PV207 Advanced Bizagi Topics ● Lukáš Smiga, 39236, lukas.smiga@gmail.com ● Advanced topics in Bizagi Suite ○ Data Model ○ Events Configuration ○ Forms Actions & Validations ○ Team Collaboration Options ● http://help.bizagi.com/bpmsuite/en/ Data Model ● The process data model stores present process instance state - context - in persistence layer (database) ● Intermediate user state (Save button) is stored in process scope ● Process scope is accesible only through XPath navigation capabilities, not using the stored database model Data Model ● Entity types: ○ Master entity – all processes and related entities, one for every process model, user defined and accessible ○ Parameter entity – predefined values collection like cities, departments, gender, user defined/populated ○ System entity – external entity representing accessible models from underlying system, accessible ○ Application entity – represents resulting application structure, (meta)data, not accessible Data Model ● Entity relationships: ○ Related attribute ○ One-to-one relationship (basic) ○ One-to-many relationship (collection) ○ Many-to-many relationship (complex) ○ Parent-child relationship (Cascading combo input) ■ i.e. select country, then select city, district... Events Configuration ● Events: ○ events communicate with other events through message flows ○ they enable collaboration between process instances by passing message or signal ○ message passing mechanism is implemented using the throw – catch pattern (similar to publisher and subscriber) ○ addressing and messages are configured in Collaboration setup Forms Actions & Validations ● Actions & Validations: ○ enable Bizagi user to set, manipulate or clear form controls (fields, buttons, tables…) ○ common uses: ■ validate end–user input ■ calculate or otherwise process control values ■ change controls behaviour (i.e. show/hide form control based on logic evaluation) ■ execute business rules (or expressions) Team Collaboration Options ● Bizagi BPM Server collaboration ○ suitable for development environment ○ suitable for larger teams ○ supports object check-out and check-in ○ used for development and testing, not production ○ requires setup Team Collaboration Options ● SQL Database Backup ○ unmanaged option to backup, move or migrate existing project ○ external tools required for target database engine (i.e. MS SQL Server Management Studio – free) ○ http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.as px?id=22985 ○ complete application database dump into new existing project ○ http://help.bizagi.com/bpm-suite/en/index.html?when _using_sql_server.htm Team Collaboration Options ● VM image migration ○ unamanaged option to share work, hard to synchronize ○ time, space and connection bandwidth intensive ● Workaround: Online sessions (skype) ● Alternative: Online shared Win machine Other Issues ● SMTP setup for Bizagi environment ○ http://help.bizagi.com/bpm-suite/en/studio_environmentconf.htm ○ https://www.pendriveapps.com/free-smtp-server-portable-smtp-server/ ○ https://mailtrap.io ● Web Services ○ https://www.mockable.io ○ http://www.mocky.io ○ http://www.webservicex.net/WS/wscatlist.aspx ● Data Service ○ Data replication and data virtualization in Bizagi ○ http://help.bizagi.com/bpm-suite/en/integrating_data.htm