Lecture sylabus PV260
Week 10 - Performance engineering and performance testing. Principles of testing
Lecturer: Martin Večeřa and Pavel Macík, Red Hat / PerfCake
Date: 25. 4. 2019 at 14:00-15:40 in A318, FI MU
- What tools are used for performance testing and profiling?
- What are typical performance issues, how are they discovered, how are they solved?
- Examples from real products - what caused issues, how difficult it was to discover them?
- Profiling vs. performance testing what is the difference?
- How to prevent performance issues? Software design, methodologies, architecture, scalability, people...
- Is there an architecture that lead to automatically to a better performance? Parallelism, distributed applications...?
- When it is good to start testing performance? Early, with complete project, when something goes wrong?
- Is performance testing performed manually or automatically?
- How a performance issue makes it to a well established product? How they are solved?
- Is it better to have a dedicated team or make it part of developers duties?
- Testing in virtual environment
- Influence of the runtime environment, test parameters, reproducible results
- Whitebox vs blackbox testing
- Influence of authentication and authorization
- Hardware utilization for maximal performance
- Influence of the measurement tool on the performance
- Microbenchmarking, JVM tuning...
- Coordinated omission
Lecture Material
Slides attached below.
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