VB036 PRESENTATION INSTRUCTIONS: To fulfil requirements for VB036, students must prepare and give a presentation in class. The purpose of this task is to help students gain confidence in presenting their work and ideas in English and to provide them with an opportunity to practice for the Specialist English examination. 1) PRESENTATION Students need to prepare an original, five-minute presentation on an IT-related topic of their choice. The presentation must be supported by visuals (ppt, poster) and students must be able to deliver it by heart. Among the criteria assessed by the teacher and fellow students are: good content, clear structure, good conclusion, usage of signposting, correct usage of English (self-correction is possible and welcomed), relevant range of vocabulary and correct pronunciation (avoiding irritating mistakes), stress and intonation, quality and language of visuals and references (excluding Wikipedia), eye contact with the audience and proper body language, good timing, handling the Q&A session, and overall impression (fun, passion, expertise, effort, fluency). After the presentation students receive verbal or written feedback from their teacher and fellow-students. As a follow-up to their presentation, students bring a good-quality handout. The A5 handout should be prepared using MU unified visual style (sablony.muni.cz) and include: - goal of the presentation - bullet-point summary of the presentation - key words for discussion - key fact/message to remember - a question to be discussed Students need to publish their handouts in a thread labelled with the number of their seminar group in the main VB0036 Discussion Forum and bring 5 copies to class. 2) DISCUSSION After the presentation is given and the Q&A session closed, the presenting student hands out his or her handout. Students have a minute to take a look at the summary and the question to be discussed. A short discussion ensues in groups. Students need to take an active part and bear the following discussion principles in mind: turn-taking, negotiating, agreeing and disagreeing using relevant and appropriate language. The goal for the group is to reach a consensus/conclusion in response to the question discussed.