LAB OF SOFTWARE ARCHITECTURES AND INFORMATION SYSTEMS FACULTY OF INFORMATICS MASARYK UNIVERSITY, BRNO ROADMAP TO SOFTWARE QUALITY Barbora Bühnová PV260 COURSE INTRODUCTION Outlineofthelecture • Course introduction • Course motivation and goals • Course organization • Our team • Roadmap to quality assurance methods • Define quality issues • Prevent quality issues • Detect quality issues • Repair quality issues • Keep track of quality issues • Choose well, plan well © B. Bühnová, PV260 Software Quality Outlineofthelecture • Course introduction • Course motivation and goals • Course organization • Our team • Roadmap to quality assurance methods • Define quality issues • Prevent quality issues • Detect quality issues • Repair quality issues • Keep track of quality issues • Choose well, plan well © B. Bühnová, PV260 Software Quality Coursemotivationandgoals “People forget how fast you did a job – but they remember how well you did it” – some guy named Howard Newton • The aim of the course is to help the students to • understand activities contributing to building high-quality software; • develop critical thinking and be able to identify code flaws related to reliability, performance, scalability, maintainability and testability; • be able to refactor existing code to improve different quality attributes; • have practical experience with software testing and related tools. © B. Bühnová, PV260 Software Quality Outlineoflectures Lect 1. Course organization. Roadmap to software quality engineering methods. Lect 2. Requirements and test cases. From unit testing to integration testing. Lect 3. Quality and testing in agile. Practical insights on QA in real product development. Lect 4. Clean Code & SOLID principles. Bad code smells and code refactoring. Lect 5. Performance engineering and performance testing. Lect 6. Automated testing and testability.Continuous integration. Lect 7. Software measurement and metrics, and their role in quality improvement. Lect 8.The role of software architecture. Lect 9. Focus on quality attributes and conflicts between them. Lect 10. Static code analysis and code reviews. Lect 11. Challenges of quality management in cloud applications. Lect 12. Software quality management process. Course summary. Colloquium event © B. Bühnová, PV260 Software Quality Courseorganization • Lectures • Shared by us and experts from companies • May not be recorded • Final colloquium event after the end of semester • Seminars • Practical assignments on computers • Teamwork, homework, projects • 2 Java groups – taught by LaSArIS lab members • 1 C# group – taught by YSoft experts © B. Bühnová, PV260 Software Quality Courseorganization • Evaluation • 45 points for seminar assignments • 10 seminar activity points • 10 lecture activity points • 35 points for final colloquium assessment, consisting of • obligatory attendance at the final colloquium event and • final written test • Minimum of 70 points for passing the course • Colloquium event • On June 4, between 9-14h • Discussion groups led by industrial experts • Student presentations of outcomes • Written test (at the end of the day, or on a separate term) © B. Bühnová, PV260 Software Quality Our team © B. Bühnová, PV260 Software Quality • Ondřej Krajíček • Martin Osovský • Radim Göth • and others • Barbora Bühnová • Bruno Rossi • David Gešvindr • Stanislav Chren • Jaromír Skřivan • Lukáš Pitoňák • Jakub Papcun • Jan Svoboda • JanVerner• Jiří Pokorný • Pavel Macík • MartinVečeřa Outlineofthelecture • Course introduction • Course motivation and goals • Course organization • Our team • Roadmap to quality assurance methods • Define quality issues • Prevent quality issues • Detect quality issues • Repair quality issues • Keep track of quality issues • Choose well, plan well © B. Bühnová, PV260 Software Quality QualityAssurance(QA)methods © B. Bühnová, PV260 Software Quality Usability testing Security testing Security tactics RoadmaptoQA methods Prevent quality issues Detect quality issues Repair quality issues Keep track of quality issues Define quality issues © B. Bühnová, PV260 Software Quality Definequalityissues • Software quality is commonly defined as the capability of a software product to conform to requirements [ISO/IEC 9001]. • Requirements engineering • Software metrics • ’You cannot manage what you cannot measure’ • Quality attributes • Of a product, process and resources © B. Bühnová, PV260 Software Quality Prevent quality issues Detect quality issues Repair quality issues Keep track of quality issues Define quality issues customer needs What"quality"meanstoyou? …andyourcustomer? …andyourmanager? © B. Bühnová, PV260 Software Quality TheSoftwareQuality Iceberg EXTERNAL QUALITY INTERNALQUALITY Visible / Symptoms Invisible / Root usability accuracy cost performance reliability program structure complexity coding practices testability reusability maintainability flexibility understandability security testinginspection Inspiration from [5] manualorautomated? measurableornot? © B. Bühnová, PV260 Software Quality Thebig five • Along the course we will focus on: • Maintainability – ease of change (without increased technical debt) • Performance – response time and efficiency in resource utilization • Reliability – probability of failure-free operation over a period of time • Testability – degree to which the system facilitates testing • Scalability – system’s ability to handle growing work load • Quality attributes studied in related courses: • Security – system’s ability to protect itself from attacks • Usability – ease of system use and learnability © B. Bühnová, PV260 Software Quality Preventqualityissues • Coding best practices • Clean code, SOLID principles • Design patterns • Pair programming • Code conventions • Language specif. recommendations • Quality assurance processes • V-model of testing • Standards for development process improvement • CMMI and ITIL reference models • ISO 9000, ISO/IEC 25010 © B. Bühnová, PV260 Software Quality Prevent quality issues Detect quality issues Repair quality issues Keep track of quality issues Define quality issues Detectqualityissues • Testing functional requirements • Manual or automated • Testing non-functional req. • Performance, usability, security testing • Design inspections • Manual inspections of design artifacts • Code reviews • Manual inspections of code • Automated static code analysis © B. Bühnová, PV260 Software Quality Prevent quality issues Detect quality issues Repair quality issues Keep track of quality issues Define quality issues Roadmaptosoftwaretesting © B. Bühnová, PV260 Software Quality Inspired from [1] Test cases Test resources Test plan Testing Strategy Unit Component Functional Test Backend Middleware Third party System and IntegrationTest Functional Non-functional Regression ReleaseTest Usability Learnability Requirements Acceptance (User)Test Application Infrastructure Post-production Tuning Requirements Acceptance Criteria Test management Functional testing Non-functional testing Tuning Specify Design Prototype Configure Validate Deploy Maintain DevelopmentTestingEnd-to-EndView ImplementationCycle Penetration Red team SecurityTest Response time Stress PerformanceTest Repairquality issues • Functional issue • Code repair • Reliability issue • Fault tolerance mechanisms • Performance issue • Concurrency, effective resource utilization, identify and remove system bottlenecks • Security issue • Identify and remove system vulnerabilities (single points of failure) • Maintainability issue • Refactoring to clean code principles, to design patterns © B. Bühnová, PV260 Software Quality Prevent quality issues Detect quality issues Repair quality issues Keep track of quality issues Define quality issues Keeptrackofqualityissues • Issue tracking • Supports the management of issues reported by customers • Technical debt management • Level of code quality degradation • Work that needs to be done before a particular job can be considered complete or proper • Configuration management • Version management and release management • System integration © B. Bühnová, PV260 Software Quality Prevent quality issues Detect quality issues Repair quality issues Keep track of quality issues Define quality issues RoadmaptoQAmethods–theBigPicture Prevent quality issues - Coding best practices - Code conventions - QA processes - Standards Detect quality issues (Non)Functional testing Design inspections Code reviews Static code analysis Repair quality issues - Reliability tactics - Performance tactics - Security tactics - Maintainability tactics Keep track of quality issues Issue tracking Technical debt management Configuration management Define quality issues - Requirements engineering - Quality attributes © B. Bühnová, PV260 Software Quality Outlineofthelecture • Course introduction • Course motivation and goals • Course organization • Our team • Roadmap to quality assurance methods • Define quality issues • Prevent quality issues • Detect quality issues • Repair quality issues • Keep track of quality issues • Choose well, plan well © B. Bühnová, PV260 Software Quality Choosewell,plan well • Think well about your requirements and the cost of the quality © B. Bühnová, PV260 Software Quality Choosewell–Combinationisthekey © B. Bühnová, PV260 Software Quality From [2,3], see also RebelLabs reports [4] Plan well –The PowerofAnalogy • Airplane Servicing • Requires regular servicing e.g. every 100,000 miles. • Takes place even if everything seems to work all right, because we cannot afford a failure. • Technical Debt Management • Introduced by WardCunningham • Analogy of quality degradation with financial debt – if not paid off, interests increase.One can get into trouble. • Sometimes it is wise to “borrow money” • When one expects to have more money in the future (start-up company) • When one needs to act fast not to miss a market opportunity • When one expects money devaluation (e.g. developers will become more experienced, it will be easier to understand user needs) © B. Bühnová, PV260 Software Quality Can we quantify it? Takeaways • Quality assurance (QA) is much more than testing, including many different methods to • prevent, detect, repair and keep track of quality issues • Combination of the methods is the key to successfulQA • But choose well and plan well, not all methods are best for your project! • Make sure you understand the needs of your customer • Balance both internal and external quality attributes for both the present and the future Barbora Bühnová, FI MU Brno contact me thanks for listening © B. Bühnová, PV260 Software Quality References • [1]TestingYou PerformWhenYou Develop a SiebelApplication.Available online at • [2] Steve McConnell. Code Complete:A Practical Handbook of Software Construction, Second Edition. Microsoft Press, June 2004. • [3] Kevin Burke. Why code review beats testing: evidence from decades of programming research. Available online at ways-to-find-bugs-in-your-code/ • [4] RebelLabs. 2013 Developer Productivity Report. Available online at engineering-tools-practices-impact-software-quality-delivery/ • [5] Jonathan Bloom.Titanic Dilemma:The SeenVersus the Unseen. Available online at © B. Bühnová, PV260 Software Quality