Ariston 20 December 2002 1.Basic elements 2.2Basic elements Contents Subtitle of pageAriston December 2002 Ariston mark Introduction Versions Clear space area and size reference Symbol exception Reproduction 3D format Mark and pay-off Positioning Colour backgrounds Background colours Introduction Colour combinations Examples 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 1.10 1.11 1.12 Typeface Introduction Examples Photography Level 1: people in the home (general) Level 1: people in the home (detail) Level 2: products Don’ts Digital files Glossary of terms 1.13 1.14 1.15 1.16 1.17 1.18 1.19 1.20 1.1Basic elements Ariston mark IntroductionAriston December 2002 The Ariston mark is the cornerstone of the brand identity. It is made up of two elements: the ‘house’ symbol, refined to a simple and impactful form, and the logotype, designed to deliver a softer feel whilst maintaining strength and stature. The Ariston mark is very flexible in application – there are different versions to suit different situations, but it must be used carefully. It should never be altered and a clear area must always be maintained around it. The new design of the Ariston symbol is meant to represent the notion of the home in the ‘house’ and subsequently reflects the focus of the new brand strategy. It maintains the strong equity of the existing logo whilst making it more relevant to today’s consumer. The principal use of the symbol and logotype on applications is in the form you see below – in a black rectangular box. The black box creates a distinctive space around the symbol and logotype drawing focus to the brand and creating increased stand out. The black box also makes it possible use the symbol and logotype on most colour and photographic backgrounds. 1.2Basic elements Ariston mark VersionsAriston December 2002 All versions of the mark consist of the symbol and the logotype. The relationship between these elements is fixed and must never be altered in any way. Different versions of the mark have been developed for use on products and on surfaces where space is limited. LogotypeSymbol Ariston mark Version 1 This is the preferred version of the mark and consists of the symbol and the logotype placed in a black box. It can only be used in black and white as shown here and is suitable for use on light to medium dark backgrounds. Always ensure there is enough contrast between the mark and the background. Adjust the background colour to a lighter shade if necessary. Never use this version reversed out to white. Version 2 This version is for product use only. It consists of the symbol and logotype, positioned closer together than in version 1. Version 3 This version consists of the symbol and logotype in a vertical lockup. It is used only for applications where a centred form is more appropriate, such as on products or for signage. 1.3Basic elements Ariston mark Clear space area and size referenceAriston December 2002 To ensure that the Ariston mark always appears prominently, a minimum clear space area must be left around it. Do not place other graphics in this area. All sizes of the mark given in these guidelines refer to the area indicated as ‘size reference’. Never reproduce the mark smaller than the minimum sizes given below. clear area size reference x x size reference clear area x x x x clear area size reference x x x 20 mm 17 mm 14 mm Version 1 Version 3Version 2 Adding bleed to version 1 No clear space is given to the left and right of version 1 since this version is always positioned either flush left or flush right with the edge of the page. Bleed required for some printing techniques must be added to the left or right edge of the mark (see also page 1.8). Minimum size The Ariston marks should not be reproduced at smaller sizes than shown left in order to prevent illegibility. 1.4Basic elements Ariston mark Symbol exceptionAriston December 2002 On certain applications, such as lapel pins or other gift materials where space is limited, the symbol can be used on its own i.e. without the logotype. 2.5 mm clear area size reference x x x Clear space area and size reference When applying the symbol, always observe the minimum clear space around it as shown here. Minimum size The minimum size for reproducing the symbol is 2.5 mm wide. 1.5Basic elements Ariston mark ReproductionAriston December 2002 It is important that the Ariston mark is prominent and used consistently. This is why it may only ever be reproduced in the ways shown below. Black box On a white or light background the Ariston mark should generally be reproduced with the black box. 3D raised metallic Whenever possible on products the Ariston mark should be reproduced in a moulded 3D format. The preferred colour for this format is a brushed metallic finish. See page 1.6 for more details. 3D engraved metallic In some special cases the Ariston mark may be reproduced in an engraved 3D format in the same material as its background, for example etched in metal as shown here. Dark grey In some special cases the Ariston mark may be coloured dark grey to match other graphics and type. 1.6Basic elements Ariston mark 3D formatAriston December 2002 y = two third xy = two third x 3 4 x y = two third xy = two third x 1 2 x The finish of the 3D format of the mark on metallic should be brushed metallic. The outer line of the symbol (1) has a rounded appearance. The inner part of the symbol and the letters (2) appear flat on the top with slightly rounded edges, see view details left. The finish of the 3D format of the mark on plastic has a flat appearance. The inner part of the symbol (3) and the letters (4) also appear flat on the top with slightly rounded edges, see view details left. The symbol and logo will have a silver flat coated finish. The diagrams on the left are a guide only. Details will depend on tooling and materials used. The height of the symbol and letters is approximately two thirds of the width of the letter I. All edges are rounded. Cross section View detail Cross section View detail 1.7Basic elements Ariston mark Mark and pay-offAriston December 2002 x 0.5x y y The Ariston pay-off consists of the words ‘TIME TOGETHER’ in capital letters. It is a reinforcement of the brand’s ‘big idea’ of home and togetherness. It is primarily for above the line communications such as advertising but may also be used in other communications material such as presentations. When the pay-off appears with the mark it must be used from specially drawn artwork in the fixed relationship with the mark (see above) and positioned on the right side of the item (see example 1). When it is used on its own use the typeface Foundry Gridnik (see example 2). Time togetherMorbidezza premiata a prova di sogno ‘Woolmark Award Platinum’ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat ‘Dynamic Washing System’ Consectuer adipis elit, sed diam nonum nibh euismod tincid ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutat extea ‘Super Silent’ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutat Example 1: advertisement Example 2: presentation pay-off slide 1.8Basic elements Ariston mark PositioningAriston December 2002 Application of the Ariston mark must be consistent. Following the guidelines below will ensure prominence and visual impact of the mark. x x Positioning of the mark Version 1 of the mark is used mainly for communication material where it must be positioned either flush left or flush right with the edge of the page. Place the mark a minimum of two times the height of the mark away from the top or bottom edge. The mark can be positioned further away than the minimum from the top or bottom edge in keeping with the overall design of the application. Adding bleed The artwork for version 1 of the mark does not include any bleed required for some printing techniques. The bleed must be added to the left or right edge of the mark in those instances, for example when printing catalogues or posters, etc. Area available for positioning the mark bleed added to the mark 1.9Basic elements Ariston mark Colour backgroundsAriston December 2002 The preferred Ariston mark, version 1, is always placed on light to medium dark backgrounds. Always ensure there is enough contrast between the mark and the background. Adjust the background colour to a lighter shade if necessary. 1.10Basic elements Background colours IntroductionAriston December 2002 Ariston has a palette of six background colours which are used randomly. They are a striking and prominent part of the brand identity which give strong visual support to the mark. They are used mainly as bold background panels. It is crucial to the impact of the identity that they are applied correctly, using the reproduction specifications shown below. Do not use tints of the Ariston colours. Printing For print reproduction use Pantone®* inks or the equivalent CMYK values. The CMYK values are given as a guide only. Different paper stocks will affect the colour of an ink in different ways. It is recommended that you instruct your printer to compensate for this to suit your specific paper stock and to match to the Pantone® reference colour as closely as possible. Television/Powerpoint Use the RGB values. Website Use the websafe or hex values. Products/vehicles/signage Use the RAL paint references. The colours shown here and throughout these guidelines have not been evaluated by Pantone, Inc. for accuracy and may not match the PANTONE Color Standard. Consult current PANTONE Publications for accurate colour. PANTONE® is the property of Pantone, Inc. *Pantone® is a registered trademark of Pantone Inc. Ariston Cioccolato CMYK C0, M100, Y90, K80 Pantone® 505 C RGB R78, G2, B2 Websafe 660000 HEX 440303 RAL 020 20 20 Ariston Vino CMYK C0, M100, Y65, K34 Pantone® 201 C RGB R118, G0, B20 Websafe 990000 HEX 880A27 RAL 020 30 48 Ariston Crema CMYK C5, M10, Y20, K30 Pantone® 7529 C RGB R196, G182, B166 Websafe 999999 HEX B5A99C RAL 060 60 10 Ariston Caffelatte CMYK C10, M40, Y30, K30 Pantone® 4725 C RGB R170, G120, B100 Websafe 996666 HEX A57260 RAL 050 50 20 Ariston Mandorla CMYK C7, M0, Y7, K10 Pantone® 5665 C RGB R216, G222, B204 Websafe CCCCCC HEX C8CFC8 RAL 140 80 05 Ariston Oliva CMYK C10, M10, Y40, K30 Pantone® 7503 C RGB R165, G139, B75 Websafe 999966 HEX 917C40 RAL 090 60 20 1.11Basic elements Background colours Colour combinationsAriston December 2002 There is almost unlimited scope in combining the Ariston colours. You can use solid colours side by side or small areas of colour on large background areas. However, when using type in the Ariston colours always make sure there is sufficient contrast to the background to ensure legibility. Use the colours only for large headings. A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A AA A A A A A A A A AA A A A A A A A A 1.12Basic elements Background colours ExamplesAriston December 2002 The Ariston colours should be used randomly. They are not used for colour-coding. This makes them flexible, which means communications will always be dynamic and unexpected. On the rare occasion when only one colour can be used, and for the sake of consistency, Ariston Vino is the preferred option to represent the Ariston brand. The Ariston colours can be used as stripes on a page. There is no guideline on the width of each stripe as long as the colours are used to create impact. The use of colour stripes should be kept to a minimum in order to maintain strength of impact and avoid diluting the overall effect of the graphics. The colours can be used in conjunction with imagery, creating pace and adding dynamism to the page. Blocks of colour and large coloured type can be placed on solid coloured backgrounds, ensuring there is sufficient contrast. 1 Anytime you want to wash Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. 5 Best result at lowest cost Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat.4 As delicate as hand wash Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. 3Less ironing, more time for you Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. 14Grandi vantaggi fit your needs Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, con sectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat ut laoreet dolore magna. 2 Larger loads for busy family Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, conseetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Lavabiancheria 87 Lenzuola fresche di bucato, leggere il giornale sul divano, invitare i tuoi amici, una buona bottiglia di vino, usare piatti ‘buoni’ per un evento importante, lenzuola fresche di bucato, leggere il giornale sul divano, invitare i tuoi amici, una buona bottiglia di vino. Tutto questo é casa. Benvenuti. Time together La filosofia Ariston é semplice: fare parte nella tua vita di ogni giorno, lasciandoti libero di usare i tuoi elettrodomestici come preferisci, sia che lavori, con la tua famiglia, addirittura quando sogni. I prodotti piú innovativi, capaci di lavorare a distanza, in silenzio, interagendo con le tue necessitá. Cosí tu hai tutto il tempo per assaporare i tuoi momenti piu veri. Benvenuti. 1.13Basic elements Typeface IntroductionAriston December 2002 Foundry Gridnik is a modern typeface designed to express technology. This crisp and rather quirky look, when combined with the new Ariston colours and imagery, marries Ariston’s ‘digital’ philosophy to the more sophisticated approach of the new visual language. Foundry Gridnik This simple, modern typeface is the only one used for Ariston communications. Four weights allow for variety and flexibility. Foundry Gridnik is available for both Mac and PC platforms. It can be licensed for any number of users worldwide. Where to buy it Foundry Types Ltd 44 Charlotte Street London W1T 2NR Tel +44 (0) 20 7255 1222 Fax +44 (0) 20 7637 7352 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXTZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXTZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXTZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXTZ Foundry Gridnik Light Foundry Gridnik Regular Foundry Gridnik Medium Foundry Gridnik Bold Foundry Gridnik 1.14Basic elements Typeface ExamplesAriston December 2002 Foundry Gridnik is the font used for all Ariston communications. The examples below show some typical uses of this font for headings, subheadings, body text and product information. Large heading Lorem ipsum Consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt utaram laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Consectuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt laoreet dolore magna aliquam. Duis autem vel Consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erataram volutpat. Consectuer adipiscing elit, se diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt laoreet dolore magna aliquam. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet Consectetuer adipiscing elit sed diam nonummy Euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore Magna aliquam erat volutpat Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam quis nostrud Lorem ipsum dolor amet Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in vulputate velit esse molestie consequat, vel illum dolore 1 2 3 4 5 1 Large heading (plus feature) Foundry Gridnik Light or Regular, depending on the background Size: from 32pt 2 Large body copy (plus feature) Foundry Gridnik Medium and Regular Size: 14/16pt 3 Subheading and body copy (product cluster feature) Subheading: Foundry Gridnik Medium Size: 17pt Body copy: Foundry Gridnik Regular Size: 12/14pt 4 Subheading and body copy (benefits) Subheading: Foundry Gridnik Bold Size: 15pt Body copy: Foundry Gridnik Regular Size: 12.5/13.5pt 5 Body copy (product cluster overview) Foundry Gridnik Regular Size: 10/17pt 1.15Basic elements Photography Level 1: people in the home – generalAriston December 2002 The Ariston brand is not just about products – it is about real life in the home, reflected through the style of imagery. We use two different levels of photography, each appropriate for different kinds of communication. Level 1 shows people in the home, either in a general context, or in close-up detail. Level 2 shows the product. For images of people in the home we show couples or groups of people in a kitchen, dining room or bedroom environment. The images illustrate the overall lifestyle of the Ariston brand and the way in which people and products interact. Pictures are always taken indoors and tell a story, showing care and attention for the home, friends and family. The images become a powerful means of communicating ‘time together’. 1.16Basic elements Photography Level 1: people in the home – detailAriston December 2002 For images of details of people, we use one or two persons and focus on the individual’s interaction with the environment, linked to the product benefit. 1.17Basic elements Photography Level 2: productsAriston December 2002 For the purpose of photography, we have selected different types of product configurations: free standing, free standing in a real environment, free standing product detail, free standing technical detail, built-in in a real environment, and built-in product detail. Free-standing Product shots used in product driven content pages. The products are shot ‘face on’ unless a particular feature e.g. the narrowness of the ‘slim line’ washing machine needs to be more clearly communicated. In the main, these shots are kept clean of any background. Free-standing in a real environment Products placed in an environment reflecting the new Ariston colours. The setting must maintain natural light as if photographed in a real environment. Free standing product detail Shots of particular aspects of the product. Focus on the detail is achieved by making the area around the detail significantly lighter. Shots can be both ‘face on’ or a crop of the product showing a close-up of the detail. Free standing technical detail Shots of technical details that differentiate the particular product. The focus is on the benefit to the customer e.g. the number of glasses that can be placed on a tray. Built-in in a real environment These are studio shots of products in a kitchen environment. These shots are face-on and introduce elements that provide depth to the shot e.g. a table in front of the kitchen set to provide a three-dimensional feel. Built-in product detail These are studio shots of product details in a kitchen environment. The focus is on both the technical detail and the surrounding kitchen surfaces. The shot brings to the fore the beauty of the product and how it lives in harmony with the surrounding kitchen. Free standing Free standing in a real environment Free standing product detail Free standing technical detail Built-in in a real environment Built-in product detail 1.18Basic elements Don’ts Subtitle of pageAriston December 2002 Don’t add any colours to the Ariston colour palette. Don’t use type on backgrounds without sufficient contrast. Don’t create a symmetrical or repeat pattern with the Ariston colour panels. Don’t use any typeface other than Foundry Gridnik in Ariston communications. Don’t separate images with coloured panels. Don’t use images which look posed. Don’t use the Ariston colours to create a pattern. Don’t use images cut out from their background. Lorem Sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. commodo consequat. In vulputate Don’t alter the proportions of the mark. Don’t use a white box around the mark. Don’t use a typeface for the logotype. Don’t use a typeface for the pay-off when it appears together with the mark. Don’t reproduce the mark in any colour other than black and white. ARISTON Time together 1.19Basic elements Digital files Ariston December 2002 Artworks of the Ariston marks have been created in digital file formats. An animated introduction to the Ariston Powerpoint presentation is also available. To obtain these please contact Domenico Marini at Merloni Elettrodomestici on 0039 0738 662654. ARI_V1K ARI_V2K ARI_V3K ARI_SYK ARI_V2W ARI_V3W ARI_SYW Mark_Payoff 1.20Basic elements Glossary of terms Subtitle of pageAriston December 2002 Alignment arranging text or graphics to follow a horizontal or vertical straight line Artwork images and text ready for reproduction Digital artwork the artwork from which all copies originate Baseline invisible line on which letters stand Bleed situation in which a photograph or illustration extends beyond the page trim CMYK abbreviation for cyan, magenta, yellow and black, see four-colour process Crop editing the area of a photograph or illustration Clear area area surrounding the mark from which other graphics and text are excluded Four-colour process printing technique by which the four colours cyan, magenta, yellow and black (CMYK) are combined to represent the full spectrum of colour Grid invisible lines used to position graphics and text on a page in a consistent manner Hex also called the ‘web safe’ palette; a system for monitors, containing 216 colours that look the same on both Macs and PCs which are only capable of 8-bit graphics Ariston mark the combination of the Ariston symbol and logotype Leading distance from one baseline of letters to the next Logotype unique letter style of the word ‘Ariston’ when it forms part of the mark Pantone® US patent system of classifying colours by means of number references pt abbreviation for a point, standard method of defining the size of type and rules Range left/right alignment of text to the left or right margin RAL German standard of classifying colours RGB abbreviation for red, green and blue; colours used in television screens and monitors, to represent the full spectrum of colour Size reference the width of the logotype used to indicate the size of the mark Tint colour reproduced as a percentage of a solid colour Typeface design of an alphabet of letters and characters