1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 • Staff augmentation - This model provides specialized resources, cost flexibility and satisfies short-term time-to-market demands. The staff augmentation model allows organisations to add staff to their existing teams based on the additional skills required to support their initiatives. This model allows rapid access to missing capabilities and skills. Staff augmentation usually requires minimal contracting effort, has a simple cost model (i.e. rate times hours worked), can scale up or down quickly and has minimal impact on the existing operating model of the IT function within an organisation. This approach allows organisations to augment existing in-house staff with outsourced workers. It usually leaves the management and technical leadership with the client while standard activities (e.g. development and testing) are augmented with service acquisition from a supplier. With the Staff Augmentation model, the span of responsibility is usually quite narrow. It may include prototyping or technical implementation tasks as well as development and testing, nevertheless the product vision and decision scope of the augmentation team members is limited because they are directed by the client. The typical client business driver for such a model is cost reduction. The model allows for quick access to missing capabilities and skills, avoids of 9 direct hiring and firing costs and is able to respond to staff shortages due to unexpected events. Costs are scalable to demand. However in the long term costs may be higher than Managed Services and there is a high client involvement in managing the extra resources. • Out-tasking - This model is suitable for short-term business needs, to fill skill gaps. However the integration of different out-tasked outcomes may not be a seamless one. • Project-based outsourcing - Vendors and clients share risks and rewards through this collaborative model. This model has high client benefits as it holds the vendor accountable for an entire project, and allows the application of industry best practices in the outsourcing process. On the other hand, working from project-to-project is a piecemeal approach to outsourcing. A more consolidated view of the outsourcing initiative is required, within a unified governance framework. This is provided by the multi-year managed services model. Managed services model - This model fosters the development of long-term, multi-year, SLA-based relationships to provide integrated solutions across the enterprise. The service provider takes responsibility and accountability for agreed- upon strategic business outcomes. Projects typically have a large scope and scale and the knowledge gained by the vendor is invested back into the system so that the client's benefits increase year on year. These partnerships allow the sharing of risks and rewards, encourage innovation, embrace business change and contribute significantly to the strategic goals of both partners. As a framework for delivery of outcome related services, the Managed Services Model works best with a specification with a defined scope, budget and duration. The supplier accepts risk and takes control of the execution of the project. With result-based pricing, the supplier manages the delivery model, including governance, processes and tools. The Managed Services Model draws on detailed planning. The client must define the requirement for the practical outcomes, applicable service levels and key performance indicators in an operational context. Pricing is directly related to this array of outcomes, and a key focus will be the delivery of benefits and outcomes the client wants to achieve. As the supplier assumes the delivery risk, it is highly motivated to establish productivity control measures to ensure achievement of outcome and service commitments. This manifests itself in the implementation of project governance, methodology, tools and processes. This model allows an organisation to outsource the management, operations and delivery of processes to lower the total cost of the business. It is sometimes attractive to organisations as the pricing structure is based on regular monthly 9 billing with guaranteed service levels, quality and throughput. This greatly reduces volatility in costs, and supports accurate and predictable budgeting. 9 10 A key question new standards authors and owners often ask is “who will be using my content?” When we think about an e2e standard solution, we realize there are several different aspects and components, where each is important to particular roles performing specific functions. For that reason, GSAR users span a variety of roles and its content applies to the entire scope of the account lifecycle, from sales & engagement, to transition & transformation to steady state, both for new and incremental business. Let’s look at a broad view of the ITD account life cycle to see how GSAR fits into this picture. The life cycle begins as sales teams present clients with high-level information of what IBM has to offer. During this phase, the intellectual capital in GSAR helps answer questions such as: “What services do we sell?” and “What are typical client wants and needs?” Later during engagements, Technical Solution Managers (TSMs) and Architects (TSAs) develop solution designs and proposals describing the service(s) we can deliver, how we deliver them, and at what costs. The standards in GSAR provide a foundation for them to work from, and answer questions such as: “How is the solution designed?” and “What are the cost drivers?” Once clients have signed the contract with IBM, ITD Competency leaders, architects, Delivery Project Executives (DPEs), and Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) work to transition IBM into assuming the IT responsibilities for the client. Finally, delivery and account teams take over operational responsibilities during the “steady state” period. GSAR content is used during both of these phases as well. 10 11 12 13 14 The essential difference between the two models is that under a managed services model (outsourcing), the provider is committed to delivering an “outcome” at a defined price versus an “input” as under the staff augmentation model. An input is simply the performance of an activity with no commitment that the activity will res ult in the desired outcome. The managed service model drives a measure of value based on planning, as the organization must define the requirement on a service and performance criteria basis. Pricing is tied to the outcome. Should the service requirement diminish or disappear, the associated costs react in kind. This provides the “scalability to demand” often sought in a staff augmentation model, but scalability that is tied to service. Linked to managed services is a service commitment. Under the staff 15 augmentation model, the only service commitment is hours of work. Under the managed services (outsourcing) model, the provider assumes all of the risk of meeting the service commitment. The value creation is huge. As the provider assumes the delivery risk at a fixed cost, the provider is highly incentivized to establish productivity measures required to meet the service commitment. This manifests itself in the implementation of tools and processes, as well as extensive documentation, as the provider cannot afford to risk not meeting the service commitment by relying on individuals. Documentation and process rigor also allow the service provider to move work through a global delivery structure with ease. Through the application of documentation, tools and processes, the service provider is able to deliver services reliably with fewer, more productive resources. The managed services (outsourcing) model therefore is structured to deliver a commercially viable, low cost service offering to the organization. From the standpoint of what an organization really wants from IT, the managed services (outsourcing) model delivers the following advantages: a predictable low price/cost service/outcome; scalability based on business demand; fewer delivery risks; and operational performance metrics tied to process excellence, documentation and outcomes. Managed services organizations are generally large and serve multiple clients from multiple locations. A s opposed to smaller staff augmentation organizations (or individual contractors), managed services organizations have the capability of delivering a wealth of skills and capabilities. Client organizations have access to a broad base of skills, solutions 15 a nd knowledge to meet evolving requirements. A managed services (outsourcing) model delivers all of the skills access and flexibility of a staff augmentation model. Because the model relies heavily on management and process rigor, clients generally exper ience an elevated capability themselves. 15 16 17 18 •We utilize three key levers to drive quality and productivity… •The first, standardization, is all about industrializing service delivery. We have embarked on the quality journey long time ago and have made significant progress with our quality methods, focusing on process simplification and eliminating non-value add steps. We have broadened our continuous quality roll-out across all geographic locations ... •The second lever is Automation. Here we leverage IBM hardware, software and Research assets extensively. A great example is our deployment of Maximo to implement standard best practice workflows ... leveraging this tool from SWG allows us to pool delivery resources and drive skill depth for quality and productivity gains… •Lastly, skills are critical in a delivery business ...and as over 50% of our delivery costs are labor, leveraging the right talent globally, at the best cost, is vital. Equally as vital is continually looking at the skills we have, where we may have gaps and the training/certifications that are needed to fill those gaps ... I'll also cover this in a little more detail... •So, let's look at some specifics on how we execute on these three levers… 19 We will differentiate by applying assets through automation, our work practices and processes that we reflect our point of view on the optimal way to deliver specific services and through sourcing the right skills you need globally. We will discuss most of these bullets in the next pages specifically. 19 20 21 22 On this slide, you see the client account and vendor account team roles on the left, our Delivery organization on the right -- including the Service Owner roles -- and the two parties coming together in the middle. The message here is how important our standardization strategy is, in our outsourcing relationships. With this strategy, vendor is able to clearly articulate our company's IT standards, particularly, what standard services we offer and how they are delivered. Clients have IT standards of their own: such as existing applications, roles and processes. For an effective vendor integration into the client's existing environment, it’s essential to have clear communication and knowledge sharing. Therefore, the Account Team and the Service Provider (Delivery) need to be working from the same, shared information. Four (4) key assets are typically used to facilitate our collaboration are: a Service Catalog, a Solution Repository, a Deployment Portfolio, and a Reference Architecture. 23 24 25 26 27 The primary variation between outsourcing and insourcing is the method in which work is divided between various companies or departments for strategic purposes. Assigning a project to a person or department within the company instead of hiring an outside person or company to do the work is considered insourcing. Outsourcing is usually done as a cost-cutting measure. It can affect jobs ranging from customer support to manufacturing, as well as technology and the back office. 1. Cost The cost associated with insourcing is different from the cost associated with outsourcing. Insourcing is typically more expensive for an organization as a result of implementing new processes to start a different division of the organization. Outsourcing uses the developed workforce of an outside organization to perform tasks. 2. Resources Resources are another major difference between these two business practices. Outsourcing uses the resources of an outside organization for services and manufacturing products. Companies can use outsourcing to better focus on core aspects of the business. Outsourcing non-core activities can improve efficiency 28 and productivity. Insourcing utilizes developed resources within the organization to perform tasks or to achieve a goal. For example, an organization may insource technical support for a new product as a result of already having technical support set up for another product within the organization. 3. Control The organization's control over operations and decision making differs while using outsourcing and insourcing. Organizations that use outsourcing for a particular service or manufacturing process have minimal managerial control over the methods of an outside organization. For instance, an organization that is renowned for friendly customer service does not have the ability to enforce or manage how an outside support center interacts with customers. 4. Location Location is another difference between outsourcing and insourcing. Insourcing generally places new operations and processes on-site within the organization, while outsourcing involves an outside organization often away from the primary organization's operations. 28 29 30 31 32 33 IT outsourcing is not a new phenomenon; it originated from the professional services and facility management services in the financial and operation support areas during the 1960s and 1970s. In the 1960s, the use of external vendors was confined to time-sharing or processing services. Since computers were large and expensive, most companies relied on service bureaus, systems houses, and other professional firms to provide facilities management services. The 1970s marked the beginning of the standard application package concept. To overcome the increasing demand for IT applications and the inadequate supply of IT personnel, managers began to rely on contract programming, which became the predominant form of outsourcing during the 1970s. Then came the rapid decline of some processing services from the end of the 1970s, which can be seen in historical perspective as an early manifestation of technological downsizing. The arrival of low-cost minicomputers and then PCs also hit the processing services business at the beginning of the 1980s. By the time the focus shifted to IT-supported vertical integration in the 1980s, the outsourcing trend of the 1970s had lost steam. Controlling the productdevelopment cycle from raw materials through product delivery grew in importance, and IT was now considered a valued in-house function. Organizations generally operated their 34 information systems environment on a custom basis, buying standard equipment, system and application software, and communications, and assembling them into an infrastructure unique to each organization. Interest in outsourcing resurfaced in the early 1990s, not for contract programming and specific processing services, but for network and telecommunication management, distributed systems integration, application development, and systems operations. While the data processing service bureaus of the 1960s provided service from an offsite location, the outsourcing vendors of the 1990s aggressively targeted onsite facilities management. IT personnel were shifted from the customer to the vendor, with some vendors purchasing customers’ mainframe hardware and managing client services onsite. System integration was another popular outsourcing segment in the 1990s and involved highly complex technology, including network management and telecommunications, along with associated education and training. 34 35 36 37 38