IA010: Principles of Programming Languages A bit of history Achim Blumensath blumens@fi.muni.cz Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk University, Brno http://archive.oreilly.com/pub/a/oreilly/news/ languageposter_0504.html Fortran (1957) The language which started it all The determined Real Programmer can write FORTRAN programs in any language. Ed Post Fortran ▸ “The IBM Mathematical FORmula TRANslating System” ▸ motivation: IBM 704 implemented floating-point instructions ▸ goal: at most 2 times slower than hand-written machine code (this goal was achieved!) ▸ primary use (then and today): numerical computing ▸ main characteristics: ▸ the first high level language with arithmetical expressions ▸ conditional statements (I�) and loops (D�) ▸ user-defined functions, but no recursion ▸ formatted I/O ▸ all memory is allocated at compile time (no stack, no heap) ⇒ no support for recursive functions ▸ huge success, changed the way computers are used ▸ later versions: …, F������ ��, F������ ��, F������ ���� C AREA OF A TRIANGLE - HERON'S FORMULA C INPUT - CARD READER UNIT 5, INTEGER INPUT C OUTPUT - LINE PRINTER UNIT 6, REAL OUTPUT C INPUT ERROR DISPLAY ERROR OUTPUT CODE 1 IN JOB CONTROL LISTING INTEGER A,B,C READ(5,501) A,B,C 501 FORMAT(3I5) IF(A.EQ.0 .OR. B.EQ.0 .OR. C.EQ.0) STOP 1 S = (A + B + C) / 2.0 AREA = SQRT( S * (S - A) * (S - B) * (S - C)) WRITE(6,601) A,B,C,AREA 601 FORMAT(4H A= ,I5,5H B= ,I5,5H C= ,I5,8H AREA= & ,F10.2,12HSQUARE UNITS) STOP END LISP (1958) Functional programming arrives The greatest single programming language ever designed. Alan Kay LISP ▸ J. McCarthy (MIT) ▸ “LISt Processing” (officially) ▸ “Lots of Irritating Superfluous Parentheses” ▸ first functional language, to work with lists (AI) ▸ syntax based directly on syntax trees ▸ data structures: atoms and lists ▸ computation: expression evaluation ▸ based on recursion rather than loops ▸ dynamic memory management with garbage collection ▸ modern dialects: S�����, C����� LISP Later important functional languages ▸ ML (����) – syntax without parenthesis, imperative features ▸ H������ (����) – purely functional, lazy evaluation (defun factorial (n) (if (<= n 1) 1 (* n (factorial (- n 1))))) (defun -reverse (list) (let ((return-value '())) (dolist (e list) (push e return-value)) return-value)) (defun comb (m list fn) (labels ((comb1 (l c m) (when (>= (length l) m) (if (zerop m) (return-from comb1 (funcall fn c))) (comb1 (cdr l) c m) (comb1 (cdr l) (cons (first l) c) (1- m))))) (comb1 list nil m))) (comb 3 '(0 1 2 3 4 5) #'print) ALGOL 58/ALGOL 60 A huge step forward Algol 60 is a language so far ahead of its time, that it was not only an improvement on its predecessors, but also on nearly all its successors. C. A. R. Hoare ALGOL ▸ “ALGOrithmic Language” ▸ Raison d’être: a universal, platform independent language for scientific application ▸ so far no portability of programs! ▸ fears of IBM dominance (IBM owned Fortran) ▸ joint project of ACM (USA) and GAMM (Germany), 1958 ▸ declared goals ▸ syntax similar to mathematical notation ▸ suitable for describing algorithms in printed publications ▸ mechanical translation into machine code ▸ problem: later abandoned by IBM (in favour of Fortran) ALGOL 58 A���� �� was heavily influenced by F������. Main contributions ▸ formalized the concept of a data type ▸ compound statements ▸ identifiers of unlimited length ▸ arrays of any dimension (F������: max. 3) ▸ lower bounds of arrays can be specified ▸ nested branching ▸ the variable := expression syntax ALGOL 60 Main novel features ▸ syntax for the first time given in the new BNF (Backus-Naur Form) notation statement ::= unconditional_statement | conditional_statement | for_statement ▸ block structure ▸ parameter passing both by value and name ▸ recursive procedures ▸ stack dynamic arrays ALGOL 60 Significance ▸ for more than 20 years de facto standard for publishing algorithms in print ▸ the basis for all modern imperative programming languages ▸ the first language designed to be platform-independent ▸ the first language with formally described syntax Drawbacks ▸ little used in the U.S. ▸ too flexible/powerful (call-by-name) and difficult to implement ▸ no platform independent I/O ▸ BNF (seemed strange and complicated in 1960) procedure Absmax(a) Size:(n, m) Result:(y) Subscripts:(i, k); value n, m; array a; integer n, m, i, k; real y; comment The absolute greatest element of the matrix a, of size n by m is transferred to y, and the subscripts of this element to i and k; begin integer p, q; y := 0; i := k := 1; for p := 1 step 1 until n do for q := 1 step 1 until m do if abs(a[p, q]) > y then begin y := abs(a[p, q]); i := p; k := q end end Absmax COBOL (1960) The language of Wall Street The use of COBOL cripples the mind; its teaching should, therefore, be regarded as a criminal offence. E. Dijkstra Mathematical programs should be written in mathematical notation, data processing programs should be written in English statements. G. Hopper COBOL ▸ CBL –“Common Business Language” ▸ developed specifically for business applications ▸ requirements: ▸ “as much English as possible” (so managers could read it) ▸ ease of use, even at the expense of being less powerful ▸ not to be overly restricted by implementation problems ▸ novel features ▸ hierarchical data structures (records) and macros (DEFINE) ▸ program code separated into data part and procedural part ▸ no functions (and until 1974 no subprograms with parameters) ▸ its use mandated by the Departmenmt of Defense (DoD) ▸ successful: by the end of 1990s approx. ��� � lines of COBOL code were in use in Manhattan alone ▸ no influence on other languages (except for PL/I) IDENTIFICATION DIVISION PROCEDURE DIVISION. PROGRAM-ID. SUM-OF-PRICES. START. ENVIRONMENT DIVISION. OPEN INPUT INP-DATA AND OUTPUT RESULT-FILE. INPUT-OUTPUT SECTION. READ-DATA. FILE-CONTROL. READ INP-DATA AT END GO TO PRINT-LINE. SELECT INP-DATA ASSIGN TO INPUT. ADD PRICE TO TOT. SELECT RESULT-FILE ASSIGN TO OUTPUT. ADD 1 TO COUNT. DATA DIVISION. MOVE PRICE TO PRICE-OUT. FILE SECTION. MOVE ITEM TO ITEM-OUT. FD INP-DATA LABEL RECORD IS OMITTED. WRITE RESULT-LINE FROM ITEM-LINE. 01 ITEM-PRICE GO TO READ-DATA. 02 ITEM PICTURE X(30). PRINT-LINE. 02 PRICE PICTURE 9999V99. MOVE TOT TO SUM-OUT. 02 FILLER PICTURE X(44). MOVE COUNT TO COUNT-OUT. FD RESULT-FILE LABEL RECORD IS OMITTED. WRITE RESULT-LINE FROM SUM-LINE. 01 RESULT-LINE PICTURE X(132). CLOSE INP-DATA AND RESULT-FILE. ... STOP RUN. BASIC (1964) The language for (all) students It is practically impossible to teach good programming to students that have had a prior exposure to BASIC: as potential programmers they are mentally mutilated beyond hope of regeneration. E. Dijkstra BASIC ▸ J. Kemeny and T. Kurtz (Dartmouth College) ▸ “Beginner’s All-purpose Symbollic Instruction Code” ▸ design requirements ▸ easy to learn and use for non-science students ▸ “pleasant and friendly” ▸ provide fast turnaround for homeworks ▸ should allow free and private access (use of terminals) ▸ user time is more important than computer time ▸ properties ▸ first language used remotely through terminals ▸ untyped – no reals or integers, just“numbers” ▸ not suited to large programs – poorely structured ▸ easy to implement ▸ widespread – minicomputers, home computers ▸ resurgence: V����� BASIC,VB.NET 10 INPUT "yards?",yd,"feet?",ft, "inches?",in 40 GOSUB 2000: REM print the values 50 PRINT '" = "; 70 GOSUB 1000: REM the adjustment 80 GOSUB 2000: REM print the adjusted values 90 PRINT 100 GOTO 10 1000 REM subroutine to adjust yd, ft, in to the normal form for yards, feet and inches 1010 LET in=36*yd+12*ft+in: REM now everything is in inches 1030 LET s=SGN in: LET in=ABS in: REM we work with in positive, holding its sign in s 1060 LET ft=INT (in/12): LET in=(in-12*ft)*s: REM now in is ok 1080 LET yd=INT (ft/3)*s: LET ft=ft*s-3*yd: RETURN 2000 REM subroutine to print yd, ft and in 2010 PRINT yd;"yd";ft;"ft";in;"in";: RETURN PL/I (1966) Everything but the kitchen sink PL/I – “the fatal disease” – belongs more to the problem set than to the solution set. E. Dijkstra PL/I ▸ “Programming Language One” ▸ IBM product, intended to replace F������, COBOL and LISP ▸ for both scientific (floating point) and business (decimal) computing ▸ additionally support for lists and systems programming ▸ the recipe: mix and match the best of ALGOL, F������ and COBOL – and add some new stuff ▸ new concepts (unfortunately poorly designed) ▸ concurrently executable subprograms ▸ predefined exceptions ▸ pointer data type ▸ partial success, mainly in 70s Using PL/I must be like flying a plane with 7,000 buttons, switches and handles to manipulate in the cockpit. E. Dijkstra /* Read in a line, which contains a string, /* and then print every subsequent line that contains that string. */ find_strings: procedure options (main); declare pattern character (100) varying; declare line character (100) varying; declare (line_no, end_file) fixed binary; end_file = 0; on endfile (sysin) end_file = 1; get edit (pattern) (L); line_no = 1; do while (end_file = 0); if index(line, pattern) > 0 then put skip list (line_no, line); line_no = line_no + 1; get edit (line) (L); end; end find_strings; SIMULA 67 The origins of data abstraction ▸ Nygard & Dahl (Norway) ▸ language for systems simulation ▸ ALGOL �� descendant ▸ never widely used Important novel concepts ▸ coroutines ▸ special kind of subprograms ▸ allows to interrupt (and later resume) subprogram execution ▸ useful for running simulations ▸ the class construct ▸ the concept of data abstraction ▸ laid the foundations for OOP ALGOL descendants ALGOL 68 ▸ significantly different from ALGOL 60 ▸ the most important innovation: orthogonality ▸ user-defined types ▸ few primitive types ▸ which can be combined using few combining mechanisms ALGOL descendants ALGOL 68 ▸ significantly different from ALGOL 60 ▸ the most important innovation: orthogonality ▸ user-defined types ▸ few primitive types ▸ which can be combined using few combining mechanisms Pascal (N.Wirth, 1971) ▸ designed as a teaching language ▸ remarkable combination of simplicity and expressivity ▸ lacks some features essential to specific applications ▸ relatively safe (compared to C and F������) ▸ the case statement (ALGOL-W – Wirth and Hoare) ▸ very easy to implement on a new system Pascal bootstrap Wirth’s Pascal distribution ▸ A Pascal compiler, written in Pascal, that would generate output in P-code, a stack-based language similar to the byte code of modern Java compilers. ▸ The same compiler, already translated into P-code. ▸ A P-code interpreter, written in Pascal. To get Pascal running on a new machine … ▸ the only thing needed is to translate the P-code interpreter (by hand) into some locally available language. Forth (1970) ▸ developed by Charles H. Moore ▸ stack based ▸ maximal simplicity ▸ very small implementation suitable for embedded systems (e.g. printers, spacecraft, microcontrollers) ▸ descendants: PostScript, RPL, Rebol 2 5 * 7 + . : fac recursive dup 1 > if dup 1 - fac * else drop 1 endif ; C (1972) not new, but successful ▸ D. Ritchie,AT&T Bell Labs ▸ closely tied to the development of Unix ▸ descended from ALGOL 68 ▸ little contribution to development of PLs ▸ systems programming language ▸ very limited typechecking ▸ the “there is no C” problem: ▸ for years, Kernighan and Ritchie (1978) was the only reference ▸ the first standard: ANSI C89 (later C99, C11) ▸ many vendor-specific extensions ▸ huge plus: widely available compiler (part of Unix) ML (1973) the language for mathematicians ▸ “MetaLanguage” ▸ R. Milner (Edinburgh) ▸ functional language with side-effects (like LISP) ▸ rigorous semantics, mathematically clean design ▸ the first compiler to be proven correct ▸ important language features: ▸ powerful static type system with type inference ▸ powerful module system ▸ descendants: Standard ML, OCaml, H������, F# Prolog (1972) what, not how ▸ “Programming logic” ▸ A. Colmerauer (Marseille) ▸ declarative: describe what the result should be, not how to compute it ▸ proven useful mainly for advanced databases and AI append([], L, L). append([H|T], L, [H|R]) :- append(T, L, R). rev([], []). rev([H|T], R) :- rev(T, RevT), append(RevT, [H], R). Ada (1975/1983) Expensive and safe When Roman engineers built a bridge, they had to stand under it while the first legion marched across. If programmers today worked under similar ground rules, they might well find themselves getting much more interested in Ada! Robert Dewar Ada Augusta Ada Byron (1815–1852) – Countess of Lovelace, a friend of Charles Babbage, the first programmer ▸ developed for the DoD (MIL STD 1815) ▸ standardised high-level language for embedded systems ▸ main contributions: ▸ packages (encapsulation) ▸ exception handling ▸ generics (generic units) ▸ concurrent execution, synchronization ▸ criticism: too large and complex ▸ problems: ▸ compiler (un)availability ▸ no support for inheritance and polymorphism (until Ada95) ▸ overtaken by C++ ▸ used in: civil and military avionics, air traffic control, rail transportation … Smalltalk (1980) Object-oriented programming arrives ▸ A. Kay (Xerox) ▸ foresight: future availability of powerful desktop computers ▸ invention of the modern graphical user interface ▸ nothing but objects ▸ computation: sending messages to objects ▸ developed and extended the concepts from SIMULA ▸ the first mature object-oriented language ▸ unusual syntax (later adopted by O��������-C) "The following is a class definition, instantiations of which can draw equilateral polygons of any number of sides" class name Polygon superclass Object instance variable names ourPen numSides sideLength "Class methods" "Create an instance" new ^ super new getPen "Get a pen for drawing polygons" getPen ourPen <- Pen new defaultNib: 2 "Instance methods" "Draw a polygon" draw numSides timesRepeat: [ourPen go: sideLength; turn: 360 // numSides] "Set length of sides" length: len sideLength <- len "Set number of sides" sides: num C++ (1984) OOP enters the mainstream ▸ B. Stroustrup,AT&T Bell Labs ▸ combines: imperative programming (C) and OOP (S��������) ▸ design goals: ▸ compatible with C ▸ almost as fast as C ▸ large and complicated language (generics, exceptions, …) ▸ less safe than A�� or J��� ▸ roaring success: ▸ good and easily available compilers ▸ backward compatibility with C ▸ for years the only available OO language suitable to large projects ▸ constant development: C++89, C++03, C++11, C++14, C++17 Java (1995) the better C++ ▸ James Gosling (Sun Microsystems) ▸ design goals ▸ reliability ▸ platform independence, portability (JVM) ▸ suitable for web programming ▸ cleaned up version of C++ ▸ no pointers (but everything is a reference) ▸ strictly object-oriented ▸ only single inheritance (but multiple interfaces) ▸ fewer implicit type conversions ▸ automatic garbage collection ▸ support for concurrency/synchronization ▸ J����: generics, enumeration class, iteration constructs