IA072 Seminar on Verification


  • 21. 2. 2020 - cancelled (Honza not in Brno)
  • 28. 2 . 2020 - Arrangement
  • 6. 3. 2020 - cancelled (no speaker and doctoral promotion of Martin Jonáš; the promotion has been eventually cancelled due to coronavirus in Italy)

The rest of the programme is moved to Gmail videocalls due to the coronavirus quarantine. We currently plan the following videocalls: (Please be logged in gmail.com slightly before 10am to set up the call. This instruction is for students as well as for teachers.)

Suggested papers for presentation

Papers on automata (mostly omega-automata):

Papers on slicing:

Papers on program analysis and verification:

Papers on SAT/SMT solving:

Others papers to present:

