Seminář Laboratoře softwarových architektur a informačních systémů
29.03.2018 - Software Development with Quality in Mind (Ondřej Nevělík, Ladislav Cicoň, Wandera)
In this session we will explore the broad theme of Software Quality, starting with techniques for embedding quality into your code. But quality is not only about writing bug-free code and verifying the results. We will also discuss hot topics such as how to make sure you build the right product and how to quickly and flawlessly get it to your customers.
We will finish the talk with discussion about lesser known aspects that affect quality. How to say ‘no’ to your product manager, given the pressure and impact that saying ‘yes’ might have. Also, how expensive it can be to lower the quality in a race to meet deadlines.
We will finish the talk with discussion about lesser known aspects that affect quality. How to say ‘no’ to your product manager, given the pressure and impact that saying ‘yes’ might have. Also, how expensive it can be to lower the quality in a race to meet deadlines.
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