Seminar sylabus PV260 (Group 03)

Week 5 - drop out - home preparation

Home preparation - SOLID, Extreme programming

Each student is obliged to sing for one of the following topic, study the problem and prepare ten minutes presentation on given theme.
Presentation should contains theory as well as practical part with code examples.
Evaluation will be based not only on presentation itself but mainly on logical reasoning in the following discussion.

Following discussion will be led by Martin Sykora, senior C# developer @ Y Soft.

Single responsibility - description, code examples, is it applicable only on code and coding?
Open closed principle - description, code examples, pros, cons
Liskov substitution principle - description, code examples, pros, cons
Interface segregation principle - description, code examples, pros, cons
Dependency inversion principle - description, code examples, pros, cons
Singleton pattern - description, code examples, pros, cons
Law of Demeter - description, code examples, pros, cons
GRASP - description, patterns
Extreme programming - principles, 4 rules of simple design, pros, cons of XP

Sing in using Google Document here: