1) The locomotion of legged robots is a complex problem because of [LŠ1] the extremely high count of possible movements the robots are capable[INS: of :INS] . This[LŠ2] is made more challenging due to the lower computational capability of mobile hardware and the requirements of real-time properties. [INS: :INS] [INS: :INS] [INS: This is a great piece of text from the grammar, vocab or style points of view, the area to work on is precision. :INS] 2) [DEL: Hello everyone, I'm posting my contribution, which may end up in my intended article on Personal :DEL] Data Anonymization: Tabular data in relational databases are commonly anonymized. The anonymization can be performed on the data directly, which results in permanent information loss, or in the query layer, where it is performed on-the-fly by the query engine. The identification of sensitive data is trivial, as databases commonly conform to at least the First Normal Form, which [LŠ3] means that the individual columns contain atomic, further indivisible data. [INS: :INS] [INS: This is an excellent piece of text with a very good sentence length and structure. :INS] 3) Numerous fragments of PCTL based on operators F and G with[INS: :INS] [DEL: :DEL] unrestricted step bounds were examined in []. In this article,[INS: :INS] [DEL: :DEL] we discuss the problem of finite-satisfiability for syntactically similar fragments, which however turn out to be incomparable to[INS: :INS] [DEL: :DEL] those considered in []. [INS: :INS] [INS: :INS] [INS: This is a great piece of text, no comments here. :INS] 4)[DEL: Hello, I am adding my :DEL] [INS: … :INS] piece of existing, published text: [INS: :INS] Lately, we have been the observers of the dramatic movement of the reached quality in solving some of the principal high-level NLP Tasks [6,33,50]. Some of the new approaches have, in fact, overreached not only the current state-of-the-art by even tens of percent [8,51] but also the measured human performance [33]. The new technologies are based on a distinct set of ideas which has driven the development of their architecture. ELMo [30] builds upon a character-level convolution and a joint optimization of sequential language models (bi-LM), while attention-based transformer architectures, such as GPT [32] or BERT [8], utilize forward, or bi-directional incremental pooling of so-called attention [49] in forward, or bi-directional manner, respectively. Yet, there is an attribute that intersects this new stream of methods. It is a fact they are pre-trained without a supervisor on a vast amount of data in the form of general language corpus [8,30,32]. Subsequently, they can be fine-tuned on downstream tasks [30], or their internal representations can be even used in a zero-shot manner [32]. Furthermore, the generalization properties of transformers in language modelling [32] has even been underscored by their performance on language-agnostic downstream tasks [31], where some multilingual models are documented to perform well on a zero-shot classification of previously-unseen languages, even on ones that do not share any vocabulary with the fine-tuned language [31].[INS: :INS] [INS: :INS] [INS: I agree with the proof :INS] [INS: - :INS] [INS: reader :INS] [INS: s :INS] [INS: of the publisher :INS] [INS: – :INS] [INS: a :INS] [INS: great text. :INS] [INS: J :INS] [INS: :INS] [INS: :INS] 5) [DEL: Hi, this is not from any paper, and is just an academic writing style practice. The experimental results don't actually exist and are a wild guess on my part: :DEL] Experimental results indicate that up to 95% of all program loops in real world systems code [LŠ4] can be proved terminating [INS: by :INS] using only local reasoning, independently of [DEL: the :DEL] [INS: the :INS] [INS: :INS] larger context. Additionally, in cases where non-termination is possible due to [INS: a :INS] programmer error (e.g[INS: . :INS] omitting a variable update, or failing to account for some paths through the loop), it has been shown that most[LŠ5] can be proved non-terminating by determining a lasso-shaped path through the input program that demonstrates the non-terminating behavior[LŠ6] . [INS: This is another example of a high quality academic text. I :INS] [INS: have added the “by” before “using” to improve the style by using grammatical :INS] [INS: parallelism :INS] [INS: :INS] [INS: – basically repetition of grammar issues, i.e. “can be proved non-terminating by …” in this case. :INS] 6) [INS: The u :INS] [DEL: U :DEL] s[INS: e :INS] [DEL: ing :DEL] of radioactive sources is connected to production of radioactive waste. [INS: One of the goals :INS] [DEL: The goal :DEL] of [LŠ7] nuclear industry is minimalization [DEL: of amount :DEL] of radioactive waste. The key question [LŠ8] is assessment, [DEL: if :DEL] [INS: whether a :INS] concrete piece of waste is radioactive waste or not. When [DEL: yes :DEL] [INS: it is :INS] , [DEL: second :DEL] [INS: the following :INS] question is[INS: , whether :INS] [DEL: if :DEL] [INS: it :INS] is possible to transform [DEL: of :DEL] [INS: that :INS] radioactive waste into non-radioactive waste. This assessment is not trivial, because measuring of radioactivity is not easy and exact due to statistical behavior of radioactivity and many [INS: other :INS] influencing factors. Free release process is defined in Czech laws due to safety aspects[LŠ9] . The basic law is [INS: the A :INS] [DEL: a :DEL] ct number 263/2016 Collection[LŠ10] , named Atomic Act. Characterization of radioactive sources is defined in [INS: the :INS] decree number 422/2016 Collection on radiation protection and security of a radioactive source. Characterization is radionuclide specific. It means that [DEL: knowing :DEL] [INS: identification :INS] of concrete radionuclides, [INS: their :INS] amount and distribution are necessary. [INS: :INS] [INS: The text is very good from the factual and grammatical point of view, the c :INS] [INS: hang :INS] [INS: es made are pure :INS] [INS: ly to improve its stylistic quality :INS] [INS: , the meaning is kept same. :INS] [DEL: Odpovědět :DEL] [DEL: Možnosti příspěvku :DEL] ________________________________ [LŠ1]This is perfectly fine, however my comment would be whether the complexity is ONLY due to the extremely high … if yes, then the sentence is precise, if not, i would recommend „The locomotion….problem with an extremely …“ [LŠ2]What do you mean by „this“? [LŠ3]This is perfectly fine, another alternative would be „…Normal Form. It means …“ [LŠ4]Here, it can be my ignorance, but I am not sure whether I understand, grammatically the plural should be at the end, as the nouns before the last one act as adjectives in a way… would it make sense „real world system codes“? [LŠ5]…just for clarity, do you mean „most program loops“? [LŠ6]US spelling. For publishing, it is always important to check which spelling is adequate or possible. [LŠ7]...as the main goal of the nuclear industry is production of elektricity, I guess. The original sentence seemed to suggest that minimalisation of the radioactive waste is the only goal ort he most important goals … [LŠ8]…of what? [LŠ9]I am not sure I get the precise meaning of this. [LŠ10]The „Collection“ is important in our law system, if that is for International Publisher, the lawyers suggest the „Collection“ word is not necessary, as Anglophone system do not have any equivalent. In other words, it can or does not have to be used.