Strategy and Leadership PV237 Ing. Michala Kozinova, MBA. Analytic Tools for Strategic Decisions Strategy and Leadership PV237 Porter’s 5 Forces Competitive Positioning Strategic planning – analysis is a key Commonly used tools ● PEST(EL) analysis of macro-environmental factors used by marketers ● SWOT internal and external factors across organization Strategy planning – PEST(EL) analysis ● Political government policy and stability, foreign trade and tax policy, labor code ● Economic exchange rates, inflation, economic growth... ● Social health consciousness, career attitudes, population growth, age distribution... ● Technological new ways of producing and distributing goods and services, new ways of communicating with target markets ● Environmental carbon footprint, pollution, scarcity of raw materials, doing business in ethical and sustainable manner ● Legal health&safety, equal opportunities, consumer rights and laws, product labeling and safety, advertising standards Srategic planning - SWOT HELPFUL HARMFUL EXTERNALINTERNAL Srategic planning - SWOT Strengths ThreadsOpportunities Weaknesses HELPFUL HARMFUL EXTERNALINTERNAL Assignment ● Develop Mission and Vision statement for your company tested against the characteristics you came up with using the spider net tool ● Create a wordle with Values for your company ● Prepare two slides with the above for your final presentation ● PESTEL and SWOT are optional slides. Leadership Strategy and Leadership PV237 Leadership Think about someone you consider a leader What personal characteristics do they have? How do they behave/speak/act? What makes a good leader? Can this be learned? What other observations can you make about him/her?