Advanced Search Techniques for Large Scale Data Analytics Pavel Zezula and Jan Sedmidubsky Masaryk University Pavel Zezula, Jan Sedmidubsky. Advanced Search Techniques for Large Scale Data Analytics (PA212) 2 Memory Disk CPU Machine Learning, Statistics “Classical” Data Mining Pavel Zezula, Jan Sedmidubsky. Advanced Search Techniques for Large Scale Data Analytics (PA212) 3 ¡20+ billion web pages x 20KB = 400+ TB ¡1 computer reads 30-35 MB/sec from disk §~4 months to read the web ¡~1,000 hard drives to store the web ¡Takes even more to do something useful with the data! ¡Today, a standard architecture for such problems is emerging: §Cluster of commodity Linux nodes §Commodity network (ethernet) to connect them ¡ Pavel Zezula, Jan Sedmidubsky. Advanced Search Techniques for Large Scale Data Analytics (PA212) 4 Mem Disk CPU Mem Disk CPU … Switch Each rack contains 16-64 nodes Mem Disk CPU Mem Disk CPU … Switch Switch 1 Gbps between any pair of nodes in a rack 2-10 Gbps backbone between racks In 2011 it was guestimated that Google had 1M machines, Pavel Zezula, Jan Sedmidubsky. Advanced Search Techniques for Large Scale Data Analytics (PA212) 5 ¡Large-scale computing for data mining problems on commodity hardware ¡Challenges: §How do you distribute computation? §How can we make it easy to write distributed programs? §Machines fail: §One server may stay up 3 years (1,000 days) §If you have 1,000 servers, expect to loose 1/day §People estimated Google had ~1M machines in 2011 §1,000 machines fail every day! Pavel Zezula, Jan Sedmidubsky. Advanced Search Techniques for Large Scale Data Analytics (PA212) 6 ¡Issue: Copying data over a network takes time ¡Idea: §Bring computation close to the data §Store files multiple times for reliability ¡Map-reduce addresses these problems §Google’s computational/data manipulation model §Elegant way to work with big data §Storage Infrastructure – File system §Google: GFS. Hadoop: HDFS §Programming model §Map-Reduce Pavel Zezula, Jan Sedmidubsky. Advanced Search Techniques for Large Scale Data Analytics (PA212) 7 ¡Problem: §If nodes fail, how to store data persistently? ¡Answer: §Distributed File System: §Provides global file namespace §Google GFS; Hadoop HDFS; ¡Typical usage pattern §Huge files (100s of GB to TB) §Data is rarely updated in place §Reads and appends are common ¡ Pavel Zezula, Jan Sedmidubsky. Advanced Search Techniques for Large Scale Data Analytics (PA212) 8 ¡Chunk servers §File is split into contiguous chunks §Typically each chunk is 16-64MB §Each chunk replicated (usually 2x or 3x) §Try to keep replicas in different racks ¡Master node §a.k.a. Name Node in Hadoop’s HDFS §Stores metadata about where files are stored §Might be replicated ¡Client library for file access §Talks to master to find chunk servers §Connects directly to chunk servers to access data Pavel Zezula, Jan Sedmidubsky. Advanced Search Techniques for Large Scale Data Analytics (PA212) 9 ¡Reliable distributed file system ¡Data kept in “chunks” spread across machines ¡Each chunk replicated on different machines §Seamless recovery from disk or machine failure C0 C1 C2 C5 D1 C5 C1 C3 C5 … C2 Bring computation directly to the data! C0 C5 C2 Pavel Zezula, Jan Sedmidubsky. Advanced Search Techniques for Large Scale Data Analytics (PA212) Chunk servers also serve as compute servers 10 ¡Case 1: §File too large for memory, but all pairs fit in memory ¡Case 2: ¡Count occurrences of words: §words(doc.txt) | sort | uniq -c §where words takes a file and outputs the words in it, one per a line ¡Case 2 captures the essence of MapReduce §Great thing is that it is naturally parallelizable § ¡ ¡ Pavel Zezula, Jan Sedmidubsky. Advanced Search Techniques for Large Scale Data Analytics (PA212) 11 ¡Sequentially read a lot of data ¡Map: §Extract something you care about ¡Group by key: Sort and Shuffle ¡Reduce: §Aggregate, summarize, filter or transform ¡Write the result Outline stays the same, Map and Reduce change to fit the problem Pavel Zezula, Jan Sedmidubsky. Advanced Search Techniques for Large Scale Data Analytics (PA212) 12 v k k v k v map v k v k … k v map Input key-value pairs Intermediate key-value pairs … k v Pavel Zezula, Jan Sedmidubsky. Advanced Search Techniques for Large Scale Data Analytics (PA212) 13 k v … k v k v k v Intermediate key-value pairs Group by key reduce reduce k v k v k v … k v … k v k v v v v Key-value groups Output key-value pairs Pavel Zezula, Jan Sedmidubsky. Advanced Search Techniques for Large Scale Data Analytics (PA212) 14 ¡Input: a set of key-value pairs ¡Programmer specifies two methods: §Map(k, v) ® * §Takes a key-value pair and outputs a set of key-value pairs §E.g., key is the filename, value is a single line in the file §There is one Map call for every (k,v) pair §Reduce(k’, *) ® * §All values v’ with same key k’ are reduced together and processed in v’ order §There is one Reduce function call per unique key k’ Pavel Zezula, Jan Sedmidubsky. Advanced Search Techniques for Large Scale Data Analytics (PA212) 15 The crew of the space shuttle Endeavor recently returned to Earth as ambassadors, harbingers of a new era of space exploration. Scientists at NASA are saying that the recent assembly of the Dextre bot is the first step in a long-term space-based man/mache partnership. '"The work we're doing now -- the robotics we're doing -- is what we're going to need …………………….. Big document (The, 1) (crew, 1) (of, 1) (the, 1) (space, 1) (shuttle, 1) (Endeavor, 1) (recently, 1) …. (crew, 1) (crew, 1) (space, 1) (the, 1) (the, 1) (the, 1) (shuttle, 1) (recently, 1) … (crew, 2) (space, 1) (the, 3) (shuttle, 1) (recently, 1) … MAP: Read input and produces a set of key-value pairs Group by key: Collect all pairs with same key Reduce: Collect all values belonging to the key and output (key, value) Provided by the programmer Provided by the programmer (key, value) (key, value) Pavel Zezula, Jan Sedmidubsky. Advanced Search Techniques for Large Scale Data Analytics (PA212) 16 ¡map(key, value): ¡// key: document name; value: text of the document ¡ for each word w in value: ¡ emit(w, 1) ¡ reduce(key, values): // key: a word; value: an iterator over counts result = 0 for each count v in values: result += v emit(key, result) Pavel Zezula, Jan Sedmidubsky. Advanced Search Techniques for Large Scale Data Analytics (PA212) 17 Pavel Zezula, Jan Sedmidubsky. Advanced Search Techniques for Large Scale Data Analytics (PA212) index-auto-0007-0001 Big document MAP: Read input and produces a set of key-value pairs Group by key: Collect all pairs with same key (Hash merge, Shuffle, Sort, Partition) Reduce: Collect all values belonging to the key and output 18 Pavel Zezula, Jan Sedmidubsky. Advanced Search Techniques for Large Scale Data Analytics (PA212) All phases are distributed with many tasks doing the work 19 Input 0 Map 0 Input 1 Map 1 Input 2 Map 2 Reduce 0 Reduce 1 Out 0 Out 1 Shuffle Pavel Zezula, Jan Sedmidubsky. Advanced Search Techniques for Large Scale Data Analytics (PA212) 20 Pavel Zezula, Jan Sedmidubsky. Advanced Search Techniques for Large Scale Data Analytics (PA212) 21 Pavel Zezula, Jan Sedmidubsky. Advanced Search Techniques for Large Scale Data Analytics (PA212) 22 ¡Map worker failure §Map tasks completed or in-progress at worker are reset to idle §Reduce workers are notified when task is rescheduled on another worker ¡Reduce worker failure §Only in-progress tasks are reset to idle §Reduce task is restarted ¡Master failure §MapReduce task is aborted and client is notified Pavel Zezula, Jan Sedmidubsky. Advanced Search Techniques for Large Scale Data Analytics (PA212) 23 ¡M map tasks, R reduce tasks ¡Rule of a thumb: §Make M much larger than the number of nodes in the cluster §One DFS chunk per map is common §Improves dynamic load balancing and speeds up recovery from worker failures ¡Usually R is smaller than M §Because output is spread across R files § § Pavel Zezula, Jan Sedmidubsky. Advanced Search Techniques for Large Scale Data Analytics (PA212) 24 ¡Fine granularity tasks: map tasks >> machines §Minimizes time for fault recovery §Can do pipeline shuffling with map execution §Better dynamic load balancing Pavel Zezula, Jan Sedmidubsky. Advanced Search Techniques for Large Scale Data Analytics (PA212) index-auto-0009-0001 25 ¡Problem §Slow workers significantly lengthen the job completion time: §Other jobs on the machine §Bad disks §Weird things ¡Solution §Near end of phase, spawn backup copies of tasks §Whichever one finishes first “wins” ¡Effect §Dramatically shortens job completion time Pavel Zezula, Jan Sedmidubsky. Advanced Search Techniques for Large Scale Data Analytics (PA212) 26 ¡Often a Map task will produce many pairs of the form (k,v1), (k,v2), … for the same key k §E.g., popular words in the word count example ¡Can save network time by pre-aggregating values in the mapper: §combine(k, list(v1)) à v2 §Combiner is usually same as the reduce function ¡Works only if reduce function is commutative and associative Pavel Zezula, Jan Sedmidubsky. Advanced Search Techniques for Large Scale Data Analytics (PA212) 27 ¡Back to our word counting example: §Combiner combines the values of all keys of a single mapper (single machine): § § § § § § §Much less data needs to be copied and shuffled! Pavel Zezula, Jan Sedmidubsky. Advanced Search Techniques for Large Scale Data Analytics (PA212) /hadoop-F03_reference.jpg 28 Pavel Zezula, Jan Sedmidubsky. Advanced Search Techniques for Large Scale Data Analytics (PA212) 29 Pavel Zezula, Jan Sedmidubsky. Advanced Search Techniques for Large Scale Data Analytics (PA212) 31 Pavel Zezula, Jan Sedmidubsky. Advanced Search Techniques for Large Scale Data Analytics (PA212) 32 ¡Compute the natural join R(A,B) ⋈ S(B,C) ¡R and S are each stored in files ¡Tuples are pairs (a,b) or (b,c) ¡ Pavel Zezula, Jan Sedmidubsky. Advanced Search Techniques for Large Scale Data Analytics (PA212) A B a1 b1 a2 b1 a3 b2 a4 b3 B C b2 c1 b2 c2 b3 c3 ⋈ A C a3 c1 a3 c2 a4 c3 = R S 33 Pavel Zezula, Jan Sedmidubsky. Advanced Search Techniques for Large Scale Data Analytics (PA212) 34 ¡In MapReduce we quantify the cost of an algorithm using 1.Communication cost = total I/O of all processes 2.Elapsed communication cost = max of I/O along any path 3.(Elapsed) computation cost analogous, but count only running time of processes ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ §Note that here the big-O notation is not the most useful (adding more machines is always an option) Pavel Zezula, Jan Sedmidubsky. Advanced Search Techniques for Large Scale Data Analytics (PA212) 35 ¡For a map-reduce algorithm: §Communication cost = input file size + 2 ´ (sum of the sizes of all files passed from Map processes to Reduce processes) + the sum of the output sizes of the Reduce processes. §Elapsed communication cost is the sum of the largest input + output for any map process, plus the same for any reduce process Pavel Zezula, Jan Sedmidubsky. Advanced Search Techniques for Large Scale Data Analytics (PA212) 36 ¡Either the I/O (communication) or processing (computation) cost dominates §Ignore one or the other ¡ ¡Total cost tells what you pay in rent from your friendly neighborhood cloud ¡ ¡Elapsed cost is wall-clock time using parallelism Pavel Zezula, Jan Sedmidubsky. Advanced Search Techniques for Large Scale Data Analytics (PA212) 37 ¡Total communication cost = O(|R|+|S|+|R ⋈ S|) ¡Elapsed communication cost = O(s) §We’re going to pick k and the number of Map processes so that the I/O limit s is respected §We put a limit s on the amount of input or output that any one process can have. s could be: §What fits in main memory §What fits on local disk ¡With proper indexes, computation cost is linear in the input + output size §So computation cost is like comm. cost Pavel Zezula, Jan Sedmidubsky. Advanced Search Techniques for Large Scale Data Analytics (PA212) 38 ¡Google §Not available outside Google ¡Hadoop §An open-source implementation in Java §Uses HDFS for stable storage §Download: ¡Aster Data §Cluster-optimized SQL Database that also implements MapReduce ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ Pavel Zezula, Jan Sedmidubsky. Advanced Search Techniques for Large Scale Data Analytics (PA212) 40 ¡Hadoop Wiki § Introduction § § Getting Started § § Map/Reduce Overview § § § Eclipse Environment § ¡ Javadoc § Pavel Zezula, Jan Sedmidubsky. Advanced Search Techniques for Large Scale Data Analytics (PA212) 41 ¡ Releases from Apache download mirrors § ¡ Nightly builds of source § ¡ Source code from subversion § ¡ Pavel Zezula, Jan Sedmidubsky. Advanced Search Techniques for Large Scale Data Analytics (PA212) 42