IA072 Seminar on Concurrency


  • 22. 2 . 2019 - Arrangements
  • 1. 3. 2019 - Cancelled (no speaker)
  • 8. 3. 2019 - Cancelled (DUVOD)
  • 15. 3. 2019 - Cancelled (DUVOD)
  • 22. 3. 2019 - Cancelled
  • 29. 3. 2019 - Vláďa Štill - H. Günther, A. Laarman, A. Sokolova, and G. Weissenbacher: Dynamic Reductions for Model Checking Concurrent Software, VMCAI 2017.
  • 5. 4. 2019 (at 10:30, FIT VUT, room E104) - prof. Marta Kwiatkowska - Safety verification for deep neural networks with provable guarantees

    Deep neural networks have achieved impressive experimental results in image classification, but can surprisingly be unstable with respect to adversarial perturbations, that is, minimal changes to the input image that cause the network to misclassify it. With potential applications including perception modules and end-to-end controllers for self-driving cars, this raises concerns about their safety. This lecture will describe progress with developing automated verification and testing techniques for deep neural networks to ensure safety and security of their classification decisions with respect to input manipulations. The techniques exploit Lipschitz continuity of the networks and aim to approximate, for a given set of inputs, the reachable set of network outputs in terms of lower and upper bounds, in anytime manner, with provable guarantees. We develop novel algorithms based on feature-guided search, games and global optimisation, and evaluate them on state-of-the-art networks. We also develop foundations for probabilistic safety verification for Gaussian processes, with application to neural networks.

  • 12. 4. 2019 - Juraj Major - D. Müller and S. Sickert: LTL to Deterministic Emerson-Lei Automata, GandALF 2017.
  • 26. 4. 2019 - Adam Fiedler - J. D. Allred and U. Ultes-Nitsche: , LICS 2018.
  • 3. 5. 2019 - Cancelled (ATVA deadline approaching and no speaker)
  • 10. 5. 2019 - Cancelled (no speaker)
  • 17. 5. 2019 - Marek Chalupa - IC3/PDR introduction based on:
  • 23. 5. 2019 - Martin Jonáš - On the complexity of the quantified bit-vector arithmetic with binary encoding

Papers on omega-automata:

Papers on SAT/SMT solving:

Papers on slicing:

Papers on program analysis and verification:

Others papers to present:

