Introduction Commands Details Tasks Git Basics PV260 Software Quality Stanislav Chren 23. 2. 2017 Introduction Commands Details Tasks What is Git Git is a widely used source code management system for software development. It is a distributed revision control system with an emphasis on speed, data integrity, and support for distributed, non-linear workflows. Our Use case Materials provided as repositories reflecting change in the code from start of refactoring / covering by tests etc. to the end of the process Students encouraged to use some SCM for their assignments download from Introduction Commands Details Tasks Basic Workflow Introduction Commands Details Tasks Git Life Cycle Introduction Commands Details Tasks Basic commands 1 Commands are written without the ’-’ e.g. git commit Initial environment setup: git config --global "Your Name" git config --global "" Command Description help Prints help summary, all commands are described here init Creates a new repository in the current folder clone Creates an instance of the remote repository. Introduction Commands Details Tasks Basic commands 2 Command Description add Add file contents to the index rm Remove files from the working tree and from the index commit Record changes to the repository push Update remote repository pull Fetch from and integrate with another repository or a local branch fetch Download objects and refs from another repository checkout Switch branches or restore working tree files branch List, create, or delete branches Introduction Commands Details Tasks Basic commands 3 Command Description status Shows the working tree status log Shows commit logs show Displays detailed information about various objects (blobs, trees, tags and commits) diff Shows changes between commits, commit and working tree, etc Introduction Commands Details Tasks Creating a Repository Create an empty reopsitory in the current directory git init add --bare option to convert current dir into repository. The directory name should have form name.git Clone an existing repository into a newly created directory in the current folder. git clone PATH TO REPO PATH TO REPO can be path in local filesystem or URL Introduction Commands Details Tasks Add Updates the index using the current content found in the working tree, adds files to the staging area git add OPTIONS Option Description FILE Stages the given FILE --update, -u Stage modified and deleted files only --all, -A Stage all (new, modified, deleted) files Introduction Commands Details Tasks Commit Stores the current contents of the index/staging area in a new commit along with a log message from the user describing the changes. New files need to be added by git add first git commit OPTIONS Option Description -m MESSAGE Stores the changes with the given MESSAGE. Mandatory --all, -a Automatically stages files that have been modified and deleted, but new files you have not told Git about are not affected. --dry-run Does not execute the commit, just prints a summmary of what is to be commited The commited changes can be stored in remote repo by: git push Introduction Commands Details Tasks Pull Incorporates changes from a remote repository into the current branch. In its default mode, git pull is shorthand for git fetch followed by git merge FETCH HEAD Introduction Commands Details Tasks Status Displays paths that have differences between the index file and the current HEAD commit, paths that have differences between the working tree and the index file, and paths in the working tree that are not tracked by Git (and are not ignored The symbols beside filename represents a state of the file, e.g. ?? for untracked file, A for added, M for modified etc. git status OPTIONS Option Description --short, -s Give the output in the short-format. --long, -a Give the output in the long-format. Default. --ignored Show ignored files as well. --column Display untracked files in columns. Introduction Commands Details Tasks Log Shows the commit logs. Each entry contains the SHA-1 checksum, the author’s name and email, the date written, and the commit message. Option Description -p Shows the difference introduced in each commit --stat Shows abbreviated stats for each commit --pretty=STYLE Changes output format based on the STYLE. Posibble values - oneline, full, fuller, short --column Display untracked files in columns. Introduction Commands Details Tasks Diff Shows changes between the index and a tree, changes between two trees, changes between between two files on disk. Compare working tree and index git diff Compare two revisions git diff REV1 REV2 Compare two files from different revisions git diff REV1:file REV2:file Introduction Commands Details Tasks Tutorials Introduction Commands Details Tasks Task 1 1. Create two new repositories, named repo1 and repo2 2. For the former, use git init command, for the latter use also the --bare option. What is the difference? 3. Create a github1/gitlab2/bitbucket3 account (if you don’t have it already) 4. Clone a repository PV260 from 1 2 3 Introduction Commands Details Tasks Task 2 1. What is the content of the 255471.hello file after 3rd revision? 2. What changes were made to the file in 2nd revision? 3. When was the file 255471.bye created and removed from the repo? 4. What was its content? Introduction Commands Details Tasks Task 3 1. Create two files with names YOUR UCO.hello and YOUR UCO.bye 2. Tell the repository to start tracking the new files 3. Push them to the remote repository 4. Edit the .hello file so that it contains your name and year of your studies. 5. Commit and push the changes. 6. Delete the .bye file so that it is no longer tracked.