CZ.1.07/2.2.00/28.0041 Centrum interaktivn´ıch a multimedi´aln´ıch studijn´ıch opor pro inovaci v´yuky a efektivn´ı uˇcen´ı Prologue You should spent most of your time thinking about what you should think about most of your time. IV054 0. 2/47 RANDOMIZED ALGORITHMS AND PROTOCOLS - 2020 RANDOMIZED ALGORITHMS AND PROTOCOLS - 2020 Prof. Jozef Gruska, DrSc Wednesday, 10.00-11.40, B410 WEB PAGE of the LECTURE FINAL EXAM: You need to answer four questions out of five given to you. CREDIT (ZAPOˇCET): You need to answer three questions out of five given to you. EXERCISES/TUTORIALS EXERCISES/TUTORIALS: Thursdays 14.00-15.40, C525 TEACHER: RNDr. Matej Pivoluˇska PhD Language English NOTE: Exercises/tutorials are not obligatory IV054 0. 5/47 CONTENTS - preliminary 1 Basic concepts and examples of randomized algorithms 2 Types and basic design methods for randomized algorithms 3 Basics of probability theory 4 Simple methods for design of randomized algorithms 5 Games theory and analysis of randomized algorithms 6 Basic techniques I: moments and deviations 7 Basic techniques II: tail probabilities inequalities 8 Probabilistic method I: 9 Markov chains - random walks 10 Algebraic techniques - fingerprinting 11 Fooling the adversary - examples 12 Randomized cryptographic protocols 13 Randomized proofs 14 Probabilistic method II: 15 Quantum algorithms IV054 0. 6/47 LITERATURE R. Motwami, P. Raghavan: Randomized algorithms, Cambridge University Press, UK, 1995 J. Gruska: Foundations of computing, International Thompson Computer Press, USA. 715 pages, 1997 J. Hromkoviˇc: Design and analysis of randomized algorithms, Springer, 275 pages, 2005 N. Alon, J. H. Spencer: The probabilistic method, Willey-Interscience, 2008 Part I Randomized Proofs Chapter 12. RANDOMIZED PROOFS In this chapter several types of randomized proofs are introduced and their power is analyzed. IV054 1. Randomized Proofs 9/47 WHAT IS A PROOF? - I. A proof is whatever convinces me (M. Even). A proof is a sequence of statements each of which is either an axiom or follows from previous statements by an easy deduction rule - whether a to-be-proof is indeed a proof it should be chargeable by a computer. (A proof verification is therefore a computation process - a formalists’ (Hilbert) view.) A proof of the existence of an object O is indeed a real proof only in case if the proof contains a method how the object O construct (a intuitionists’ view). IV054 1. Randomized Proofs 10/47 WHAT IS A PROOF - II. The question What is a proof is one of major ones of the philosophy of science and mathematics. IV054 1. Randomized Proofs 11/47 FROM THE HISTORY of PROOFS - I. The concept of the proof (of a theorem from axioms) was introduced during the First Golden Era of Mathematics, in Greece, in 600-300 BC. Most of the Greek proofs were actually proofs of correctness of geometric algorithms. After 300 BC, Greek’s ideas concerning proofs were actually ignored, even by Greeks, for almost 2000 years. During the Second Golden Era of Mathematics, in 17th century, the concept of the proof did not play very important role. Famous was encouragement of those times ”Go on, God will be with you” – whenever rigour of some methods or correctness of some theorem was questioned. IV054 1. Randomized Proofs 12/47 FROM THE HISTORY of PROOFS - II. An understanding that proofs are important has developed again at the end of 19th century and especially at the beginning of 20th century because a lot of counter-intuitive phenomena have appeared in mathematics (for example a function that is everywhere continuous but has nowhere derivative); paradoxes have appeared in the set theory. - For example, Does there exist a set of all sets? IV054 1. Randomized Proofs 13/47 GREEK MATHEMATICS - I. The Greek mathematics can be seen as dealing to a large extent with geometrical calculi. The goals of the proofs of theorems were actually aimed to show correctness of algorithms. One can say about that period that knowledge was mainly of practical nature, calculations were of chief interest. When some ”theoretical” elements entered they were to a large extend (though not only) to facilitate techniques. IV054 1. Randomized Proofs 14/47 GREEK MATHEMATICS - II. Much of mathematics developed can be seen also as important attempts to understand the concept of a ”process”. In addition, three main problems of antique: squaring of the circle; duplication of the cube; trisection of the angle. which had a profound impact on the development of science, and led to the development of infinitesimal calculus, are actually algorithmic problems. Unsolvability of these problems, with compass and straightedge alone, has been shown only in the modern time. IV054 1. Randomized Proofs 15/47 IMPORTANT PARADOXES Also more theoretical approaches of that period can be seen as being often deeply informatics in nature. For example, the attempts to understand the concept of a process and to deal with four famous Zeno paradoxes: Dichotomy paradox; Achilles paradox; Arrow paradox; Stadium paradox IV054 1. Randomized Proofs 16/47 DICHOTOMY and ACHILES PARADOXES Dichotomy paradox shows that it is impossible to move through even a finite length path in finite time, under the assumption that both time and space are infinitely divisible - because in order to traverse a distance we have at first traverse the first half of it, and so on recursively. Achilles and Tortoise paradox: shows that in case Tortoise stats to move before Achilles, he can never catch Tortoise. The reason being that each time Achilles reaches place Tortoise was before, Tortoise will already by some place ahead. IV054 1. Randomized Proofs 17/47 Stadium paradox Let us consider the following initial position of wagons of three trains. . A A A . B B B . . . . C C C Let us consider the case that A-train does not move,B-train moves in one unit of time to the right exactly for one wagon-position; and at the same unit of time the C-train moves to the left one-wagon position, then the positions of three trains will be AAA BBB CCC However, that means that at this moment the right most wagon of the B-train moved along all three wagons of the C-train during that unit of time. IV054 1. Randomized Proofs 18/47 GREEK MATHEMATICS - CLASSICAL PERIOD (Pythagorean, 600-300 B.C.) 1/3 Greek mathematics was based on and helped to develop a new doctrine of nature - namely that nature is orderly and develops according to a plan. Old doctrine, but in Greek society actually dominating at that time, was that gods manipulate nature and men according their whims. Its protagonists were Thales and Pythagorean and it was highlighted by works of Eudoxus, Euclid, Plato and Aristotle. Greeks created, for the first time, mathematics as an organized, independent and reasoned discipline. Greeks made mathematics abstract - to see mathematical entities, numbers and geometrical objects as abstractions, sharply distinguished from physical objects. Greek made mathematics deductive, deriving truth in theorems by deduction from axioms. IV054 1. Randomized Proofs 19/47 GREEK MATHEMATICS - CLASSICAL PERIOD (Pythagorean, 600-300 B.C.) 2/3 Greeks came with the idea to prove existence by construction. Their mathematics was mainly (well founded) geometry, (actually motivated by astronomy). Main goal of Mathematics was seen as to understand functioning of universe they believed that mathematics is the key to comprehension of universe, for mathematical laws are the essence of its design. Greeks made mathematics to be a liberal art closely related (and a preparation) to philosophy. For Greeks arithmetic, geometry and astronomy were considered as the art of the mind and music for the soul. It is believed that it was the aesthetic appeal of the subject that caused Greek mathematicians to carry the exploration of particular topics beyond their use in the understanding of the physical world. Greeks made enormous contributions to the philosophy of science. Their mathematics was much inspired by the fact that phenomena that are much diverse from qualitative point of view exhibit identical mathematical properties. IV054 1. Randomized Proofs 20/47 GREEK MATHEMATICS - CLASSICAL PERIOD (Pythagorean, 600-300 B.C.) 3/3 Their position was based on a belief that mind is capable to recognize truth, observation of physical world is not needed. As a consequences their outcomes were a combination of ingenious ideas, bold speculations and shrewd guesses. Greek mathematicians mixed deep and serious thoughts with what we could consider as fanciful, useless, and unscientific doctrines. Greek mathematicians ”reduced” astronomy and music to numbers and therefore astronomy and music was considered to be a part of mathematics. Their classics (books) contained only formal deductive mathematics, no motivation - though one can expect astronomy was the main motivation. They believed in the power of mind to yield also the first principles. During the classical period, the doctrine of the mathematical design of nature was established and the search for its mathematical laws instituted. They believed that mathematical facts are not created by men, that they exists and can only be discovered. Their main contributions were practically forgotten or ignored for 2000 years IV054 1. Randomized Proofs 21/47 LIMITATIONS OF CLASSICAL GREEK MATHEMATICS They reduced mathematics to geometry dealing with simple curves, areas and bodies only. By insisting on a unity, completeness and simplicity, and by separating speculative thoughts from utility, they narrowed people’s vision and closed their minds to new thoughts and methods. Their insistence on exact concepts and proofs was also a defect so far as creative mathematics is concerned. They were not able to accept irrational numbers in arithmetic. Their concept of proof was too restrictive concerning creative mathematics, and so was their concept of constructability. They were not able to accept infinity. Neither infinity of large not of small objects and not infinite processes. They could not accept continuity because of their emphasis on atomism. IV054 1. Randomized Proofs 22/47 WHY WAS GREEK MATHEMATICS IGNORED FOR 2000 YEARS? 1/2 One of the most puzzling things in history of science is why ingenious Greek mathematics of its classical period was later practically ignored for about 2000 years. It was actually already ignored in the Alexandrian period (300 B.C. - 600 A.C.) One reason is nicely put together by Cicero: The Greeks held the geometers in the highest honour; accordingly, nothing made more brilliant progress among them than mathematics. But we have established as the limit of this art its usefulness in measuring and counting. Other reasons: it ignored computational needs of society; it was based on a wrong view of importance of observations and so it could hardly help other sciences; concerning exactness and deduction, it made too high and restrictive requirements for that period. IV054 1. Randomized Proofs 23/47 WHY WAS GREEK MATHEMATICS IGNORED FOR 2000 YEARS? 2/2 Christianity decreased interest in physical world, preparation of the soul for after-life in the heaven was the main concern. Christianity brought a new belief concerning ways one seek for truth. Theology was seen as embracing all knowledge. New revival of the Classical Greek period appeared after a new doctrine was developed that saw God as the one creating mathematical nature and as seeing search for mathematical laws of nature as religious quest. A discovery of a mathematical law was seen as a further discovery of the greatness of the God - and therefore God was to be praised after each discovery of a simple law of nature, not the one who made the discovery. For example, Kepler wrote a paean { big thanks} to God after each of his (Kepler’s) discovery. IV054 1. Randomized Proofs 24/47 PLATO versus ARISTOTLE Concerning the development of the basic philosophical positions of main Greek period two men played the main role: Plato and Aristotle. Their views were quite different, and opposite in many sense, what later influenced much development of the science during the Renaissance. Plato was the most influential propagator of the doctrine that the reality and intelligibility of the physical world can be comprehended only through mathematics. He was convinced that the world was mathematically designed. Plato believed that physical world is but an imperfect copy of the ideal world, the one mathematicians and philosophers should study. He believed that mathematical laws, eternal and unchanging, are the essence of reality. Plato not only tried to understand nature through mathematics, he actually tried to substitute mathematics for nature itself. Aristotle believed in material things as the primary substance and source of reality. He believed that science must study the physical world to obtain truth. He believed that science must study the physical world to obtain truth. He believed that genuine knowledge is obtained from sense experience by intuition and abstraction. He distinguished sharply between physics and mathematics and assigned a minor role to mathematics. IV054 1. Randomized Proofs 25/47 SPECIAL TYPES of PROOFS SPECIAL TYPES of PROOFS IV054 1. Randomized Proofs 26/47 PROOFS for NP-problems Definition A language L ⊂ Σ∗ is in NP if and only if there exists a polynomial-bounded function p and a polynomial time deterministic Turing machine M with the following properties: For every x ∈ L, it holds that M accepts (x, y) for some string y ∈ Σp(|x|) (called certificate or witness or proof); For every x ∈ L, it holds that M rejects (x, y) for all strings y ∈ Σp(|x|) . IV054 1. Randomized Proofs 27/47 QUANTUM PROOFS A quantum proof is a quantum state that plays the role of a witness or certificate to a quantum computer that runs a verification procedure. All languages in NP have very short (logarithmic size) quantum proofs which can be verified provided that two unentangled copies are given. IV054 1. Randomized Proofs 28/47 HILBERT’S VIEW of PROOF A proof is a sequence of statements where each of them is either axiomatically true, or it follows from previous statements according to few obviously correct deduction rules. IV054 1. Randomized Proofs 29/47 INTERACTIVE PROOF PROTOCOLS 1/2 In an interactive proof system there are two parties: An (all powerful) Prover, often called Peggy (actually a randomized algorithm that uses a private random number generator); A not too much (polynomially) powerful Verifier, often called Vic (a polynomial time randomized algorithm using a private random number generator). The Prover knows some secret, or a knowledge, or a fact about a specific object, and wishes to convince the Verifier, through a communication with him, that he has the above knowledge. For example, both Prover and Verifier posses an input x and Prover wants to convince Verifier that x has a certain properties and that (s)he – Prover – knows how to prove that. The interactive prove consists of several rounds. In each round Prover and Verifier alternatively do the following. 1 Receive a message from the other party. 2 Perform a (private) computation. 3 Send a message to the other party. Communication starts by a challenge of Verifier and a response by the Prover. IV054 1. Randomized Proofs 30/47 INTERACTIVE PROOF PROTOCOLS 2/2 At the end, the Verifier either accepts or rejects Prover’s attempts to convince him. An interactive proof protocol is said to be an interactive proof system for a decision problem Π if the following properties are satisfied. Completeness : If x is a yes-instance of Π, then the Verifier always accepts Prover’s “proof”. Soundness : If x is a no-instance of Π, then the Verifier accepts Prover’s “proof” only with a very small probability. IV054 1. Randomized Proofs 31/47 ZERO-KNOWLEDGE PROOFS - INFORMALLY Very informally An interactive “proof” protocol at which a Prover tries to convince a Verifier about the truth of a statement, or about possession of a knowledge, is called “zero-knowledge” protocol if the Verifier does not learn from the communication with the Prover anything more except that the statement is true or that Prover has knowledge (secret) she claims to have. Example The proof n = 670592745 = 12345 × 54321is not a zero-knowledge proof that n is not a prime. Informally: A zero-knowledge proof is an interactive proof protocol that provides highly convincing evidence that a statement is true or that Prover has certain knowledge (of a secret) and that the Prover knows a (standard) proof of it while providing not a single bit of information about the proof (knowledge or secret). (In particular, Verifier who got convinced about the correctness of a statement cannot convince the third person about that.) IV054 1. Randomized Proofs 32/47 ZERO-KNOWLEDGE PROOFS - INFORMALLY More formally: A zero-knowledge proof of a theorem T is an interactive two party protocol, in which the Prover is able to convince the Verifier who follows the same protocol, by an overwhelming statistical evidence, that T is true, if T is indeed true, but no Prover is not able to convince Verifier that Tis true, if this is not so. In additions, during their interactions, the Prover does not reveal to the Verifier any other information, except whether T is true or not. Consequently, whatever Verifier can do after he gets convinced, he can do just believing that T is true. IV054 1. Randomized Proofs 33/47 Age difference finding protocol Alice and Bob wants to find out who is older without disclosing any other information about their age. The following protocol is based on a public-key cryptosystem. Protocol Age of Bob: j, age of Alice: i. 1. Bob choose a random x, computes k = eA(x) and sends Alice s = k − j. 2. Alice first computes the numbers yu = dA(s + u); 1 ≤ u ≤ 100, then chooses a large random prime p and computes numbers zu = yu mod p, 1 ≤ u ≤ 100( ) and verifies that for all u = v |zu − zv | ≥ 2 and zu = 0.( ) (If this is not the case, Alice chooses a new p and repeats steps ( and ( ).) Finally, Alice sends Bob the following sequence (order is important). z1, . . . , zi , zi+1 + 1, . . . , z100 + 1, p as z1, . . . , zi , zi+1, . . . , z100 3. Bob checks whether j-th number in the above sequence is congruent to x modulo p. If yes, Bob knows that i ≥ j, otherwise i < j. IV054 1. Randomized Proofs 34/47 Zero-knowledge proof for quadratic residua Input: An integer n = pq, where p, q are primes and x ∈ QR(n). Protocol: Repeat lg n times the following steps: Peggy chooses a random v ∈ Z∗ n and sends to Vic y = v2 mod n. Vic sends to Peggy a random i ∈ {0, 1}. Peggy computes a square root u of x and sends to Vic z = ui v mod n. Vic checks whether z2 ≡ xi y (mod n). Vic accepts Peggy’s proof if he succeeds in Step 4 in each of lg n rounds. Completeness is straightforward: Soundness. If x is not a quadratic residue, then Peggy can answer only one of two possible challenges (only if i = 0), because in such a case y is a quadratic residue if and only if xy is not a quadratic residue. This means that Peggy will be caught in any given round of the protocol with probability 1 2 . The overall probability that Prover deceives Vic is therefore 2− lg n = 1 n . IV054 1. Randomized Proofs 35/47 Zero-knowledge proof for graph isomorphism Input: Two graphs G1 and G2 with the set of nodes {1, . . . , n}. Repeat the following steps n times: 1 Peggy chooses a random permutation π of {1, . . . , n} and computes H to be the image of G1 under the permutation π, and sends H to Vic. 2 Vic chooses randomly i ∈ {1, 2} and sends it to Peggy. {This way Vic asks for isomorphism between H and Gi .} 3 Peggy creates a permutation ρ of {1, . . . , n} such that ρ specifies isomorphism between H and Gi and Peggy sends ρ to Vic. {If i = 1 Peggy takes ρ = π; if i = 2 Peggy takes ρ = σ ◦ π, where σ is a fixed isomorphic mapping of nodes of G2 to G1.} 4 Vic checks whether H provides the isomorphism between Gi and H. Vic accepts Peggy’s “proof” if H is the image of Gi in each of the n rounds. Completeness. It is obvious that if G1 and G2 are isomorphic then Vic accepts with probability 1. Soundness: If graphs G1 and G2 are not isomorphic, then Peggy can deceive Vic only if she is able to guess in each round the i Vic chooses and then sends as H the graph Gi . However, the probability that this happens is 2−n . Observe that Vic can perform all computations in polynomial time. However, why is this proof a zero-knowledge proof? IV054 1. Randomized Proofs 36/47 Why is the last “proof” a “zero-knowledge proof”? Because Vic gets convinced, by the overwhelming statistical evidence, that graphs G1 and G2 are isomorphic, but he does not get any information (“knowledge”) that would help him to create isomorphism between G1 and G2. In each round of the proof Vic see isomorphism between H (a random isomorphic copy of G1) and G1 or G2, (but not between both of them)! However, Vic can create such random copies H of graphs by himself and therefore this cannot help Vic to find an isomorphism between G1 and G2. Information that Vic can receive during the protocol, called transcript, contains: The graphs G1 and G2. All messages transmitted during communications by Peggy and Vic. Random numbers used by Peggy and Vic to generate their outputs. Transcript has therefore the form T = ((G1, G2); (H1, i1, ρ1), . . . , (Hn, in, ρn)). The essential point - a basis for a formal definition of zero-knowledge proof - is that Vic can forge the transcript, without participating in the interactive proof, that look like “real transcript”, if graphs are isomorphic, by means of a special forging algorithm called simulator. IV054 1. Randomized Proofs 37/47 GRAPH NON-ISOMORPHISM A simple interactive proof protocol exists for computationally very hard graph non-isomorphism problem. Input: Two graphs G1 and G2, with the set of nodes {1, . . . , n}. Protocol: Repeat n times the following steps: 1 Vic chooses randomly an integer i ∈ {1, 2} and a permutation π of {1, . . . , n}. Vic then computes the image H of Gi under the permutation π and sends H to Peggy. 2 Peggy determines a value j such that Gj is isomorphic to H, and sends j to Vic. 3 Vic checks if i = j. Vic accepts Peggy’s proof if i = j in each of n rounds. Completeness: If G1 is not isomorphic to G2, then the probability that Vic accepts is clearly 1. Soundness: If G1 is isomorphic to G2, then Peggy can deceive Vic if and only if she correctly guesses n times the i Vic chosen randomly. Probability that this happens is 2−n . Observe that Vic’s computations can be performed in polynomial time (with respect to the size of graphs). IV054 1. Randomized Proofs 38/47 ZERO-KNOWLEDGE PROOFS for NP-COMPLETE PROBLEMS In 1986 Goldreich, Micali and Widgerson showed that if one-way functions exist, then zero-knowledge proofs exist for each NP-complete problem. Since all NP-complete problems are reducible to each other, to prove the above statement it is sufficient to show the existence of zero-knowledge proof for one of them, for example for 3-coloring of graphs. IV054 1. Randomized Proofs 39/47 3-COLORABILITY Are the nodes of the following graph colorable by three colors in such a way that no edge connects nodes of the same color? Yes, they are: IV054 1. Randomized Proofs 40/47 3-COLORING of GRAPHS Let the Prover know a 3-coloring of a graph G. He can convince about it a Verifier if they perform n rounds of the following protocol. The Prover makes a 3-coloring of G, then permutes colors, encrypts each node-color using a special one-way function, permutes nodes and then sends to the Verifier the resulting graph with all nodes labeled by cryptotexts of their colors. The Verifier chooses an edge and asks the Prover to disclose the corresponding one-way functions and colours of the edge’s end-nodes. If the Verifier finds that two chosen nodes are indeed colored by different colors, the Prover succeeded in that round. In case the Prover succeeds in all n rounds the Verifier accepts as the fact that the Prover knows how to 3-color G. At the same time, the verifier got the slightest idea how to 3-color G. IV054 1. Randomized Proofs 41/47 Classes CZK and SZK Zero-knowledge proofs of the graph non-isomorphism and of the graph 3-coloring are quite different. In case of 3-coloring of the graph, the fact that the proof is zero-knowledge depends in the crucial way on the fact, a computational assumption, that one-way functions exist and therefore the polynomial time Verifier does not have enough computational power to do encryptions of colors. Such zero-knowledge proofs are called computational zero-knowledge proofs and the class of problems with computational zero-knowledge proofs is denoted CZK. In case of graph-non-isomorphism problem, the verifier cannot cheat no matter how much computational power he has. Such zero-knowledge proofs are called statistical zero-knowledge proofs and the class of the problems with such proofs is denoted SZK. Clearly SZK ⊆ CZK. OPEN PROBLEM are the classes CZK and SZK equal? It can be shown that if one-way functions exist, then CZK=PSPACE. IV054 1. Randomized Proofs 42/47 PROBABILISTICALLY CHECKEABLE PROOFS The concept of probabilistic checkeable proofs (PCP), or transparent or holographic proof, is another great/shocking idea concerning proofs. Informally, PCP proofs are proofs such that are written down in such a way that one needs to look only to (very) few randomly chosen bits of it in order to find out whether the proof is correct with (very) probability. The hard task is to encode a given proof so randomized checking is possible. Famous PCP-Theorem says that every NP-complete problem/language admits a probabilistically checkeable polynomially long proof. This implies that every mathematical proof can be encoded in such a way that any error in the original proof translates into errors almost everywhere in the new proof. IV054 1. Randomized Proofs 43/47 PCP-THEOREM - STILL INFORMALLY Intuitively, the PCP-theorem says that for some fixed (and universal) constant K, for every n, any mathematical proof of length n can be rewritten as a (different) proof of length poly(n) that is formally verifiable on 99% by a randomized algorithm that makes only k queries to the proof. One can also prove that each proof can be rewritten in such a way that it is enough to check 11 randomly chosen bit in order to verify the proof with probability at least 1 2 . IV054 1. Randomized Proofs 44/47 PCP-THEOREM - FORMALLY Let PCP[f , g] denote the class of languages (decision problems) with a transparent proof that uses O(f (n)) random bits and checks O(g(n)) bits of an n bit long proof. It holds: PCP Theorem NP = PCP[lg n, O(1)]. This result says that no matter how large an instance of an NP-problem is and how long its proof is, it is enough to look to a fixed number of (randomly) chosen bits of the proof in order to determine, with high probability, its validity. Moreover, given an ordinary proof of membership for an NP-language, the corresponding transparent proof can be constructed in polynomial time in the length of the original classical proof. Transparent proofs therefore have strong error-correcting properties. IV054 1. Randomized Proofs 45/47 PCP proof for the GRAPH NON-ISOMORPHISM Given any two n-node non-isomorphic graphs G0 and G1 the Prover sends to the Verifier a specially encoded binary String proving that G0 and G1 are non-isomorphic. What is in the String? The Prover chooses some ordering of all n-node graphs and puts as the i-th bit of the String to 1 (to 0) if the i-th graph of the chosen ordering is isomorphic to G1 (to G0) otherwise he puts as i-th bit of the String a randomly chosen bit. How does the String proves to the Verifier that G0 and G1 are non-isomorphic? VERY EASY (in a way): The Verifier flips the coin to choose G0 or G1, randomly permutes it to get a graph H. Then she queries the corresponding bit of the String and accepts if and only if the queried bit matches her randomly chosen bit. The method works. Indeed, if graphs G0 and G1 are non-isomorphic, then the Verifier will always accept; if not, then probability of acceptance is at most 1/2. IV054 1. Randomized Proofs 46/47 PCP-THEOREM and APPROXIMATION ALGORITHMS A surprising connection has been discovered between holographic proofs and highly practical problems of approximability of NP-complete problems. It has been shown how any sufficiently good approximation algorithm for the clique problem can be used to test whether transparent proofs exist, and hence to determine membership in NP-complete languages. On this basis it has been shown for the clique problem - and a variety of other NP-hard optimization problems, such as graph coloring - that there is a constant ε > 0 such that no polynomial time approximation algorithm for the clique problem for a graph with a set of |V | of vertices can have a ratio bound less than |V |ε unless P=NP. IV054 1. Randomized Proofs 47/47