D D D LL—l sheet LL Li LL uvo LL Li Give formulas for estimating a text retrieval system’s precision, recall, the F1 measure [2 points], and the mean average precision (MAP) [1 point] given the following lists of results for queries C11, and (12, where R is a relevant result, and N is a non-relevant result: 0 Results for ql : RNNRR (10 relevant results for Q1 exist in the collection.) 0 Results for q2 : NRRNNN (3 relevant results for q2 exist in the collection.) Three judges 9'1, jg, and jg were appointed to assess the relevance of ten documents. Estimate the Cohen’s kappa H; given the following lists of the judges’ relevance judgements: [2 points] 0 Relevance judgements of j1 : NNNRNRRNNR 0 Relevance judgements of jg : NRNRRRRNNN 0 Relevance judgements of jg : RNRNRRNRNR Are the judges in agreement according to your estimate of Fe? -3 __3; _$ _Z 72:5 ”m «2-;- 21-3-7 1‘ I 44 1. MACVO ’AVKV‘ma/lohar P' K MfCVO *QVirnatk3/ 3+1: _ _, 4‘1 “' 1):: u 5__ l>-q4+P1)/Z-§:olhe é+e— M "W5 =K+K Z:Ei_ v. 'zL’d‘Zzi: Yblé R (14 43/ 60 _ mm R ms 43 (as "WO*AVchda:;a F4 ‘ Mfcvo-AVQVAafna F4 “49’0" 'WQVAJCMG F4 ._ .£.p 5- __ ZEP: :1‘05‘192. 2.25.941”: E399 F'Z 7" “20.946 F: 1+9 ms FM 241+ h 5 1 Rip AL -Z'ifi P,__Q * Elt— gl+9111‘z~‘01“ / Hm,“ «Ll/2’39””: L 3 ,1 MAP—i<_<_+‘+‘>+—<£+£> 40 (4 S S L _. A —1j>(g)=./;_i—.-4_9: i>(N)=’lg”; ’P(E)= PM”NW: 1 - D A ~ NE) - g“; PUPILS“? H L __.,_.4' NE) j_5_ 3 40 “9| Vlu Judau and ho+ lo") “JVeehwh PR F4 E F More mum/«aft? F4 :1aWP , -—— -~ ‘: $30.9 4 24+ P“ 5 3%;“32930: 1 Qiz+P1L Z ‘ __ -440: " -Nll=-= ~—-——-== MaW ((W- Ill 54 -- E2. JfléNg T lELl= ' 265.40”?43040“ (W4 W Write your solution only on this side of the sheet!