| PA197 Labs LAB 1 Compute the ratio of UDP packets and flows in the traffic nfdump -r flows.nfcapd -s proto 2 | PA197 Labs Count the hosts actively communicating from MU network nfdump -r flows.nfcapd "src net " -A srcip -q | wc –l 7781 3 | PA197 Labs Find most the web server most visited by users from MU network nfdump –r flows.nfcapd “src net and (dst port 443 or dst port 80)” –s dstip/flows 4 | PA197 Labs Find how many hosts from MU network has accessed the web on nfdump -r flows.nfcapd “src net and dst ip and dst port 80” –A srcip –q | wc –l 225 5 | PA197 Labs Find a horizontal scan nfdump –r flows.nfcapd “dst port 22” –s srcip/flows 6 | PA197 Labs 7 | PA197 Labs Find vertical scan nfdump –r flows.nfcapd “flags S and not flags F” –A srcip,dstip –s record/flows 8 | PA197 Labs 9 | PA197 Labs