Academic and professional skills in English for IT
Course Syllabus
Summary/Peer review assignment
First, you will write three different summaries of a source, then you will provide peer review to two texts by your classmates.
You will summarize the following text
Deep Learning is Going to Teach Us All the Lessons of Our Lives: Jobs Are for Machines by Scott Santens
You will summarize it in three different ways (all in one file):
300 words
100 words
3 sentences
Sample summary and peer review below (other peer review formats are also possible):
Summary deadlines:
summaries - June 13
peer reviews - June 23 Note, however, that the person writing these summaries reused the beginning from the longest summary in the shortest summary. This is NOT a good practice to follow. Note that a general overview of the writing is missing here.
Upload your summaries here:
Upload your peer reviews here (one file for each summary you will be assigned):
First, you will write three different summaries of a source, then you will provide peer review to two texts by your classmates.
You will summarize the following text
Deep Learning is Going to Teach Us All the Lessons of Our Lives: Jobs Are for Machines by Scott Santens
You will summarize it in three different ways (all in one file):
300 words
100 words
3 sentences
Sample summary and peer review below (other peer review formats are also possible):
Summary deadlines:
summaries - June 13
peer reviews - June 23 Note, however, that the person writing these summaries reused the beginning from the longest summary in the shortest summary. This is NOT a good practice to follow. Note that a general overview of the writing is missing here.
Upload your summaries here:
Upload your peer reviews here (one file for each summary you will be assigned):