'+(35^)! = 252^ Example 5 Solution . • Can find the angle of using basic trigonometric functions: 9 = tan"1 —- = 8s • Therefore, the velocity with respect to the ground is 252 m/s at an angle of 8° north of east Newtonian Physics V Newton's Laws of Motion Every body continues in its state of rest, or uniform motion in a straight line, unless compelled to change that state by forces impressed upon it The change of motion of an object is proportional to the force impressed upon it, and is made in the direction of the straight line in which the force is impressed To every action there is always opposed an equal reaction; or, the mutual actions of two bodies upon each other are always equal and directed to contrary parts Video Newton's First Law of Motion ® Newton's first law was actually discovered by Galileo and perfected by Descartes This law states that if the motion of a given body is not disturbed by external influences then that body moves with constant velocity In other words, the displacement r of the body as a function of time t can be written r = r0 + vi where r0 and v are constant vectors 12 3/15/2017 Newton's First Law of Motion The body's trajectory is a straight-line which passes through point r0 at time t = 0 and runs parallel to v In the special case in which v = 0 the body simply remains at rest Newton's Second Law of Motion Newton used the word motion to mean what we nowadays call momentum The momentum p of a body is simply defined as the product of its mass m and its velocity: p = mv Newton's second law of motion is summed up in the equation: dp dt ■ =f ■ where the vector f represents the net influence, or force, exerted on the object, whose motion is under investigation, by other objects Newton's Second Law of Motion . For the case of a object with constant mass, the above law reduces to its more conventional form: f = 771 B The net force exerted on a given object by other objects equals the product of that object's mass and its acceleration — Note that this law is entirely devoid of content unless we have some independent means of quantifying the forces exerted between different objects Example 6 • A railway engine pulls a wagon of mass 10 000 kg along a straight track at a steady speed. The pull force in the couplings between the engine and wagon is 1000 N - A) What is the force opposingthe motion of the wagon? - B) If the pull force is increased to 1200 N and the resistance to movement of the wagon remains constant, what would be the acceleration of the wagon? Example 6 Solution (A) Example 6 Solution (B) When the speed is steady, by Newton's first law, the resultant force must be zero The pull on the wagon must equal the resistance to motion So the force resisting motion is 1000 N • The resultant force on the wagon is: - Ftotal = 1200 - 1000 = 200 N • From Newton's 2nd law of motion: F = ma 200 =10000a a = 0.02m! s 13 3/15/2017 Example 7 Find the acceleration of a 20 kg crate along a horizontal floor when it is pushed with a resultant force of 10 N parallel to the floor How far will the crate move in 5s - Starting from rest? Example 7 Solution The acceleration can be calculated using Newton's 2nd law of motion: F = ma 10 = 20fl a - 0.5m{ s2 Distance travelled is given by: Hooke's Law V Method of quantifying the force exerted on an object This law states that the force f exerted by a coiled spring is directly proportional to its extension Ax The extension of the spring is the difference between its actual length and its natural length The force acts parallel to the axis of the spring Hooke's law only holds if the extension of the spring is sufficiently small - If the extension becomes too large then the spring deforms permanently, or even breaks • Such behavior lies beyond the scope of Hooke's law Hooke's Law Use Hooke's law to quantify the force we exert on a body of mass m when we pull on the handle of a spring attached to it The magnitude f of the force is proportional to the extension of the spring: - Twice the extension means twice the force The direction of the force is towards the spring, parallel to its axis - Assuming that the extension is positive ■ ' I, if.'" \ Hooke's Law.. The magnitude of the force can be quantified in terms of the critical extension required to impart a unit acceleration (i.e. lm/s2) to a body of unit mass (i.e. 1 Kg) According to f = ma the force corresponding to this extension is 1 newton Thus, if the critical extension corresponds to a force of IN then half the critical extension corresponds to a force of 0.5N, and so on Hooke's Law Example • Suppose that we apply two forces, fx and/2 • The forces are acting in different directions, to a body of mass m by means of two springs • According to Newton's second law of motion, the body does not accelerate • It either remains at rest or moves with uniform velocity in a straight line 14 3/15/2017 Newton's Third Law of Motion • Suppose, for the sake of argument, that there are only two bodies in the Universe • Let us label these bodies a and b • Suppose that body b exerts a force fab on body a • According to to Newton's third law of motion, body a must exert an equal and opposite force fba = -fabort body fa • Thus, if we label fab the 'action' then, in Newton's language, fba is the equal and opposed 'reaction' Newton's Third Law of Motion . • Suppose, now, that there are many objects in the Universe - As is, indeed, the case • According to Newton's third law, if object j exerts a force fy on object / then object / must exert an equal and opposite force fp = -fij on objectj • It follows that all of the forces acting in the Universe can ultimately be grouped into equal and opposite action-reaction pairs • Note, incidentally, that an action and its associated reaction always act on different bodies Newton's Third Law of Motion Mass, Weight and Strings Why do we need Newton's third law? - Actually, it is almost a matter of common sense Suppose that bodies a and fa constitute an isolated system \ffba * -fab then this system exerts a non-zero net force f = fab + fba on itself - Without the aid of any external agency - It will, therefore, accelerate forever under its own steam » i o—L Mass and Weight The terms mass and weight are often confused with one another but in physics their meanings are quite distinct A body's mass is a measure of its inertia - i.e., its reluctance to deviate from uniform straight-line motion under the influence of external forces According to Newton's second law (f = ma) if two objects of differing masses are acted upon by forces of the same magnitude then - The resulting acceleration of the larger mass is less than that of the smaller mass Mass and Weight Example Imagine a block of granite resting on the surface of the Earth block f Earth 15 3/15/2017 Mass and Weight Example . • The block experiences a downward force fg due to the gravitational attraction of the Earth of magnitude mg • The block exerts a downward force fw, of magnitude mg, on the ground beneath it - We refer to this force as the weight of the block • According to Newton's third law, the ground below the block exerts an upward reaction force fR on the block - This force is also of magnitude mg • Thus, the net force acting on the block is: - fR + fg= 0 and thus the block remains stationary Calculation of Weight • So far, we have established that the weight W of a body is the magnitude of the downward force it exerts on any object which supports it • Thus, W = mg where m is the mass of the body and g is the local acceleration due to gravity - Note that since weight is a force it is measured in Newton • A body's weight is location dependent and is not an intrinsic property of that body - For instance, a body weighing ION on the surface of the Earth will only weigh about 3.8N on the surface of Mars, due to the weaker surface gravity of Mars relative to the Earth Weight in an Elevator • Consider a block of mass m resting * on the floor of an elevator • Suppose that the elevator is accelerating upwards with acceleration a • How does this acceleration affect the weight of the block? Weight in an Elevator. • The block is subject to 2 forces: - A downward force mg due to gravity - An upward reaction force W • Hence: W - mg = ma or W = m(g + a) • The upward acceleration of the elevator has the effect of increasing the weight W of the block: - i.e. if the elevator accelerates upwards at g = 9.81 m/s2 then the weight of the block is doubled • if the elevator accelerates downward (i.e. if becomes negative) then the weight of the block is reduced Strings Consider a block of mass m which is suspended from a fixed beam by means of a string The string is assumed to be light (its mass is negligible compared to that of the block) and inextensible (its length increases by a negligible amount because of the weight of the block) --string Strings If we apply Newton's second law to the block, the mass of the block is m, and its acceleration is zero — Since the block is assumed to be in equilibrium The block is subject to two forces, a downward force mg due to gravity, and an upward force due to the tension of the string so: T - mg = 0 In other words, in equilibrium, the tension of the string equals the weight of the block 16 3/15/2017 Three Strings Example A slightly more complicated example in which a block of mass m is suspended by three strings is shown on the right What are the tensions, T, T-l and T2 in these strings, assuming that the block is in equilibrium? Three Strings Example. A 2 \ / Am0 T Horizontal Components The horizontal component of tension T is zero, since this tension acts straight down The horizontal component of tension Tj is: TjCOs60° = Tj/2 - Since this force subtends an angle of with respect to the horizontal Likewise, the horizontal component of tension T2 is T2cos30° = - V3 T2/2 Since the knot does not accelerate in the horizontal direction, we can equate the sum of these components to zero: Tj/2 = - V3 T2/2 Vertical Components • Consider the vertical components of the forces acting on the knot • Let components acting upward be positive, and vice versa • Since the knot does not accelerate in the vertical direction, we can equate the sum of these components to zero - mg + Tj/2 + V3 T2/2 = 0 Putting all Together From the previous equations: V2 = -V3T2/2 - mg + V2 + V3 T2/2 = 0 We can calculate T^and T2 T1=V3 mg/2 T2=mg/2 Inclines, Pulleys and Friction 17 3/15/2017 Inclines • Consider a block of mass m sliding down a smooth frictionless incline which subtends an angle 8 to the horizontal • The weight mg of the block is directed vertically downwards Incline Weight Analysis • Weight can be resolved into components: - mgcos6 acting perpendicular (or normal) to the incline - mgsin6 acting parallel to the incline • Note that the reaction of the incline to the weight of the block acts normal to the incline, and only matches the normal component of the weight - It is of magnitude mgcos6 • In general the reaction of any unyielding surface is always locally normal to that surface - Directed outwards and matches the normal component of any inward force applied to the surface Incline Weight Analysis Applying Newton's second law to this problem we obtain: m —- — m g suit dť * which can be solved to give: x. = in +vq t + - g am8ť Accelerating up a Slope Suppose that the block, mass m= 5 kg, is subject to a horizontal force F = 27 N. What is the acceleration of the block up the (frictionless) slope? Accelerating up a Slope Only that component of the applied force which is parallel to the incline has any influence on the block's motion -The normal component of the applied force is canceled out by the normal reaction of the incline. The component of the applied force acting up the incline is Fcos255 The component of the block's weight acting down the incline is mgsin259 Accelerating up a Slope .. • Hence, using Newton's second law to determine the acceleration a of the block up the incline, we obtain: F cos 25° - m g sán 25° • Since m = 5 kg and F = 27 N, we have: 27 X Q.9063 - 5 X 9.81 X 0.4226 0.74S3m/s2 18 3/15/2017 Breakout Application of Inclines Tip: - You could to add 3 inclines to the ground so that the ball hits the upper bricks of the well - Ball will perform a projectile motion Pulleys Consider two masses, m1 and m2 connected by a light inextensible string Suppose that the: - First mass slides over a smooth, frictionless, horizontal table - Second is suspended over the edge of the table by means of a light frictionless pulley Pulleys Weight Analysis Since the pulley is light, we can neglect its rotational inertia in our analysis No force is required to turn a frictionless pulley Can assume that the tension T of the string is the same on either side of the pulley Again apply Newton's second law of motion to each mass in turn Pulley - First Mass • The first mass is subject to a downward force rrijg due to gravity - However, this force is completely canceled out by the upward reaction force due to the table • The mass nij is also subject to a horizontal force T due to the tension in the string, which causes it to move rightwards with acceleration T a — — mi Pulley - Second Mass The second mass is subject to a downward force m2g due to gravity, plus an upward force T due to the tension in the string These forces cause the mass to move downwards with acceleration: Putting Everything Together The rightward acceleration of the first mass must match the downward acceleration of the second, since the string which connects them is inextensible Equating the previous two expressions: T= m1m2g / (17^+ m2) a = m2g/ (m^ m2) 19 3/15/2017 Another Pulleys Example • Consider two masses nij and m2 connected by a light inextensible string which is suspended from a light frictionless pulley • Again must apply Newton's second law to each mass in turn Another Pulleys Example. • Without being given the values of nij and m2 we cannot determine beforehand which mass is going to move upwards • Let us assume that mass m1 is going to move upwards: - Note that in this case we will obtain a negative acceleration for this mass Another Pulleys Example - First Mass The first mass is subject to an upward force T due to the tension in the string, and a downward force rrijg due to gravity These forces cause the mass to move upwards with acceleration: ,ls>eA=nbther Pulleys Example - Second Mass • The second mass is subject to a downward force m2g due to gravity, and an upward force T due to the tension in the string • These forces cause the mass to move downward with acceleration: JTIj Putting Everything Together The upward acceleration of the first mass must match the downward acceleration of the second, since they are connected by an inextensible string Hence, equating the previous two expressions, we obtain: T = 2m1m2g / (nij + m2) a = (m2-m1)g/(m1 + m2) Example 8 Consider the diagram The platform and the attached frictionless pulley weigh a total of 34N With what force F must the (light) rope be pulled to lift the platform at 3.2 m/s2 ? pulley F p la iform 20 3/15/2017 Example 8 Solution Let W be the weight of the platform, m = W/g the mass of the platform, and T the tension in the rope From Newton's third law, it is clear that T = F Let us apply Newton's second law to the upward motion of the platform The platform is subject to two vertical forces: - A downward force W due to its weight, and - An upward force 2T due to the tension in the rope • The force is 2T, rather than T, because both the leftmost and rightmost sections of the rope, emerging from the pulley, are in tension and exerting an upward force on the pulley Example 8 Solution . • The upward acceleration a of the platform is: 2T- W a — - m • Since T = F and m = W/g, we obtain: W(a/g+l) • Finally, given that W = 34N and a = 3.2 m/s2, we have: p= 34(3.2/9.81 + 1] ^55N Friction When a body slides over a rough surface a frictional force generally develops which acts to impede the motion - Friction, when viewed at the microscopic level, is actually a very complicated phenomenon The frictional force exerted on a body sliding over a rough surface is proportional to the normal reaction Rn at that surface, the constant of proportionality depending on the nature of the surface Friction Definition • Definition: • where u. is termed the coefficient of (dynamical) friction • For ordinary surfaces u. is generally of order unity Friction Example Consider a block of mass m being dragged over a horizontal surface, whose coefficient of friction is u. by a horizontal force F The weight W = mg of the block acts vertically downwards, giving rise to a reaction R = mg acting vertically upwards Friction Example The magnitude of the frictional force f which impedes the motion of the block, is simply times the normal reaction R = mg Hence f = u.mg The acceleration of the block is, therefore: - f'9 Assuming that F > f 21 3/15/2017 Example 9 Consider the diagram where the mass of block A is 75kg and the mass of block B is 15 Kg The coefficient of static friction between the two blocks is u. = 0.45 and the horizontal surface is frictionless What minimum force F must be exerted on block A in order to prevent block B from falling? F-- A E Example 9 Solution Suppose that block A exerts a rightward force R on block B By Newton's third law, block B exerts an equal and opposite force on block A Applying Newton's second law of motion to the rightward acceleration a of block B, we obtain: a = R / mB • where mB is the mass of block B Example 9 Solution . • The normal reaction at the interface between the two blocks is R • Hence, the maximum frictional force that block A can exert on block B is u.R • In order to prevent block B from falling, this maximum frictional force (which acts upwards) must exceed the downward acting weight, mBg, of the block • Hence, we require: u.R>mBg or a>g/u. Example 9 Solution .. • Applying Newton's second law to the rightward acceleration a of both blocks we obtain: a= F/(mA + mB) • where mA is the mass of block A • It follows that: F > (mA + mB)g / u. • Substituting we get: F > (75 +15)9.81 / 0.45 = 1.962*103 N Breakout Application of Friction Conservation of Energy You can consider the ground to have friction - What will be the effects in the ball? - How would you start the ball if it stops? 22 3/15/2017 Conservation of Energy • The conservation of energy is undoubtedly the single most important idea in physics • Although the basic idea of energy conservation was familiar to scientists from the time of Newton onwards, this crucial concept only moved to centre-stage in physics in about 1850 - When scientists first realized that heat was a form of energy Forms of Energy • Energy is the substance from which all things in the Universe are made up • Energy can take many different forms: - Potential energy - Kinetic energy - Electrical energy - Thermal energy - Chemical energy - Nuclear energy - Etc Energy Transformation • Everything that we observe in the world around us represents one of the multitudinous manifestations of energy • Various processes in the Universe transform energy from one form into another: - i.e. Mechanical (which are the focus of this course), thermal, electrical, nuclear, etc... • However, all of these processes leave the total amount of energy in the Universe invariant Energy in Closed Systems • Whenever, and however, energy is transformed from one form into another, it is always conserved • For a closed system the above law of universal energy conservation implies that the total energy of the system in question must remain constant in time - i.e. a system which does not exchange energy with the rest of the Universe Energy Conservation During Free-Fail Consider a mass m which is falling vertically under the influence of gravity - Know how to analyze the motion of such a mass Let us employ this knowledge to search for an expression for the conserved energy during this process - This is clearly an example of a closed system, involving only the mass and the gravitational field Energy Conservation During Free-Fail v The physics equations of free-fall under gravity is summarized by: s = u0t - % gt2 u = u0 - gt u2 = u02 - 2gs 23 3/15/2017 Energy Conservation During Free-Fall • Let us examine the last of these equations: - u2 = u02 - 2gs • Suppose that the mass falls from height hx to h2 its initial velocity is ux and its final velocity is u2 • It follows that the net vertical displacement of the mass is: s = h2 - hx ergy Conservation During Free-Fall Moreover, u0 = u1 and u = u2 Hence, the previous expression can be rearranged to give: or mUj2 + 2mgh1 = mu22 + 2mgh2 Vi mUj2 + mgh-L = Vi mu22 + mgh2 ,lsTmetic and Gravitational Energy of ^ Mass • The kinetic energy of the mass can be defined as: K = "A mu2 The gravitational potential energy of the mass can be defined as: U = mgh *s**RTnetic and Gravitational Energy of ^ Mass. • Note that kinetic energy represents energy the mass possesses by virtue of its motion • Likewise, potential energy represents energy the mass possesses by virtue of its position • Thus: E = K + U = constant Jtnetic and Gravitational Energy of Mass.. Note that E is the total energy of the mass: - The sum of its kinetic and potential energies It is clear that E is a conserved quantity: - Although the kinetic and potential energies of the mass vary as it falls, its total energy remains the same The mks unit of energy is called the joule (symbol J) - 1 joule is equivalent to 1 kilogram meter-squared per second-squared, or 1 newton-meter Free-Fall Energy Conservation Example • Although we have already analyzed free-fall under gravity using Newton's laws of motion it is illuminating to re-examine this problem from the point of view of energy conservation • Suppose that a mass m is dropped from rest and falls a distance h - What is the final velocity u of the mass? 24 3/15/2017 HCr?re°e^Fall Energy Conservation Example If energy is conserved then: AK=-AU Any increase in the kinetic energy of the mass must be offset by a corresponding decrease in its potential energy Ffee-Fall Energy Conservation Example • The change in potential energy of the mass is simply AU = mgs = - mgh - Where s = - h is its net vertical displacement • The change in kinetic energy is simply AK = Vi mu2 where u is the final velocity • This follows because the initial kinetic energy of the mass is zero - Since it is initially at rest e-Fall Energy Conservation Example Hence, the above expression yields: Vi mu2 = mgh Or u = sqrt(2gh) Ffee-Fall Energy Conservation Another Example • Suppose that the same mass is thrown upwards with initial velocity u - What is the maximum height h to which it rises? • It is clear that as the mass rises its potential energy increases - It follows from energy conservation that its kinetic energy must decrease with height "''Ffe^Fall Energy Conservation Another Example . • Note that kinetic energy can never be negative - Since it is the product of the two positive definite quantities, m and u2 Vi • Hence, once the mass has risen to a height h which is such that its kinetic energy is reduced to zero it can rise no further - Must presumably start to fall le^Fall Energy Conservation Another Example .. • The change in potential energy of the mass in moving from its initial height to its maximum height is mgh • The corresponding change in kinetic energy is (-Hmu2) - Since J4 mu2 is the initial kinetic energy - And the final kinetic energy is zero 25 3/15/2017 '"r'r^eTall Energy Conservation Another" Example ... • From: - V2 mu2 = - mgh (- since we are rising) • Which can be rearranged to give: h = u2/(2g) Work • We have seen that when a mass free-falls under the influence of gravity some of its kinetic energy is transformed into potential energy - Or vice versa • The mass falls because it is subject to a downwards gravitational force of magnitude mg - The transformation of kinetic into potential energy is a direct consequence of the action of this force Work. • The gravitational potential energy of a given body is stored in the gravitational field which surrounds it - Thus, when the body rises its potential energy consequently increases by an amount AU • Thus, when we speak of a body's kinetic energy being transformed into potential energy, we are really talking about a flow of energy from the body to the surrounding gravitational field - This energy flow is mediated by the gravitational force exerted by the field on the body in question Work Equations • Suppose that a mass m falls a distance h • During this process, the energy of the gravitational field decreases by a certain amount - Also the body's kinetic energy increases by a corresponding amount - This transfer of energy, from the field to the mass, is, presumably, mediated by the gravitational force -mg acting on the mass • Given that U = mgh it follows from AK = - AU that: AK = f Ah Work Equations. • We refer to the amount of energy transferred to a body, when a force acts upon it, as the amount of work W performed by that force on the body in question • When a gravitational force f acts on a body, causing it to displace a distance x in the direction of that force, then the net work done on the body is: W = fx Example 10 • A man drags a 100kg treasure chest over the rough surface of a dock by exerting a constant force of 150N acting at an angle of 15? above the horizontal • The chest moves 10m in a straight line, and the coefficient of kinetic friction between the chest and the dock is 0.15 - Draw the resultant diagram including all forces that act on the treasure chest - Calculate how much work the man does - Calculate how much energy is dissipated as heat via friction - Calculate the final velocity of the chest 26 3/15/2017 Draw the Resultant Diagram R i I mg Calculate Work • The work W performed by the horizontal component is simply the magnitude of this component times the horizontal distance x moved by the chest: W = FcosB x = 150*cosl5*10 = 1448.8J calculate how much energy is dissipated as heat via friction Since the chest does not accelerate in the vertical direction, these forces must balance R = mg - Fsin9 = 100*9.81 - 150sinl5 = 942.8N The frictional force f is the product of the coefficient of kinetic friction u.K and the normal reaction R, so: f=|iKR = 0.15*942.8 = 141.4N "'"^Calculate how much energy is dissipated as heat via friction . • The work W done by the frictional force is W' = -fx = -141.4*10 = -1414J The final kinetic energy K of the chest is the difference between the work W done by the man and the energy -W dissipated as heat, hence: K = W + W = 1448.8 -1414 = 34.8J Calculate the Final Velocity Rotational Motion Since K = Vi mu2, the final velocity of the chest is: u = sqrt(2K/m)=sqrt(2*34.8/100) 27 3/15/2017 Introduction to Rotational Motion • An extended object can exhibit another type of motion which remains located at the same spatial position - But constantly changes its orientation with respect to other fixed points in space • This new type of motion is called rotation - An important aspect is rotational motion Rigid Body Rotation • Consider a rigid body executing rotational motion - i.e. Rotational motion with no translational component • Must define an axis of rotation - Which is assumed to pass through the body • This axis corresponds to the straight-line which is the locus of all points inside the body which remain stationary as the body rotates • A general point located inside the body executes circular motion which is: - Centred on the rotation axis - Orientated in the plane perpendicularto this axis Rigid Body Rotation Example Rigid Body Rotation Analysis P' __Q 0 rigid body B axis of rotation Assume that the axis of rotation remains fixed The axis of rotation is the line AB A general point P lying within the body executes a circular orbit, centred on AB - In the plane perpendicular to AB Let the line QP be a radius of this orbit which links the axis of rotation to the instantaneous position of P at time t Suppose that at time t + 6t point P has moved to P1 and the radius QP has rotated through an angle 6 Rigid Body Rotation Analysis . • The instantaneous angular velocity of the body u)(t) is defined: , 6d> dtis u> — lim — = —-'«-»« St dt • Note that if the body is indeed rotating rigidly, then the calculated value of u> should be the same for all possible points P lying within the body — Except for those points lying exactly on the axis of rotation, for which id is ill-defined Rigid Body Rotation Analysis .. The rotation speed u of point P is related to the angular velocity a) of the body via: u = au) — where a is the perpendicular distance from the axis of rotation to point P Angular acceleration a(t) of a rigidly rotating body is defined as the time derivative of the angular velocity: doj d2 is the angular coordinate of some arbitrarily chosen point reference within the body, measured with respect to the rotation axis 28 3/15/2017 Rigid Body Rotation Analysis For a body rotating with constant angular velocity uj the angular acceleration is zero, and the rotation angle <|> increases linearly with time: 4>(t) = 4>0 + cot - where 4)0 = 4)(t = 0) Likewise, for a body rotating with constant angular acceleration a: w(t) = uj0 + at nd the rotation angle satisfies: <$>(t) = cf>0 + w0t + 1/2 at2 - Here w0 = w(t = 0) Rigid Body Rotation Vectors Rigid body rotating with angular velocity to with assumption: - The axis of rotation, which runs parallel to u> is assumed to pass through the origin O of our coordinate system Point P whose position vector is r represents a general point inside the body - What is the velocity of rotation u at point P? Rigid Body Rotation Vectors . The magnitude of this velocity is simply: u = ooj = cor sin8 where o is the perpendicular distance of point P from the axis of rotation and 8 is the angle subtended between the directions of to and r The direction of the velocity is into the page Rigid Body Rotation Vectors .. • Alternatively the direction of the velocity is mutually perpendicular to the directions of to and r in the sense indicated by the right-hand grip rule when to is rotated onto r - Through an angle less than 180 u = co x r (cross product) Centre of Mass The co-ordinates of the centre of mass (or centre of gravity) of an extended object are the mass weighted averages of the coordinates of the elements which make up that object If the object has net mass M and is composed of N elements, such that the ith element has mass nil and position vector r, then the position vector of the centre of mass is given by: l Centre of Mass If the object is continuous: — where p(r) is the mass density of the object and V, is the volume occupied by the ith element ■ g - ■. i-l I - ■" ■ . -i-ť 29 References • http://www.dummies.com/how-to/content/how-to-calculate-a-spring-constant-using-hookes-la.html • http://formulas.tutorvista.com/physics/hooke -s-law-formula.html • http://www.efm.leeds.ac.Uk/CIVE/CIVE1140/s ection02/mechanics sec02 full notes02.html Useful Links. http //www.edinformatics.com/math science/mass weiaht.htm http //www. nvu.edu/Daaes/mathmol/textbook/weiahtvmass. html http //en.wikiDedia.ora/wiki/Friction http //www. da rvill.clara.net/enforcemot/friction. htm http //www.school-for-chamDions.com/Science/friction uses.htm http //www.Da.ukv.edu/~Dhv211/Friction book.html http //en.wikiDedia.ora/wiki/Conservation of enerav http //cnx.ora/content/ml4106/latest/ http //libra rv.thinkauest.ora/2745/data/lawcel.htm http //en.wikiDedia.ora/wiki/Work (physics) 3/15/2017 Useful Links * http://www.staff.amu.edu.pl/~romangoc/M2-motion-two-three-dimensions.html * http://media.wilev.com/product data/excerpt/19/04717580/04717 58019.pdf * http://phvsics.bu.edu/~duffv/pvl05/RelativeV.html * http://www.physnet.org/modules/pdf modules/m37.pdf * http://ierome.iouvie.free.fr/QpenGI/Tutorials/Tutorial26 Advanced ■ php * http://glprogramming.com/red/chapter03.html * http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Newton's laws of motion * http://www.phvsicsclassroom.com/Class/newtlaws/ * http://teachertech.rice.edu/Participants/louviere/Newton/ * http://cseplO.phvs.utk.edu/astrl61/lect/historv/newton3laws.html * http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mass versus weight Questions 30