PV251 Visualization Seminar no. 1 Plan of seminars 1. Introduction, visualization examples, first task 2. Online tools, Processing, second task 3. Introduction to D3 4. Data import, D3 cont. 5. R + Shiny 6. Projects, consultations Visualization – only what we can see? http://vimeo.com/44267609 Visualization Mind Map Mind Maps http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wLWV0XN7K1g SocialAction: social network analysis of US senators http://vimeo.com/7308004 SocialAction: Global terrorist network analysis SocialAction: Global terrorist network analysis SocialAction: Global terrorist network analysis SaNDVIS – Visual Social Network Analytics for Relationship Discovery in the Enterprise http://vimeo.com/25094971 Boardtracker (AuthorLines) Tree maps Ben Shneiderman – Time Searcher http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r1pKvDdLxV M Look at 19:10 http://www.cs.umd.edu/hcil/sharp/slides/UMD visit-HOUSTON-Dec2010-IntroBen.pdf Visual Analysis of Temporal Event Sequence, Aggregations https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FHgcJDnW8q8 LifeFlow: Interface with User Controls Regional Well-Being • https://www.oecdregionalwellbeing.org/CZ07.html Zika virus • http://nextstrain.org/zika/ Randy Olson • Herd Immunity http://imgur.com/a/8M7q8 • Largest cities over time https://www.reddit.com/r/dataisbeautiful/co mments/5jiia1/animated_map_shows_locatio n_of_worlds_largest/ Visualizations are not always the solution ☺ Misleading representations Misleading representations • Other examples: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Misleading_graph Nonsense visualizations Nonsense visualizations More here: http://wtfviz.net/ Task no. 1 • Make a postcard visualizing data of your own choice (can be really whatever ☺) • Front side: visualization • Back side: legend