Improvements In Part-of-Speech Tagging With an Application To German* Helmut Schmid t IMS-CL Institut für maschinelle Sprachverarbeitung, Universität Stuttgart, Azenbergstr. 12, D-70174 Stuttgart, Germany email: 1 Introduction Work on part-of-speech tagging has concentrated on English in the past, since a lot of manually tagged training material is available for English and results can be compared to those of other researchers. It was assumed that methods which have been developed for English would work for other languages as well. There are some special problems to tackle, however, during the development of taggers for other languages. One problem arises from the morphological productivity of languages, as e.g. German, which results in a large number of different word forms which in turn leads to a large number of lexical parameters - at least in the standard Markov Model approach. Another quite general problem is the lack of large, reliably tagged corpora for training purposes. To overcome these problems, methods are needed which achieve high accuracy with small amounts of training data. A method which has been popular for English is the trigram tagger. It has seldom been used for other languages, however, because the number of parameters becomes too large to be estimated reliably from corpus frequencies. Given a tagset of 50 tags, 125,000 contextual parameters would have to be estimated from perhaps 10,000 to 100,000 tokens of training data. This means that less than one training token is available per parameter on the average. The estimation of lexical probabilities poses similar problems since their number is often even larger. Unsupervised training on untagged corpora with the Baum-Welch algorithm is an alternative to the direct estimation of Markov Model probabilities from frequency counts. However, Merialdo [Merialdo, 1994] concluded that Baum-Welch reestimation "will generally degrade ... accuracy, except when only a very limited amount of hand-tagged text is available." In his experiments Baum-Welch training did not improve accuracy if more than 5000 training sentences were used for the initialization of parameters. This paper presents a couple of extensions to a basic Markov Model tagger (called TreeTagger) which improve its accuracy when trained on small corpora. The basic tagger was originally developed for English [Schmid, 1994]. The extensions together reduced error rates on a German test corpus by more than a third. "This is a revised version of a paper which was originally presented at the EACL SIGDAT workshop in Dublin in 1995 tThis work was supported partially by the Land Baden-Württemberg within the project Textkorpora und Erschließungswerkzeuge and partially by the German BMFT within Verbmobil. 1 2 The Basic TreeTagger The TreeTagger is a Markov Model tagger which makes use of a decision tree to get more reliable estimates for contextual parameters. 2.1 Markov Models The probability of a sequence of words W1W2 ■ ■ ■ wn which is annotated with part of speech (POS) tags may be written as P(w1W2-..Wn, (1) According to Bayes' theorem, this is equivalent to: P(wn\wi. ..wn-i,h . P{tn\wi. ..wn-i,h . P(wi. ..wn-i,h . (2) Using two simplifying assumptions, namely that the probability of a word wn depends only on its POS tn and that the probability of the POS depends only on the POSs of the k preceding words, we get the approximation: P(wn\tn) P(tn\tn-k . P{wi ■ ■■wn-1,t1. (3) Recursive application of Bayes' theorem and these simplifying assumptions results in the formula1: n P(wiw2 ■ ■ ■ wn,tih ... tn) = Y[P(wi\ti)P(ti\ti-k ...U-i) (4) i=l Probabilistic models of this kind where the next state (tag) depends only on the k preceding states (tags) are known as Markov Models of k-th order. Mainly first-order Markov models (bigram tagger) and second-order Markov Models (trigram tagger) are used in POS tagging. The simplifying assumptions above are not fully justified, of course. Neither does a word depend solely on its POS nor is the POS at some position in a sentence solely determined by the POS of the neighboring words. Nevertheless, Markov Modell taggers achieve high accuracy in practice and are very useful due to their robustness and efficiency. The TreeTagger's scoring function for alternative tag sequences is a slightly modified version of the above formula which results from another application of Bayes' theorem and omission of the factor P(wi) which is identical for all alternative tag sequences. The new formula simplifies the calculation of lexical probabilities. n P(w1W2...Wn, = Y[P(ti\Wi)/P(ti) P{ti\ti-k...U-l) (5) i=l The most probable tag sequence is efficiently calculated by the Viterbi algorithm. 2.2 Parameter Estimation Before a Markov Model tagger can be used to annotate data, it is necessary to estimate the values of its probability parameters. There are essentially two methods for this purpose. One method (see e.g. [Cutting et al., 1992]) estimates the parameters from untagged training data by iterated reestimation with the Forward-Backward Algorithm. 1We ignore here the fact that -F*(ij - - - W) (10) F(t,w) = F(t,w)+aP(t\[w]) (11) 3The same result is obtained if the word based probabilitity P(t\w) is weighted proportional to word frequency F(w)d and added to the equivalence class based probabilitity P(t\w) and renormalized. 5 3.2 Prefix Lexicon The influence of the beginning of a word on its POS is small for English words, the only important regularity being that capitalized words are proper names.4 In such languages as German on the other hand there is a stronger influence since German has also inflectional prefixes. To model this, the suffix lexicon (see section 2.4) was combined with a prefix lexicon which is built in the same way as the suffix lexicon, but from word prefixes. The probability estimates of the suffix lexicon and the prefix lexicon are multiplied and renormalized in order to be combined. 3.3 Information from Automatically Tagged Corpora Experiments on unsupervised training of taggers ([Cutting et al., 1992]) have shown that relevant information can also be extracted from untagged corpora. Untagged corpora presumably are most useful for estimating parameters of words which do not occur in the tagged training corpus or words which are not even contained in the lexicon. For the latter type of words, no information about possible POSs is available to the TreeTagger besides that provided by the prefix-suffix lexicon. There is a good chance, however, to find occurrences of such infrequent words in large untagged corpora. Using the tagger itself (after supervised training) to disambiguate the POSs of these occurrences within context, sets of probable POSs for unknown words can be extracted and added to the full form lexicon so that the tagger has more specific entries for these words than the prefix-suffix lexicon entries which are not very restrictive. Finding missing lexical entries is one way to make use of automatically tagged data. Another possibility which has been investigated is to calculate probability estimates from such data and to combine them with the lexical probabilities in the same way as the equivalence class probabilities have been combined (see section 3.1). 3.4 Sentence-Initial Words Since words are always capitalized at the beginning of a sentence, it is not sufficient in this case to look up only the capitalized form of the word in the lexicon. There might be an uncapitalized yet otherwise identical word in the lexicon. Hence the other word form has to be looked up as well and if both lookups are successful, the probability vectors are weighted by the relative frequency of the corresponding forms and summed. This is e.g. necessary to prevent the word New in the sentence "New ownership can bring a fresh outlook to stodgy companies." from being tagged as a proper name as in New York City. 3.5 Simplified Tagging Formula Sometimes equation 5 is further simplified to equation 12 by omitting the fraction 1/P(ti). This is justified if the a priori probabilities of all tags are about the same. n P(wiw2 .. .wn,ht2 . . .tn) =Y[P(ti\Wi) P{U\U-k . . .ti-l) (12) i=l This simplified formula has also been used in initial experiments with the TreeTagger. Tests have shown, however, that the exact formula 5 is superior (see section 5). 4 Tests A small hand tagged German corpus which is part of a larger corpus of the German newspaper Stuttgarter Zeitung was available for tests. The corpus was divided in two subcorpora, one for training (~ 20,000 tokens) and one for testing (~ 5,000 tokens). 4Words at the beginning of a sentence are excepted, of course. 6 tagging method accuracy suffix lexicon only (1) (1) + prefix lexicon (1) + equival. class smoothing (1) + sentence initial word treatm. all features (5) (5) + additional word/tag-pairs (6) (6) + additional probabilities (5) + standard MM formula_ 96.05 % 96.10 % 96.52 % 96.46 % 96.98 % 97.04 % < 97.04 % 97.53 % Table 1: Tagging results A list of word forms was created from the whole newspaper corpus (~ 36 million tokens) and analyzed by DMOR, a German morphological analyzer [Schiller, 1995]. All successfully analyzed word forms and the corresponding parts of speech were stored in a full form lexicon. All word/tag pairs from the training corpus which were not yet contained in the full form lexicon were added as well yielding some 350,000 entries altogether. Different tagger versions have been tested with these data. The first version implemented the simplified tagging formula and included a suffix lexicon but none of the extensions described in section 3. A prefix lexicon was added in the second version. The third version extended version 1 by smoothing with equivalence classes. For version 4, the more sophisticated treatment of sentence-initial word forms was added to version 1. Version 5 contains all three extensions. Version 6 is identical to version 5 apart from the fact that word-tag pairs from an automatically tagged corpus of 1 million words were added to the full form lexicon if missing. 7700 entries have been added in this way. In version 7 lexical probabilities from the same automatically tagged corpus were merged as described in section 3.3. In the last version the standard tagging formula 5 was used instead of the simplified version (cp. section 3.5). Tagging speed on a Sun SPARCstation 10 computer was about 8,000 tokens per second. 5 Results Table 5 shows the percentages of correctly tagged tokens for the different tagger versions. Smoothing with equivalence classes as well as the more sophisticated treatment of sentence-initial word forms improved accuracy by about 0.5 % and 0.4 % respectively. Improvement from adding a prefix lexicon on the other hand was marginal. Information from the beginning of words was therefore less useful for POS prediction than expected. Adding word/tag pairs from an automatically tagged corpus (version 6) also had only marginal effect on tagging accuracy. Merging lexical probabilities from the same corpus (version 7) even decreased accuracy. How much the accuracy decreased depended on the weight of the probabilities from the automatically tagged corpus. The results with version 7 show that the standard tagging formula is superior to the simplified one presented in section 3.5. Analysis of the tagger output showed that the latter formula tends to prefer frequent tags. This might have been expected from the fact that the two formulas differ by the factor P(t). The highest accuracy was achieved by version 7 of the tagger with 97.53 %. This is significantly better than the accuracy obtained with the basic version of the tagger (version 1). The reduction in the error rate is 37 %. 20 % of the errors made by the tagger of version 5 resulted from interchanging a finite verb form and a non-finite verb. These errors were caused by a non-local dependency: it is necessary to know whether an auxiliary precedes in the same clause in order to tell whether a clause-final verb form 7 which can be either is a finite verb or an infinitive.5. The two sentences below illustrate this problem. The verb eröffnen in the first sentence was erroneously tagged as a finite form although the modal wollen precedes. The verb halten in the second sentence is part of a subordinate clause and was incorrectly tagged as a non-finite verb although no modal or auxiliary precedes. 1. Wir wollen 1994 die modernste Automobilfabrik in Deutschland eröffnen. We want to open the most advanced car factory in Germany in 1994. 2. Was Amerikaner augenblicklich für die beste Produktionsmethode halten, ... What Americans currently consider to be the best production method, ... This kind of dependency is difficult to learn for an N-gram tagger because it looks only at a limited context. A simple postprocessor can be used to filter out these tagging errors, however. The methods presented in [Brill, 1992] could be used to learn such transformation rules automatically. 18 % of the errors resulted from interchanging a noun and a proper name. Two thirds of the problematic words were either not contained in the full form lexicon (e.g. the proper name Eberspächer) or not contained with the correct tag (e.g. the proper name Trachtenberg was only listed as a simple noun). 10 % of the problematic words were proper names following an article. The context strongly predicts a noun in these cases. 98.0 % of the test tokens were found in the full form lexicon of version 5. Tagging accuracy on these words was 97.4 %. Accuracy on the remaining 2 % of the tokens which were not contained in the full form lexicon was 78 %. The average ambiguity of the test tokens was 1.45. This is about the same degree of ambiguity as for the English Penn Treebank data. Similar tests have been run for English. The English tagger was trained with two preceding tags as context. 2 million tokens from the Penn Treebank corpus [Marcus et al., 1993] were used for training and 100,000 tokens from a different part of the corpus for tests. The lexicon was created from the training corpus. Three different versions of the tagger were tested corresponding to version 1, version 5 and version 7 above. The resulting accuracy was 96.34 % for version 1, 96.44 % for version 5 and 96.81 % for version 7. The improvement in accuracy from version 1 to version 5 is smaller for English than for German. There seems to be less need for smoothing here because the lexical parameters can be estimated quite reliably due to the size of the training corpus. 6 Conclusions Several extensions to a Markov Model based tagger have been presented which reduced the error rate of the tagger on German data by about 37 %. The best tagger version achieved 97.5 % correctness. Smoothing lexical probabilities with equivalence class based probabilities as well as a more sophisticated treatment of sentence-initial words have been useful. A limited further improvement was obtained by using a prefix lexicon in addition to a suffix lexicon and by extension of the full form lexicon with word/tag pairs from an automatically tagged corpus. Merging lexical probability estimates from an automatically tagged training corpus, however, had no positive effects. Finally, it was found that the tagger performs better with the standard Markov Model formula which uses p(w\t) as lexical probability than with an alternative formula which uses p(t\w). The tagger has been implemented in C and is very fast. About 8,000 tokens are tagged per second. 6 German is a verb-second language. The finite verb is in main clauses (excepted imperative clauses) the second constituent. Any non-finite verbs which form a verb complex together with the finite verb follow at the end of the clause. An arbitrary number of words may intervene between both parts of the verb complex. In subordinate clauses on the other hand the whole verb complex including the finite verb is located at the end of the clause (ignoring shifted constituents which may follow in the so called "Nachfeld" position). A verb at the end of a clause can therefore be either the finite verb of a subordinate clause or a non finite verb in a main clause 8 References [Brill, 1992] Brill, E. (1992). A simple rule-based part of speech tagger. In Proceedings of the Third Conference on Applied Natural Language Processing, Trento,Italy. [Church and Gale, 1991] Church, K. W. and Gale, W. A. (1991). A comparison of the enhanced Good-Turing and deleted estimation methods for estimating probabilities of English bigrams. Computer Speech and Language, 5:19-54. [Cutting et al., 1992] Cutting, D., Kupiec, J., Pedersen, J., and Sibun, P. (1992). A practical part-of-speech tagger. In Proceedings of the Third Conference on Applied Natural Language Processing, pages 133-140. 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