LAB OF SOFTWARE ARCHITECTURES AND INFORMATION SYSTEMS FACULTY OF INFORMATICS MASARYK UNIVERSITY, BRNO PV260 - SOFTWARE QUALITY PRINCIPLES OF TESTING. REQUIREMENTS & TEST CASES. TEST PLANS & RISK ANALYSIS Bruno Rossi "Discovering the unexpected is"Discovering the unexpected is more important than confirmingmore important than confirming the known."the known." George BoxGeorge Box 3-83 ● In Eclipse and Mozilla, 30–40% of all changes are fixes (Sliverski et al., 2005) ● Fixes are 2–3 times smaller than other changes (Mockus +Votta, 2000) ● 4% of all one-line changes introduce new errors (Purushothaman + Perry, 2004) Introduction A. Zeller, Why Programs Fail, Second Edition: A Guide to Systematic Debugging, 2 edition. Amsterdam ; Boston: Morgan Kaufmann, 2009. 4-83 Motivating Examples A. Zeller, Why Programs Fail, Second Edition: A Guide to Systematic Debugging, 2 edition. Amsterdam ; Boston: Morgan Kaufmann, 2009. 5-83 Static void ssl_io_filter_disable(ap_filter_t *f) { bio_filter_in_ctx_t *inctx = f->ctx; inctx->ssl = NULL; inctx->filter ctx->pssl = NULL; } Apache web server, version 2.0.48 Response to normal page request on secure (https) port Example: A Memory Leak No obvious error, but Apache leaked memory slowly (in normal use) or quickly (if exploited for a DOS attack) (c) 2007 Mauro Pezzè & Michal Young 6-83 Static void ssl_io_filter_disable(ap_filter_t *f) { bio_filter_in_ctx_t *inctx = f->ctx; SSL_free(inctx -> ssl); inctx->ssl = NULL; inctx->filter ctx->pssl = NULL; } Apache web server, version 2.0.48 Response to normal page request on secure (https) port The missing code is for a structure defined and created elsewhere, accessed through an opaque pointer. Example: A Memory Leak (c) 2007 Mauro Pezzè & Michal Young 7-83 Static void ssl_io_filter_disable(ap_filter_t *f) { bio_filter_in_ctx_t *inctx = f->ctx; SSL_free(inctx -> ssl); inctx->ssl = NULL; inctx->filter ctx->pssl = NULL; } Apache web server, version 2.0.48 Response to normal page request on secure (https) port Almost impossible to find with unit testing. (Inspection and some dynamic techniques could have found it.) Example: A Memory Leak (c) 2007 Mauro Pezzè & Michal Young 8-83 ● “Testing is the process of exercising or evaluating a system or system component by manual or automated means to verify that it satisfies specified requirements.” IEEE standards definition What is Software Testing 9-83 Reminder for some important terms: ● Defect: “An imperfection or deficiency in a work product where that work product does not meet its requirements or specifications and needs to be either repaired or replaced.” ● Error: “A human action that produces an incorrect result” ● Failure: “(A) Termination of the ability of a product to perform a required function or its inability to perform within previously specified limits. (B) An event in which a system or system component does not perform a required function within specified limits. A failure may be produced when a fault is encountered→ . “ ● Fault: “A manifestation of an error in software.” ● Problem: “(A) Difficulty or uncertainty experienced by one or more persons, resulting from an unsatisfactory encounter with a system in use. (B) A negative situation to overcome” What is Software Testing Definitions according to IEEE Std 1044-2009 “IEEE Standard Classification for Software Anomalies“ 10-83 Hopefully you haven't seen some of these 11-83 Maybe some of these... 12-83 And defects are everywhere... This is one failure I encountered when preparing this presentation on LibreOffice A formula in ppt that got converted into image – looks good when editing The slides preview on the left, looks a bit strange... When converted to pdf... 13-83 Where is the term “bug”? ● Very often a synonymous of “defect” so that “debugging” is the activity related to removing defects in code However: → it may lead to confusion: it is not rare the case in which “bug” is used in natural language to refer to different levels: “this line is buggy” - “this pointer being null, is a bug” - “the program crashed: it's a bug” → starting from Dijkstra, there was the search for terms that could increase the responsibility of developers – the term “bug” might give the impression of something that magically appears into software What about the term “Bug”? Definitions according to IEEE Std 1044-2009 “IEEE Standard Classification for Software Anomalies“ 14-83 Basic Principles of Software Testing 15-83 ● Sensitivity: better to fail every time than sometimes ● Redundancy: making intentions explicit ● Restrictions: making the problem easier ● Partition: divide and conquer ● Visibility: making information accessible ● Feedback: applying lessons from experience in process and techniques Basic Principles of Testing (c) 2007 Mauro Pezzè & Michal Young 16-83 ● Consistency helps: – a test selection criterion works better if every selected test provides the same result, i.e., if the program fails with one of the selected tests, it fails with all of them (reliable criteria) – run time deadlock analysis works better if it is machine independent, i.e., if the program deadlocks when analyzed on one machine, it deadlocks on every machine Sensitivity: better to fail every time than sometimes (c) 2007 Mauro Pezzè & Michal Young 17-83 ● Look at the following code fragment Sensitivity Example char before[] = “=Before=”; char middle[] = “Middle”; char after [] = “=After=”; int main(int argc, char *argv){ strcpy(middle, “Muddled”); /* fault, may not fail */ strncpy(middle, “Muddled”, sizeof(middle)); /* fault, may not fail */ } What's the problem? (c) 2007 Mauro Pezzè & Michal Young 18-83 ● Let's make the following adjustment Sensitivity Example char before[] = “=Before=”; char middle[] = “Middle”; char after [] = “=After=”; int main(int argc, char *argv){ strcpy(middle, “Muddled”); /* fault, may not fail */ strncpy(middle, “Muddled”, sizeof(middle)); /* fault, may not fail */ stringcpy(middle, “Muddled”, sizeof(middle)); /* guaranteed to fail */ } void stringcpy(char *target, const char *source, int size){ assert(strlen(source) < size); strcpy(target, source); } This adds sensitivity to a non-sensitive solution (c) 2007 Mauro Pezzè & Michal Young 19-83 ● Let's look at the following Java code fragment. We use the ArrayList as a sort of queue and we remove one item after printing the results Sensitivity Example public class TestIterator { public static void main(String args[]) { List myList = new ArrayList<>(); myList.add("PV260"); myList.add("SW"); myList.add("Quality"); Iterator it = myList.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { String value =; System.out.println(value); myList.remove(value); } } } Will this output “PV260 SW Quality” ? 20-83 ● Let's look at the following Java code fragment. We use the ArrayList as a sort of queue and we remove one item after printing the results Sensitivity Example public class TestIterator { public static void main(String args[]) { List myList = new ArrayList<>(); myList.add("PV260"); myList.add("SW"); myList.add("Quality"); Iterator it = myList.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { String value =; System.out.println(value); myList.remove(value); } } } Actually, this throws java.util.ConcurrentModificationException 21-83 ● From Java SE documentation: ● “[...] Some Iterator implementations (including those of all the general purpose collection implementations provided by the JRE) may choose to throw this exception if this behavior is detected. Iterators that do this are known as fail-fast iterators, as they fail quickly and cleanly, rather that risking arbitrary, non-deterministic behavior at an undetermined time in the future.” ● “Note that fail-fast behavior cannot be guaranteed as it is, generally speaking, impossible to make any hard guarantees in the presence of unsynchronized concurrent modification. Fail-fast operations throw ConcurrentModificationException on a best-effort basis. Therefore, it would be wrong to write a program that depended on this exception for its correctness: ConcurrentModificationException should be used only to detect bugs.” Sensitivity Example 22-83 • Redundant checks can increase the capabilities of catching specific faults early or more efficiently. – Static type checking is redundant with respect to dynamic type checking, but it can reveal many type mismatches earlier and more efficiently. – Validation of requirement specifications is redundant with respect to validation of the final software, but can reveal errors earlier and more efficiently. – Testing and proof of properties are redundant, but are often used together to increase confidence Redundancy: making intentions explicit (c) 2007 Mauro Pezzè & Michal Young 23-83 • Adding redundancy by asserting that a condition must always be true for the correct execution of the program Redundancy Example void save(File *file, const char *dest){ assert(this.isInitialized()); ... } • From a language (e.g. Java) point of view, think about declarations of thrown exceptions from a method public void throwException() throws FileNotFoundException{ throw new FileNotFoundException(); } Think if you could throw any exception from a method without declaration in the method signature 24-83 • Suitable restrictions can reduce hard (unsolvable) problems to simpler (solvable) problems – A weaker spec may be easier to check: it is impossible (in general) to show that pointers are used correctly, but the simple Java requirement that pointers are initialized before use is simple to enforce. – A stronger spec may be easier to check: it is impossible (in general) to show that type errors do not occur at run-time in a dynamically typed language, but statically typed languages impose stronger restrictions that are easily checkable. Restriction: making the problem easier (c) 2007 Mauro Pezzè & Michal Young 25-83 ● Will the following compile in Java? Restriction Example public static void questionable(){ int k; for (int i=0; i<10;++i){ if (someCondition(i)){ k = 0; } else { k+=i; } } } int k; if (true == false){ k+=i; } Java ALWAYS enforces variable initialization before usage as the following example shows – this is a case of restriction But restrictions can be applied at different levels, e.g. at the architectural level the decision of making the HTTP protocol stateless hugely simplified testing (and as such made the protocol more robust) 26-83 • Hard testing and verification problems can be handled by suitably partitioning the input space: – both structural (white box) and functional test (black box) selection criteria identify suitable partitions of code or specifications (partitions drive the sampling of the input space) – verification techniques fold the input space according to specific characteristics, grouping homogeneous data together and determining partitions → Examples of structural (white box) techniques: unit testing, integration testing, performance testing → Examples of functional (black box) techniques: system testing, acceptance testing, regression testing Partition: divide and conquer (c) 2007 Mauro Pezzè & Michal Young 27-83 ● Non-uniform distribution of faults ● Example: Java class “roots” applies quadratic equation ● Incomplete implementation logic: Program does not properly handle the case in which b2 - 4ac = 0 and a = 0 → Failing values are sparse in the input space — needles in a very big haystack. Random sampling is unlikely to choose a=0.0 and b=0.0 Partition - Example These would make good input values for test cases (c) 2007 Mauro Pezzè & Michal Young ax 2 +bx+c=0 x= −b±√b2 −4 ac 2a 28-83 Partition - Example Failure (valuable test case) No failure Failures are sparse in the space of possible inputs ... ... but dense in some parts of the space If we systematically test some cases from each part, we will include the dense parts Functional testing is one way of drawing pink lines to isolate regions with likely failures Thespaceofpossibleinputvalues (thehaystack) (c) 2007 Mauro Pezzè & Michal Young 29-83 ● The ability to measure progress or status against goals ● X visibility = ability to judge how we are doing on X, e.g., schedule visibility = “Are we ahead or behind schedule,” quality visibility = “Does quality meet our objectives?” – Involves setting goals that can be assessed at each stage of development ● The biggest challenge is early assessment, e.g., assessing specifications and design with respect to product quality ● Related to observability – Example: Choosing a simple or standard internal data format to facilitate unit testing Visibility: Judging status (c) 2007 Mauro Pezzè & Michal Young 30-83 ● The HTTP Protocol Visibility - Example GET /index.html HTTP/1.1 Host: Why wasn't a more efficient binary format selected? To note HTTP 2.0 will use a binary format (from “Binary protocols are more efficient to parse, more compact “on the wire”, and most importantly, they are much less error-prone, compared to textual protocols like HTTP/1.x, because they often have a number of affordances to “help” with things like whitespace handling, capitalization, line endings, blank links and so on.” In fact, reduction of visibility is confirmed by “It’s true that HTTP/2 isn’t usable through telnet, but we already have some tool support, such as a Wireshark plugin.” 31-83 • Learning from experience: Each project provides information to improve the next • Examples – Checklists are built on the basis of errors revealed in the past – Error taxonomies can help in building better test selection criteria – Design guidelines can avoid common pitfalls Feedback: tuning the development process Using a software reliability model fitting past project data Looking for problematic modules based on prior knowledge (c) 2007 Mauro Pezzè & Michal Young 32-83 Testing Levels 33-83 Testing Levels (1/2) A level of the software testing process where individual units/components of a software/system are tested – Validate that each unit performs as designed Individual units are combined and tested as a group. Aim: expose faults in the interaction between integrated units A complete, integrated system/software is tested. Aim: evaluate the system’s compliance with the specified requirements A system is tested for acceptability. Aim: evaluate the system’s compliance with the business requirements and ready for delivery. 34-83 Testing Levels (2/2) WHITE BOX TESTING BLACK BOX / WHITE BOX TESTING BLACK BOX TESTING BLACK BOX TESTING ! Test Plans / Test cases are created *for each* level! 35-83 Example Acceptance Testing Automation 36-83 Acceptance Tests Automation (1/4) Using Fitnesse to write acceptance tests so that the customer can actually write the acceptance conditions for the software Looking at our previous example the “root” case That we solve by means of ax2 +bx+c=0 x= −b±√b2 −4 ac 2a 37-83 Acceptance Tests Automation (2/4) public class Root { double rootOne, rootTwo; int numRoots; public Root (double a, double b, double c){ double q; double r; q = b*b - 4 * a *c; if (q >0 && a != 0){ // if b^2 > 4ac there are two dinstict roots numRoots = 2; r = (double) Math.sqrt(q); rootOne = ((0-b) + r) / (2*a); rootTwo = ((0-b) - r) / (2*a); } else if (q==0){ // DEFECT HERE numRoots = 1; rootOne = (0-b)/(2*a); rootTwo = rootOne; }else { // equation had no roots if b^2<4ac numRoots = 0; rootOne = -1; rootTwo = -1; } } } Source code from Mauro Pezzè & Michal Young 38-83 Acceptance Tests Automation (3/4) Our first attempt returns the number of solutions, but the customer did not want only this – so this is a mistake we would not have captured with unit tests The customer also wanted the solutions to the equation, however this opens other discussions how should we deal with no solutions? What→ about imaginary numbers? 39-83 Acceptance Tests Automation (4/4) Running with a=0 reports the mistake and also opens up a discussion about the format for returning the solutions and what were the original requirements in these cases 40-83 Acceptance Tests Automation Other frameworks are available for automation of acceptance testing, like Selenium ( for web-based acceptance testing (that can also be integrated with Fitnesse) 41-83 Quality of Software Tests – Mutation Testing 42-83 ● What if we could judge the effectiveness of a test suite in finding real faults, by measuring how well it finds seeded fake faults? ● How can seeded faults be representative of real defects? Example: I add 100 new defects to my application – they are exactly like real bugs in every way – I make 100 copies of my program, each with one of my 100 new bugs I run my test suite on the programs with seeded bugs ... – ... and the tests reveal 20 of the bugs – (the other 80 program copies do not fail) → What can I infer about my test suite? Estimating Software Test Suite Quality (c) 2007 Mauro Pezzè & Michal Young 43-83 ● Competent programmer hypothesis: – Programs are “nearly” correct ● Real faults are small variations from the correct program ● → Mutants are reasonable models of real buggy programs ● Coupling effect hypothesis: – Tests that find simple faults also find more complex faults ● Even if mutants are not perfect representatives of real faults, a test suite that kills mutants is good at finding real faults too Mutation Testing Assumptions (c) 2007 Mauro Pezzè & Michal Young 44-83 How Mutation Testing works (1/3) • Create many modified copies of the original program called mutants Each mutant with a single variation from the original program. • Mutation Process: application of mutation operators, such as statement deletions, statement modifications (e.g. != instead of ==) 45-83 • All mutants are then tested by test suites to get the percentage of mutants failing the tests • The failure of mutants is expected! • If mutants do not cause tests to fail, they are considered live mutants How Mutation Testing works (2/3) 46-83 • All mutants are then tested by test suites to get the percentage of mutants failing the tests • The number of live mutants can be a sign of: – i) tests are not sensitive enough to catch the modified code – ii) there are equivalent mutants e.g. original program if (x==2 && y==2){     int z = x+y;  } equiv mutant if (x==2 && y==2){   int z = x*y;  } MScore= Mkilled Mtot−Meq How Mutation Testing works (3/3) Mutation Score as indication of the tests quality: 47-83 ● Syntactic change from legal program to legal program ● Specific to each programming language. C++ mutations don’t work for Java, Java mutations don’t work for Python ● Examples: – crp: constant for constant replacement ● for instance: from (x < 5) to (x < 12) ● select from constants found somewhere in program text – ror: relational operator replacement ● for instance: from (x <= 5) to (x < 5) – vie: variable initialization elimination ● change int x =5; to int x; Mutation Operators (c) 2007 Mauro Pezzè & Michal Young 48-83 Problems of Mutation Testing • Mutation testing has not yet widely adopted for a series of reasons, mainly: – Performance reasons – The equivalent mutants problem – Missing integration tools – Benefits might not be immediately clear MScore= Mkilled Mtot−Meq Equivalent mutants problem: determining syntactically different but semantically equal mutant is undecidable 49-83 ● Problem: There are lots of mutants. Running each test case to completion on every mutant is expensive ● Number of mutants grows with the square of program size ● Approach: – Execute meta-mutant (with many seeded faults) together with original program – Mark a seeded fault as “killed” as soon as a difference in intermediate state is found ● Without waiting for program completion ● Restart with new mutant selection after each “kill” Weak Mutation (c) 2007 Mauro Pezzè & Michal Young 50-83 ● Problem: There are lots of mutants. Running each test case on every mutant is expensive ● It’s just too expensive to create N2 mutants for a program of N lines (even if we don’t run each test case separately to completion) ● Approach: Just create a random sample of mutants – May be just as good for assessing a test suite ● Provided we don’t design test cases to kill particular mutants Statistical Mutation (c) 2007 Mauro Pezzè & Michal Young 51-83 Other optimization approaches • Selective mutation: reduce the number of active operators selecting only the most efficient operators produce mutants not→ easy-to-kill • Second Order Strategies: combining more than a single mutation, putting together First Order Mutants (different sub-strategies to combine them) 52-83 Sample Demo with PiTest 53-83 From Requirements to Test Cases 54-83 According to ISO/IEC/IEEE 29119: ● Test Case Specification: “(A) A set of test inputs, execution conditions, and expected results developed for a particular objective, such as to exercise a particular program path or to verify compliance with a specific requirement. (B) A document specifying inputs, predicted results, and a set of execution conditions for a test item” Test Case Definition Example: 1. Open the browser 2. Go to shopping cart page (pre-conditions: user is logged-in, no items are in the shopping cart, the check-out button is not available ) 3. Add item “x” exp result: i) the page is updated with the new item, ii) the→ check-out button becomes available 4. Remove item “x” exp result: i) no items are listed, ii) the check-out button is→ not available 55-83 According to the International Software Testing Qualifications Board (ISTQB): ● “A document describing the scope, approach, resources and schedule of intended test activities. It identifies amongst others test items, the features to be tested, the testing tasks, who will do each task, degree of tester independence, the test environment, the test design techniques and entry and exit criteria to be used, and the rationale for their choice,and any risks requiring contingency planning. It is a record of the test planning process.” Test Plan Definition 56-83 • It is *not feasible* to test everything in a software system • We need some ways to prioritize which parts to test more thoroughly – One way is to use the so-called risk-based testing: prioritizing test cases based on risks – This is a business-driven decision based on the possible damage that a defect may cause Risk-based Testing 57-83 • ISO/IEC/IEEE 29119 is the new Testing Standard • Risk-based Testing is foreseen as part of the process Motivation: ISO/IEC/IEEE 29119 Understand Context Organize Test Plan Development Identify & Estimate Risks Identify Risk Treatment Approaches Design Test Strategy Determine Staffing & Scheduling Document Test Plan Gain Consensus on Test Plan Publish Test Plan See 58-83 What is a Risk • financial, loss of (faith of) clients, damage to corporate identity • impact on other functions or systems • detection and repair time Risk = damage * probability 59-83 • Risk analysis deals with the identification of the risks (damage and probabilities) in the software testing process and in the prioritization of the test cases • We usually start from a Test Plan: “A document describing the scope, approach, resources, and schedule of intended test activities. It identifies test items, the features to be tested, the testing tasks, who will do each task, and any risks requiring contingency planning” (ISO/IEC/IEEE 29119) Risk Analysis 60-83 1. Define the risk items (e.g. type of failures for components) 2. Define probability of occurrence 3. Estimate impact 4. Compute Risk Values Steps for Risk Analysis (1/3) M. Felderer, “Development of a Risk-Based Test Strategy and its Evaluation in Industry”, PV226 Lasaris Seminar, 3rd Nov 2016. 61-83 5. Determine Risk levels Steps for Risk Analysis (2/3) M. Felderer, “Development of a Risk-Based Test Strategy and its Evaluation in Industry”, PV226 Lasaris Seminar, 3rd Nov 2016. 62-83 6. Definition and Refinement of Test Strategy Steps for Risk Analysis (3/3) M. Felderer, “Development of a Risk-Based Test Strategy and its Evaluation in Industry”, PV226 Lasaris Seminar, 3rd Nov 2016. 63-83 Functional (Black Box) Testing 64-83 • Functional testing: Deriving test cases from program specifications • Functional refers to the source of information used in test case design, not to what is tested • Also known as: – specification-based testing (from specifications) – black-box testing (no view of the code) • Functional specification = description of intended program behavior – either formal or informal Functional Testing (c) 2007 Mauro Pezzè & Michal Young 65-83 • Functional testing uses the specification (formal or informal) to partition the input space – E.g., specification of “roots” program suggests division between cases with zero, one, and two real roots • Test each category, and boundaries between categories – No guarantees, but experience suggests failures often lie at the boundaries (as in the “roots” program) Functional testing: exploiting the specification (c) 2007 Mauro Pezzè & Michal Young 66-83 • The base-line technique for designing test cases – Timely • Often useful in refining specifications and assessing testability before code is written – Effective • finds some classes of fault (e.g., missing logic) that can elude other approaches – Widely applicable • to any description of program behavior serving as spec • at any level of granularity from module to system testing. – Economical • typically less expensive to design and execute than structural (code-based) test cases Why functional Tests? (c) 2007 Mauro Pezzè & Michal Young 67-83 • Program code is not necessary – Only a description of intended behavior is needed – Even incomplete and informal specifications can be used • Although precise, complete specifications lead to better test suites • Early functional test design has side benefits – Often reveals ambiguities and inconsistency in spec – Useful for assessing testability • And improving test schedule and budget by improving spec – Useful explanation of specification • or in the extreme case (as in XP), test cases are the spec Early Functional Test Design (c) 2007 Mauro Pezzè & Michal Young 68-83 • Functional test applies at all granularity levels: – Unit (from module interface spec) – Integration (from API or subsystem spec) – System (from system requirements spec) – Regression (from system requirements + bug history) • Structural (code-based) test design applies to relatively small parts of a system: – Unit – Integration • Functional testing is best for missing logic faults – A common problem: Some program logic was simply forgotten – Structural (code-based) testing will never focus on code that isn’t there! Functional vs structural test: granularity levels (c) 2007 Mauro Pezzè & Michal Young 69-83 1. Decompose the specification – If the specification is large, break it into independently testable features to be considered in testing 2. Select representatives – Representative values of each input, or Representative behaviors of a model – Often simple input/output transformations don’t describe a system. We use models in program specification, in program design, and in test design 3. Form test specifications – Typically: combinations of input values, or model behaviors 4. Produce and execute actual tests Steps: from specifications to test cases (c) 2007 Mauro Pezzè & Michal Young 70-83 Steps: from specifications to test cases: example Derive Independently Testable Features: identify features that can be tested separately Examples: a search functionality on a web application or addition of new users this may map to different→ levels at the design and code level NOTE: this helps also in determining if there are requirements that are not testable or need to be rewritten or clarified! Derive Representative values OR a model that can be used to derive test cases. Note that this phase is mostly enumeration of values in isolation. Example: considering empty list or a one element list as representative cases Generation of test case specification based on the previous step, usually based on the Cartesian product from the enumeration values (considering feasible cases). Example: the search functionality, representative values might be 0,1, many characters and 0,1, many special characters, but the case {0,many} is clearly impossible 71-83 Example One: using category partitioning Using combinatorial testing (category partition) from the specifications Sample Scenario: “We are building a catalogue of computer components in which customers can select the different parts and assemble their PC for delivery A model identifies a specific product and determines a set of constraints on available components A set of (slot, component) pairs, corresponding to the required and optional slots of the model. A component might be empty for optional slots” 72-83 Parameter Model – Model number – Number of required slots for selected model (#SMRS) – Number of optional slots for selected model (#SMOS) Parameter Components – Correspondence of selection with model slots – Number of required components with selection ≠ empty – Required component selection – Number of optional components with selection ≠ empty – Optional component selection Environment element: Product database – Number of models in database (#DBM) – Number of components in database (#DBC) Step 1: Identify independently testable units (c) 2007 Mauro Pezzè & Michal Young 73-83 Correspondence of selection with model slots Omitted slots Extra slots Mismatched slots Complete correspondence Number of required components with non empty selection 0 < number required slots = number required slots Required component selection Some defaults All valid ≥ 1 incompatible with slots ≥ 1 incompatible with another selection ≥ 1 incompatible with model ≥ 1 not in database Number of optional components with non empty selection 0 < #SMOS = #SMOS Optional component selection Some defaults All valid ≥ 1 incompatible with slots ≥ 1 incompatible with another selection ≥ 1 incompatible with model ≥ 1 not in database Step 2: Identify relevant values: components (c) 2007 Mauro Pezzè & Michal Young 74-83 ● A combination of values for each category corresponds to a test case specification – in the example we have 314.928 test cases – most of the test cases represent “impossible” cases ● Example: zero slots and at least one incompatible slot ● Introduce constraints to – rule out impossible combinations – reduce the size of the test suite if too large Step 3: Introduce constraints (c) 2007 Mauro Pezzè & Michal Young 75-83 Model number Malformed [error] Not in database [error] Valid Correspondence of selection with model slots Omitted slots [error] Extra slots [error] Mismatched slots [error] Complete correspondence Number of required comp. with non empty selection 0 [error] < number of required slots [error] Required comp. selection ≥ 1 not in database [error] Number of models in database (#DBM) 0 [error] Number of components in database (#DBC) 0 [error] Error constraints reduce test suite from 314.928 to 2.711 test cases Step 3: error constraint (c) 2007 Mauro Pezzè & Michal Young [Error] indicates a value class that – corresponds to erroneous values – need be tried only once 76-83 Number of required slots for selected model (#SMRS) 1 [property RSNE] Many [property RSNE] [property RSMANY] Number of optional slots for selected model (#SMOS) 1 [property OSNE] Many [property OSNE] [property OSMANY] Number of required comp. with non empty selection 0 [if RSNE] [error] < number required slots [if RSNE] [error] = number required slots [if RSMANY] Number of optional comp. with non empty selection < number required slots [if OSNE] = number required slots [if OSMANY] from 2.711 to 908 test cases Step 3: property constraints (c) 2007 Mauro Pezzè & Michal Young constraint [property] [ifproperty] rule out invalid combinations of values [property] groups values of a single parameter to identify subsets of values with common properties [if-property] bounds the choices of values for a category that can be combined with a particular value selected for a different category 77-83 from 908 to 69 test cases Number of required slots for selected model (#SMRS) 0 [single] 1 [property RSNE] [single] Number of optional slots for selected model (#SMOS) 0 [single] 1 [single] [property OSNE] Required component selection Some default [single] Optional component selection Some default [single] Number of models in database (#DBM) 1 [single] Number of components in database (#DBC) 1 [single] Step 3: single constraints (c) 2007 Mauro Pezzè & Michal Young [single] indicates a value class that test designers choose to test only once to reduce the number of test cases 78-83 Parameter Model ● Model number – Malformed [error] – Not in database [error] – Valid ● Number of required slots for selected model (#SMRS) – 0 [single] – 1 [property RSNE] [single] – Many [property RSNE] [property RSMANY] ● Number of optional slots for selected model (#SMOS) – 0 [single] – 1 [property OSNE] [single] – Many [property OSNE] [property OSMANY] Environment Product data base ● Number of models in database (#DBM) – 0 [error] – 1 [single] – Many ● Number of components in database (#DBC) – 0 [error] – 1 [single] – Many Parameter Component ● Correspondence of selection with model slots – Omitted slots [error] – Extra slots [error] – Mismatched slots [error] – Complete correspondence ● # of required components (selection  empty) – 0 [if RSNE] [error] – < number required slots [if RSNE] [error] – = number required slots [if RSMANY] ● Required component selection – Some defaults [single] – All valid ≥ 1 incompatible with slots ≥ 1 incompatible with another selection ≥ 1 incompatible with model ≥ 1 not in database [error] ● # of optional components (selection  empty) – 0 – < #SMOS [if OSNE] – = #SMOS [if OSMANY] ● Optional component selection – Some defaults [single] – All valid ≥ 1 incompatible with slots ≥ 1 incompatible with another selection ≥ 1 incompatible with model ≥ 1 not in database [error] Example - Summary (c) 2007 Mauro Pezzè & Michal Young 79-83 Example Two: Deriving a model Maintenance: The Maintenance function records the history of items undergoing maintenance. • If the product is covered by warranty or maintenance contract, maintenance can be requested either by calling the maintenance toll free number, or through the web site, or by bringing the item to a designated maintenance station. • If the maintenance is requested by phone or web site and the customer is a US or EU resident, the item is picked up at the customer site, otherwise, the customer shall ship the item with an express courier. • If the maintenance contract number provided by the customer is not valid, the item follows the procedure for items not covered by warranty. • If the product is not covered by warranty or maintenance contract, maintenance can be requested only by bringing the item to a maintenance station. The maintenance station informs the customer of the estimated costs for repair. Maintenance starts only when the customer accepts the estimate. • If the customer does not accept the estimate, the product is returned to the customer. • Small problems can be repaired directly at the maintenance station. If the maintenance station cannot solve the problem, the product is sent to the maintenance regional headquarters (if in US or EU) or to the maintenance main headquarters (otherwise). • If the maintenance regional headquarters cannot solve the problem, the product is sent to the maintenance main headquarters. • Maintenance is suspended if some components are not available. • Once repaired, the product is returned to the customer. Multiple choices in the first step ... ... determine the possibilities for the next step ... ... and so on ... From an informal specification: (c) 2007 Mauro Pezzè & Michal Young 80-83 Example Two: Deriving a model To a finite state machine: (c) 2007 Mauro Pezzè & Michal Young 81-83 Example Two: Deriving a model To a test suite: (c) 2007 Mauro Pezzè & Michal Young 82-83 Example Two: Deriving a model Using transition coverage: Using transition coverage: Every transition between states should be traversed by at least one test case (c) 2007 Mauro Pezzè & Michal Young Does history matter? That is the order in which we traverse a node influences the functionality? (e.g. see wait for completion) 83-83 Most of the source code examples, class diagrams, etc... from [2] if not differently stated [1] A. Zeller, Why Programs Fail, Second Edition: A Guide to Systematic Debugging, 2 edition. Amsterdam ; Boston: Morgan Kaufmann, 2009. [2] M. Pezzè and M. Young, Software Testing And Analysis: Process, Principles And Techniques. Hoboken, N.J.: John Wiley & Sons Inc, 2007. [3] Michel Felderer, “Development of a Risk-Based Test Strategy and its Evaluation in Industry”, PV226 Lasaris Seminar, 3rd Nov 2016. [4] ISO/IEC/IEEE 29119 Software Testing Standard, Acceptance Testing example using Fitnesse ( Mutation Testing example using PiTest ( References