11.10.2015 1 Podnikové inovace Jitka Sládková Skype: studenikova.jitka E-mail: jitka.sladkova@nsmcluster.com Obchodní model CANVAS Další modely 2 Klíčové oblasti Business plánu What’s the product or service? Who will pay for it, why, and how much? How much it costs to make or deliver How much is left (profit) Who are partners, suppliers, competitors Structure and processes Marketing Distribution Operating / manufacturing Supply chain Finance (sources of funds, returns to investors) Other Stakeholders Business Plán I. Business Plán - struktura 1. Executive Summary 2. Problem 3. Solution 4. Business Model 5. Secrets 6. Marketing and Sales 7. Competition 8. Management Team 9. Financials 10. Current Status Summary Executive Summary Elevators Pitch Investors Pitch 11.10.2015 2 Executive Summary Definujte problém, řešení, obchodní model, a proč vaše řešení je lepší Napište to poslední Zaujměte čtenářovu pozornost Ne více než 2 stránky ! To nejdůležitější součástí vašeho plánu a obvykle napsáno jako poslední… 22. července 2012 Sem patří text zápatí7 Elevator pitch Reigsration form Slush Registration form Czech ICT Incubator Registration form CEE start-up Problem What problem are you solving? Describe how the “state of the art” is insufficient Get your reader to agree that the current situation isn’t optimal If there isn’t a problem, take your idea back to the drawing board Solution How do we solve the “Problem”? Explain what you sell State your va\lue proposition Value Proposition Worksheet First Sentence: For (target customer) What (statement of the need or opportunity), the (product/service name) is a (product/service category) that (statement of benefit). Second Sentence: Unlike (primary competitive alternative), our product (statement of primary differentiation). Business Model – Revenue model Explain how you make money Who pays you? What are your channels of distribution? How do you integrate suppliers? Use examples if necessary Be complete 11.10.2015 3 Secrets Describe your technology, process improvement, etc. Use charts, diagrams, schematics, as much as possible Understand your Intellectual Property Marketing and Sales Define your primary, secondary, and other audiences Show some numbers How will you find, sell, and retain customers? Advertising and promotion budget Identify your BEP Competition Everyone has competitors! Provide a complete view of the competitive landscape Direct and indirect competitors Current and anticipated competitors Competitor strengths and weaknesses Your competitive advantages Pohádka o tom, jak si Ferrucio Lamborghini si koupil Ferrari. Měl ale připomínky. Nebyly brány vážně od výrobce traktorů. A tak Ferrucio vyrobil vlastní traktor co jezdí 320 km/h. Ponaučení: když se nebudete učit od svých zákazníků, můžete ztratit je i svůj business… Management Team Describe your key players Management Team Board of Directors Board of Advisors Major Investors Who are you missing? Financial Projections $ Cash Flow Projections $ Income Projections $ Balance Sheets $ Assumptions 11.10.2015 4 Current Status Describe your major milestones and tasks Technology Fundraising Customer Development, etc. Where are you now? Brag about your accomplishments Talk about the next steps – fulfill with schedule Investor Pitch Slides 10/20/30 Rule 1. Title 2. Problem 3. Solution 4. Business Model 5. Secrets 6. Marketing and Sales • Competition • Management Team • Financials • Current Status 10 slides, 20 minutes, 30 point font These are the slides you will need Business Plán II. Přesvědčivý příběh potřebuje pokrýt klíčové prvky Market Need Alternatives ‘Go to Market’ Strategy Management Team Exit Plan Sustainability Product / Service Delivery & Execution Financing & Capital Needs Plan to Scale & Leverage Financial Projections Key Element: Defining Market Need Begin with the need not the product or service Key Element: Alternatives How is need being satisfied or addressed today Key Element: Meeting Needs How will your product / service meet identified needs? Why it is better than alternatives from the customer’s perspective? What will compel them to buy? 11.10.2015 5 Key Element: Go to Market Why is the plan (the distribution channel, the marketing plan, the sales message, etc.) the best / most logical? Key Element: Identifying Critical Factors Which aspects of the business are most critical? Which aspects need to be done well and which ones exceptionally well? Which aspects, if done marginally, could sink the business? Key Element: Management What talent / expertise is needed to meet critical needs of business? How will you attract that talent? Begin with needs and align talent with it Don’t start with people available Key Element: How will it make $ • Who pays what and why? • Cost Structure Process: How to Build a Viable Plan Onion Method Check & Recheck Connections Versions: 2 minutes 20 minutes 2 hours Srovnejte obchodní model s cíli Co se snažíte dosáhnout s tímto plánem ? Vyhrát soutěž ? Pass a Class? Start a Business? Make a living? Fame & Fortune? Make a difference? Learn? Omyly Invention ⌦ Innovation Good Plan ⌦ Winning Plan ⌦ Good Business Model ⌦ Successful Business Good Business Model ⌦ Big $ A Plan ⌦ The Answer CANVAS 2010 Amsterdam 11.10.2015 6 Business Model Canvas grafické znázornění modelu - tzv. plátno byznys modelu hlavní výhody přístupu patří zdůraznění tvorby hodnoty a provázanost finančních toků na jednotlivé prvky modelu Další modely Další business přístupy Affinity club MBNA Bundling Fast-food value meals, iPod/ iTunes Crowdsourcing Wikipedia, You Tube Freemium Skype, Linkedin, Pandora Leasing Xerox, Luxury cars, MachineryLink Low-touch Southwest, Wal-mart, Xiameter Negative operatingcycle Amazon Pay-as-you-go PG&E, metered ISPs Razors/ blades Gillette, personal printers Reverse razors / blades iPod/iTunes, Amazon Kindle Product-to-service IBM, Hilti, Zipcar Tipy 10. Talk to yourself 9. Be an actor 8. Make sure the numbers add 7. Answer the question: “How do I know …?” 6. Answer the question: “How would I find out?” 5. Get testimonials / references from those in the know 4. Sell one (or more) 3. Realize the product / service is only relevant through the market’s eyes 2. Define the Bet 1. Constantly learn and adjust