Maven PV260 Software Quality Stanislav Chren 23. 2. 2017 What is Maven Apache Maven is a software project management and comprehension tool. Based on the concept of a project object model (POM), Maven can manage a project’s build, reporting and documentation from a central piece of information. Our Use case Building Java projects Dependency management download from Overview Typical Project Structure my-app |-- pom.xml ‘-- src |-- main | |-- java | | ‘-- com | | ‘-- mycompany | | ‘-- | ‘-- resources | ‘-- META-INF | ‘-- ‘-- test ‘-- java ‘-- com ‘-- mycompany ‘-- POM File Mandatory for each Maven project Specifies project and build configuration my-app jar 1.0-SNAPSHOT Maven Quick Start Archetype .... ... Dependencies Project dependencies are defined inside elements. Example junit junit 4.11 test Dependency artifacts are searched in local, remote and central repositories If the artifact is not present in the local repository, it is downloaded from central or specified remote repositories. Maven also handles the transitive dependencies. Dependency Scopes Dependency scope is used to limit the transitivity of a dependency, and also to affect the classpath used for various build tasks. Scope Description compile Default. Dependencies are available in all classpaths of a project provided Provided by the JDK or a container at run- time. runtime Not required for compilation, but is for execution. Only the runtime and test class- paths. test Only the test compilation and execution phases system The JAR is provided explicitly without the repository search. Maven CMD Interface Run from CMD using mvn followed by the name of a build life cycle, phase or goal, e.g. mvn clean When Maven builds a software project it follows a build life cycle. The build life cycle is divided into build phases, and the build phases are divided into build goals Lifecycle Description default handles everything related to compiling and packaging. clean handles everything related to removing temporary files from the output directory, including generated source files, compiled classes, previous JAR files etc. site handles everything related to generating documentation. Default Lifecycle Build Phases Usage: mvn phaseName or mvn phaseName:goal Phase Description validate Validates that the project is correct and all necessary information is available. This also makes sure the dependencies are down- loaded compile Compiles the source code of the project. test Runs the tests against the compiled source code using a suitable unit testing framework. package Packs the compiled code in its distributable format, such as a JAR. install Install the package into the local repository. deploy Copies the final package to the remote repository. Creating New Project The basic project structure is generated using the archetypes Maven contains archetypes for various types of projects. The project creation wizard is executed by: mvn archetype:generate For a sample HelloWorld project, you can run: mvn -B archetype:generate \ -DarchetypeGroupId=org.apache.maven.archetypes \ \ -DartifactId=my-app More archetypes: introduction/introduction-to-archetypes.html Plugins Plugins are used for customizing the Maven build Example - making the resulting jar file executable and bundled with all dependencies: maven-assembly-plugin fully.qualified.MainClass jar-with-dependencies Project is then built by: mvn clean compile assembly:single More info about plugins: Tutorials https: // Task 1. Generate at least three different project types (one of them should be the default/quickstart). Examine their structure 2. Add following dependencies to the quickstart project: Hibernate Mockito Slf4j 3. Give them appropriate scope. Hibernate should be available in packaged jar, Mockito is only available for testing and Slf4j will be supplied by the environment. 4. Try to execute various life cycles/phases 5. Add the plugin configuration so that the resulted jar is bundled with it its dependencies and is executable via java -jar .jar