SSME, Masaryk Uni ., Brno Intercultural Management Derek Mainwaring ESIEE Paris May 2017 Course Objectives: •To give participants a « toolbox of ideas and concepts » for living and working in a multicultural context •To make participants aware of their own cultural paradigm(s) •To make participants aware of their own preferred work style(s) •To make participants aware of the « soft skills » needed in multicultural team mgt. •To give some insights into particular cultures/environments - snapshots CULTURAL AWARENESS •Doing something familiar (signing your name) in an unfamiliar way •Seeing a familar thing (your signature) from an unfamiliar angle •Feeling delighted / amused / uncomfortable / strange / irritated / unhappy …………… with the unfamiliar object/activity Introductory comments 7 images to make you think about culture……………..and its influence on our lives 7 images of culture… • • Image 1 Culture is… …the software of the mind Hofstede, 1981 Some images – reflect……. Image 2 : Durer’s rhinoceros, 1515 PERCEPTION Culture is what water is to a fish …it takes it for granted until it is out of its environment Image 3: the goldfish Masaryk U Brno 2017 Image 4 - Our identity: a flower •We have many identities, not just national •But our identity is how we integrate the fact that we belong to many groups and that our belonging to groups evolves over time •So identity is a process, NOT a fixed object Derek’s identity Liverpudlian English Irish/Welsh Parisian . Teacher Parent Partner Postcard collector Music lover Etc Masaryk U Brno 2017 Clusters of identity > > > Nation region locality Religion moral code Academic background > > > Metropolitan suburban provincial Organisation enterprise Sport hobby interests > > Home- family independent Etc.,etc.! Image 5 – the stick man •How do we perceive culture? •How does contact with a new culture affect us? •3 zones Masaryk U Brno 2017 3 zones cerebral affective visceral …and these are ALL normal! Masaryk U Brno 2017 Image 6: the time curve... •Our reaction to a new (cultural) experience varies over time •- Time of contact in new culture honeymoon period Valley of despair Masaryk U Brno 2017 Image 7 – the Iceberg •Many aspects of « culture » are not visible, evident or conscious Metaphor: the iceberg Masaryk U Brno 2017 Review of 7 images 1. Software 2. Rhino 3. Goldfish 4. Flower 5. Stick man - Head, heart & guts! 6. Time curve 7. Iceberg Intercultural Management: contexts Contexts Short-term: « Business trip » Long-term: Expatriation Multi-national team, multi-national project, Cross-functional team Transfer of procedure (HR, IS etc.) to « offshore » location Global organisation •multi-national •multi-cultural •multi-functional - matrix Single-Track Multi-Track Individual i.e. YOU! Organisational ❖Culture ❖Teamwork ❖Management Keywords “The Globally Competent Engineer” •Working effectively with people who define problems differently Title of article, Journal of Engineering Education, April 2006 – Downey, Lucena et al. Example: deductive/inductive pb.solving Example: Main reasons why American managers fail on foreign assignments 1)The manager’s spouse cannot adjust to new physical or cultural surroundings 2)The manager cannot adapt to new physical or cultural surroundings 3)Family problems 4)The manager is emotionally immature 5)The manager cannot cope with foreign duties 6)The manager is not technically competent 7)The manager lacks the proper motivation for foreign assignments McGraw-Hill © 2004 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. The Cultural Environment A few general ideas to start with……. All about working and living with people…. • Culture as software •Perceptions •Feelings •Adapting •Awareness / Competence Cultural differences & similarities Masaryk U Brno 2017 A B x x x x Y Y Y Y Concepts & competencies…..Time – Punctuality Masaryk U Brno 2017 Space, Time and Context Across Cultures The work of E.T.Hall •What is the appropriate personal distance? •Monochronic time (clock time, sequential, linear) •Polychronic time (relational time, simultaneous activities, circular) •Low & High Context Communication Personal space…………… Masaryk U Brno 2017 Personal space Work space Territoriality – Hall: Proxemics •High territoriality = property & boundaries are important • Ownership of material things • Security of property • Developed concept of « mine » • Feel comfortable in « own » space High territoriality often = low context High territoriality Low territoriality •Ownership of space and boundaries less important •Share territory and objects •Sense of « stealing » less developed Low territoriality MONOCHRONIC •Does one thing at a time •Makes time-based commitments •Sticks to deadlines •Adheres to plans •Emphasises promptness •Is committed to job in hand •Is used to short-term relationships •Is low context, needs information POLYCHRONIC •Does many things at once •Considers time commitments as flexible •Is committed to relationships •Is easily distracted •Tends to form long-term relationships •Changes plans frequently •Is high context, interprets situation Communication & context •Low & high context •Direct & indirect communication styles •Self-enhancement or effacement •Person-oriented or status-oriented Direct Communication = Low Context C O N T E X T Verbal Non-Verbal • Meaning is in the verbal message • Seek clarity of expression • “Speaking one’s mind” • Face-to-face communication -> BUT can be perceived as pushy, unsophisticated or aggressive by those with less direct communication style Masaryk U Brno 2017 Indirect Communication = High Context C O N T E X T Verbal Non-Verbal • Meaning is in the context • Vague and ambiguous language • Many things are left “unsaid” → BUT can be perceived as deceiving by individuals who prefer a more direct communication style Masaryk U Brno 2017