Essential Skills in Web Development PV219, spring 2019 Interface and User Experience •Browsers implement standards inconsistently, make sure your site works reasonably well across all major browsers. •At a minimum test against a recent Gecko engine (Firefox), a WebKit engine (Safari and some mobile browsers), Chrome (= Opera), and your supported IE browsers. •Also consider how browsers render your site in different operating systems. • Interface and User Experience •Consider how people might use the site other than from the major browsers: cell phones, screen readers and search engines, for example. •Some accessibility info: WAI and Section508. •It should be a legal requirement. Utilize: WAI-ARIA and WCAG 2 . • • • Interface and User Experience •Don't display unfriendly errors directly to the user. •Add the attribute rel="nofollow" to user-generated links to avoid spam. •Build well-considered limits into your site - This also belongs under Security. • Interface and User Experience •Learn how to do progressive enhancement or graceful degradation. •Redirect after a POST if that POST was successful, to prevent a refresh from submitting again. •Don't make me think • Security •It's a lot to digest but the OWASP development guide covers Web Site security from top to bottom. •Know about Injection especially SQL injection and how to prevent it. •Never trust user input, nor anything else that comes in the request (which includes cookies and hidden form field values!). Security •Hash passwords using salt and use different salts for your rows to prevent rainbow attacks. •Use a slow hashing algorithm, such as bcrypt (time tested) or scrypt (even stronger, but newer) (1, 2), for storing passwords. •Avoid using MD5 or SHA family directly. • MD5 collisions – Vlastimil Klima z mat-fyzu, 2005 Security •Don't try to come up with your own fancy authentication system. It's such an easy thing to get wrong in subtle and untestable ways and you wouldn't even know it until after you're hacked. •Use SSL/HTTPS for login and any pages where sensitive data is entered (like credit card info). •EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) Security •Prevent session hijacking. •Avoid cross site scripting (XSS). •Avoid cross site request forgeries (CSRF). •Avoid Clickjacking. • •Read The Google Browser Security Handbook. •Read The Web Application Hacker's Handbook. • Security •Consider The principal of least/minimal privilege. Try to run your app server as non-root. •Keep your system(s) up to date with the latest patches. •Make sure your database connection information is secured. • • Performance •Implement caching if necessary, understand and use HTTP caching properly as well as HTML5 Manifest. •Optimize images – i.e. don't use a 20 Kb image for a repeating background. •Learn how to gzip/deflate content (deflate is better). • Performance •Combine/concatenate multiple stylesheets or multiple script files to reduce number of browser connections and improve gzip ability to compress duplications between files. •Use CSS Image Sprites for small related images like toolbars (because of next point) •Minimize the total number of HTTP requests required for a browser to render the page. • • Performance •Yahoo Exceptional Performance – lots of great guidelines, including improving front-end performance and their YSlow tool (requires Firefox, Safari, Chrome or Opera). •Google page speed (use with browser extension) – a tool for performance profiling, and it optimizes your images too. • Performance •Utilize Google Closure Compiler for JavaScript and other minification tools. •Make sure there’s a favicon.ico file in the root of the site, i.e. /favicon.ico. Browsers will automatically request it, even if the icon isn’t mentioned in the HTML at all. •If you don’t have a /favicon.ico, this will result in a lot of 404s, draining your server’s bandwidth. • Technology •Understand HTTP and things like GET, POST, sessions, cookies, and what it means to be "stateless". •Write your XHTML/HTML and CSS according to the W3C specifications and make sure they validate. •Understand how JavaScript is processed in the browser. • Technology •Understand how the JavaScript sandbox works, especially if you intend to use iframes. •JavaScript can and will be disabled, and that AJAX is therefore an extension, not a baseline. •NoScript is becoming more popular, mobile devices may not work as expected, and Google won't run most of your JavaScript when indexing the site. • Technology •Learn the difference between 301 and 302 redirects (this is also an SEO issue). •Consider using a Reset Style Sheet or normalize.css. •Consider using a service such as the Google Libraries API to load frameworks. • • Bug fixing •Understand you'll spend 20 % of your time coding and 80 % of it maintaining, so code accordingly. •Set up a good error reporting solution. •Have a system for people to contact you with suggestions and criticisms. • • Bug fixing •Document how the application works for future support staff and people performing maintenance. •Make frequent backups! (And make sure those backups are functional). •Have a restore strategy, not just a backup strategy. • Bug fixing •Use a version control system to store your files, such as Subversion, Mercurial or Git. •Don't forget to do your Acceptance Testing. •Frameworks like Selenium can help. • Bug fixing •Make sure you have sufficient logging in place using frameworks such as log4j, log4net or log4r. •If something goes wrong on your live site, you'll need a way of finding out what. •When logging make sure you capture both handled exceptions, and unhandled exceptions. Report/analyze the log output, as it'll show you where the key issues are in your site. •