PB138 — Relax NG

(C) 2018 Masaryk University -- Tomáš Pitner, Luděk Bártek, Adam Rambousek

What is Relax NG

  • Specified by OASIS under OASIS RELAX NG TC

  • "Relax New Generation" modeling language for XML

  • Simpler and easier to use than XML Schema

  • Based on Relax (REgular LAnguage for XML) and

  • TREX (Tree Regular Expressions for XML by James Clark)

What is Relax NG (2)

  • Having both XML and non-XML syntax improving readability

  • published first in 2003

  • later became ISO/IEC 19757 standard

  • uses .rng and .rnc file extensions


XML Schema is an industry standard but:

  • too complicated (more than 200 pages of specification)

  • ambiguous in some situations

  • tries to cover all applications area (documents, databases and all in between)

  • hardly fully implemented

  • see http://www.xml.com/lpt/a/2002/01/23/relaxng.html for more

More on Relax NG advantages

  • is simple

  • is easy to learn

  • has both an XML syntax (.rng files) or a compact non-XML syntax (.rnc files)

  • does not change the information set of an XML document

  • supports XML namespaces

  • treats attributes uniformly with elements so far as possible

  • has unrestricted support for unordered content

  • has unrestricted support for mixed content

  • has a solid theoretical basis

  • can partner with a separate datatyping language (such W3C XML Schema Datatypes)

Specifications, Resources

Based on RELAX designed by OASIS-OPEN:

Now ISO standard:

RELAX NG home page (Key resource to Relax NG!):

RELAX NG — an excellent book by Eric van der Vlist:

Relax NG Basic Tools



Relax NG Editors etc.

Editors, other tools:

Compact syntax

      <name>John Smith</name>
      <name>Fred Bloggs</name>

DTD model

  • The same model would be expressed in DTD as follows:

<!DOCTYPE addressBook [
<!ELEMENT addressBook (card*)>
<!ELEMENT card (name, email)>
<!ELEMENT email (#PCDATA)>

RELAX NG pattern

element addressBook {
   element card {
      element name { text },
      element email { text }


If the addressBook is required to be non-empty, then we can use + instead of *:

element addressBook {
   element card {
      element name { text },
      element email { text }


Now let’s change it to allow each card to have an optional note element:

  • Note that the text pattern matches arbitrary text, including empty text.

  • Note also that whitespace separating tags is ignored when matching against a pattern.

element addressBook {
   element card {
      element name { text },
      element email { text },
      element note { text }?
# and this is a comment


If we want to have a choice of two (more) alternatives for one content model (eg. in card):

      <name>Fred Bloggs</name>

Choice (2)

element addressBook {
   element card {
      # here is the option
      (element name { text }
         | (element givenName { text },
            element familyName { text })),
      element email { text },
      element note { text }?


Specifies that addressBook has attributes instead of elements:

element addressBook {
   element card {
      attribute name { text },
      attribute email { text }

Alternatively attributes or elements

  • The , and | connectors can combine element and attribute patterns without restriction.

  • For example, the following pattern would allow a choice of elements and attributes independently for both the name and the email part of a card:

element addressBook {
   element card {
      (element name { text }
         | attribute name { text }),
         (element email { text }
            | attribute email { text })

Then all alternatives are valid

<card name="John Smith" email="js@example.com"/>
<card email="js@example.com" name="John Smith"/>
<card email="js@example.com"><name>John Smith</name></card>
<card name="John Smith"><email>js@example.com</email></card>
<card><name>John Smith</name><email>js@example.com</email></card>

Defining a grammar

grammar {
   start = AddressBook
   AddressBook = element addressBook { Card* }
   Card = element card { Name, Email }
   Name = element name { text }
   Email = element email { text }
  • Uppercase names are type names, while

  • lowercase names are element names in this example.

  • Elsewhere it could be different but still there can be types and concrete occurencies.


  • The "inline" content is defined recursively

  • This is, of course, allowed for elements only (attributes cannot be nested).

inline =
      | element bold { inline }
      | element italic { inline }
      | element span {
         attribute style { text }?,
         # here is the recursion


element number { xsd:integer }
element numberWithNote {
   attribute note { text }
element email {
   xsd:string { minLength = "6" maxLength = "127" }

Enumerations for attributes

element card {
   attribute name { text },
   attribute email { text },
   attribute preferredFormat { "html" | "text" }

Enumerations for text content

element card {
   element name { text },
   element email { text },
   element preferredFormat { "html" | "text" }


  • lists of primitive values separated by white space(s)

  • the cardinality of occurencies can be specified

element list_of_two_floats {
   list { xsd:float, xsd:float }
element list_of_some_doubles {
   list { xsd:double+ }
element list_of_some_double_pairs {
   list { (xsd:double, xsd:double)+ }


  • for specification of occurence in any order

  • example: name, email

element addressBook {
   element card {
      element name { text }
      & element email { text }


  • we can (re)use some external .rnc schema

start = inline
inline =
   | element code { inline }
   | element em { inline }
   # etc

Modularity (2)

Then we could allow the note element to contain inline HTML markup by using external as follows:

element addressBook {
   element card {
      element name { text },
      element email { text },
      element note { external "inline.rnc" }?


  • prefixed or default namespaces can be used

namespace eg = "http://www.example.com"
element eg:foo { empty }
namespace = "http://www.example.com"
element foo { empty }