A few more studies-related words supervisor/advisor – školitel, vedoucí diplomové práce (second) reader – oponent report - posudek dissertation – BrE: bakalářská/magisterská práce; US: PhD dizertace thesis – BrE: PhD dizertace; US: bakalářská/magisterská práce these are general rules but exceptions are quite frequent defend (thesis) - obhajovat defence - obhajoba hall (of residence) BrE, dormitory AmE (informal: dorms) – kolej studies office – studijní oddělení tuition fee - školné award scholarship – udělit stipendium optional (also: an elective) – nepovinný (předmět) obligatory, mandatory – povinný again, different universities use different terminology, e.g. a core course – povinný, an option course – povinně volitelný, an elective – nepovinný (outside your main area of study) be expelled from – být vyloučen (ze školy) exam IN mathematics – zkouška z matematiky sit an exam/sit for an exam/take an exam/do an exam – dělat zkoušku register for sign up for zapsat se, zaregistrovat se enrol at (school) enrol in/on/for (a course) 2010 Mgr. Kateřina Nečasová, MA