INDIRECT SPEECH Finish the sentences with the given number of words 1. Do you think you could possibly tell me what the time is? David asked me ............................................................. (5 words) 2. Excuse me, but I wonder if you´d mind opening the window. The man sitting next to me asked me .................................................................. (4 words) 3. You go down this street, turn left then take the second turning on the right. The cinema is just down the street on the left. A passer-by told me how ....................................................... (5 words) 4. I want to know how much this bike costs. Can you tell me? John asked how ..................................................... (4 words) 5. Look, don´t worry, I´ll help you if you like. Sue said she ............................................. (3 words) 6. All right, I tell you what, the car´s yours for, let´s say 500 pounds. The salesman said I could ...................................................... (5 words) 7. I hope you don´t mind my saying this, but you´re being a bit silly, aren´t you? Peter told me I .............................................. (5 words) 8. It doesn´t look as if I´ll be arriving until after eight, I´m afraid. Jane said she probably ........................................................ (6 words) Choose the correct option 1. Helen asked me if I liked visiting old buildings. “Do you like/Did you like visiting old buildings?” asked Helen. 2. Bill asked Mary if she had done anything the previous weekend. “Have you done anything/ Did you do anything last weekend?” 3. The policeman asked me if the car belonged to me. “Does this car belong/Did this car belong to you?” asked the policeman. 4. Fiona asked me if I had seen her umbrella anywhere. “Did you see/ Have you seen my umbrella anywhere?” asked Fiona. 5. Eddie asked Steve who he had been to the cinema with. “Who did you go/had you been to the cinema with?” asked Eddie. 6. My parents asked me what time I had got home the night before. “What time did you get/ have you got home last night?” my parents asked. Finish the sentences so that they mean the same 1. “What time does the film start, Peter?” I asked ................................................................................. 2. “Do you watch television every evening, Chris?” The interviewer asked ...................................................................................... 3. “Why did you apply for this job?” asked the sales manager. The sales manager asked me ............................................................................... 4. “Are you taking much money with you to France?” My bank manager wanted to know ...................................................................... 5. “When will I know the results of the examination?” Maria asked the examiner .................................................................................... 6. “Are you enjoying the flight?” The stewardess asked me .................................................................................... 7. “How does the photocopier work?” I asked the salesman ................................................................. 8. “Have you ever been to Japan, Paul?” Sue asked Paul .................................................................. Put the sentences in indirect speech 1. “You can´t park here” The police officer told Jack ......................................................................... 2. “I´ll see you in the morning, Helen.” Peter told Helen ................................................................................... 3. “I´m taking the 5.30 train tomorrow evening. Janet said ................................................................................................. 4. “The trousers have to be ready this afternoon.” Paul told the dry-cleaners that ..................................................................... 5. “I left my umbrella here two days ago.” Susan told them ............................................................................................. 6. “The parcel ought to be here by the end of next week.” Brian said ................................................................................................... .............. 7. “I like this hotel very much.” Diana told me ................................................................................................... ....... 8. “I think it´s going to rain tonight.” Willian said ................................................................................................... ......... Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the following verbs ACCUSE AGREE DECIDE INSIST REFUSE ADMIT DENY APOLOGISE OFFER REMIND ADVISE CONFESS SUGGEST DOUBT PROMISE 1) No, it´s not true, I didn´t steal the money! Jean ...................... stealing the money/that she had stolen the money. 2) Why don´t we go to the cinema this evening? Peter ....................... going to the cinema/that they went to the cinema. 3) Yes, of course, I´ll give you a lift, Helen. Liz ........................... to give Helen a lift/that she would give Helen a lift. 4) I´ve broken your pen. I´m awfully sorry, Jack. David ................................ for breaking Jack´s pen. 5) Don´t forget to post my letter, will you, Sue? Diana .............................. Sue to post her letter. 6) Let me carry your suitcase, John. Harry ........................... to carry John´s suitcase. 7) All right, it´s true, I was nervous. The leading actor ............................................... to being nervous/that he had been nervous. 8) I don´t think Liverpool will win. Vanessa ................................. whether Liverpool would win. 9) If I were you, Bill, I´d buy a mountain bike. Stephen ..................... Bill to buy a mountain bike. 10) Don´ t worry Martin, I´ll bring your book back. Leslie ........................ to bring Martin´s book back/ Martin he would bring his book back. 11) You murdered Lord Digby, didn´t you, Colin! The inspector ......................... Colin of murdering Lord Digby. 12) No, no, you really must have another drink! Dick .............................. on my having another drink/ that I should have another drink. 13) It was me who stole the money, said Jim. Jim ................................ to stealing the money. 14) Right, I´ll take the brown pair. Andrew .......................... to take the brown pair. 15) No, sorry, I don´t want to lend you my camera. Alex ............................ to lend me his camera. Finish the sentences so that they mean the same as the previous ones 1) Sue, can you remember to buy some bread? Paul reminded ............................................ 2) I don´t really think it´ll snow tomorrow. I doubt .......................................................... 3) I´m sorry I didn´t phone you earlier. Jim apologised ................................................. 4) I really think you should see a doctor, Chris. William advised .................................................. 5) No, I´m sorry, I won´t work on Saturday. Definitely not! Catherine refused ....................................................... 6) Let´s go out to the pub for lunch, shall we? Wendy suggested .................................................................... 7) It´s not true, I have never been arrested. Larry denied ............................................................................... 8) If you like, I´ll help you do the decorating job, Bob. Ann offered ............................................................................ 9) I´ll definitely take you to the park on Sunday, children. Tom promised the ...................................................................................... 10) Yes, all right, I´ll share the bill with you Dave. Brenda agreed ..................................................................