{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} {-# LANGUAGE InstanceSigs #-} {- | now we want to generalize and unify interface to zipper, we would like to have constructor class CZipper which would be parametrized by container c (of kind * -> *) and the class would define: * zipper type for container c of values a: Zipper c a * toZipper, fromZipper and modify functions The latter can be expressed in Haskell2010, however, we need extension to type system for the first one: TypeFamilies let us define data types inside type/constructor classes (we define kind of data type in class definition and implement it in each instance). -} import Data.Maybe class CZipper c where -- this is new: we define that instance must containt type Zipper of -- kind (* -> *) -> * -> * -- family keyword is optional data family Zipper c :: * -> * -- those are normat constructor-class functions (much like fmap in Functor) toZipper :: c a -> Zipper c a fromZipper :: Zipper c a -> c a modify :: (a -> a) -> Zipper c a -> Zipper c a instance CZipper [] where -- in instance we need to define implementation of data type, much like -- normal data definition data Zipper [] a = LZip { backward :: [a], forward :: [a] } deriving ( Eq, Show, Read ) -- and also functions toZipper :: [a] -> Zipper [] a toZipper = LZip [] fromZipper :: Zipper [] a -> [a] fromZipper (LZip [] xs) = xs fromZipper (LZip (b:bs) xs) = fromZipper $ LZip bs (b:xs) modify :: (a -> a) -> Zipper [] a -> Zipper [] a modify f z@(LZip bs []) = z modify f (LZip bs (x:xs)) = LZip bs (f x : xs) goForward :: Zipper [] a -> Maybe (Zipper [] a) goForward (LZip bs []) = Nothing goForward (LZip bs (x:xs)) = Just $ LZip (x:bs) xs goBackward :: Zipper [] a -> Maybe (Zipper [] a) goBackward (LZip [] xs) = Nothing goBackward (LZip (b:bs) xs) = Just $ LZip bs (b:xs) data BinTree a = BNode (BinTree a) a (BinTree a) | BEmpty deriving ( Eq, Show, Read ) data TreeDir a = TLeft a (BinTree a) | TRight (BinTree a) a deriving ( Eq, Show, Read ) instance CZipper BinTree where data Zipper BinTree a = TZip [TreeDir a] (BinTree a) deriving ( Eq, Show, Read ) toZipper :: BinTree a -> Zipper BinTree a toZipper tree = TZip [] tree fromZipper :: Zipper BinTree a -> BinTree a fromZipper (TZip [] tree) = tree fromZipper tree = fromZipper . fromJust $ goUp tree modify :: (a -> a) -> Zipper BinTree a -> Zipper BinTree a modify f z@(TZip ds BEmpty) = z modify f (TZip ds (BNode l v r)) = TZip ds (BNode l (f v) r) goLeft :: Zipper BinTree a -> Maybe (Zipper BinTree a) goLeft (TZip ds BEmpty) = Nothing goLeft (TZip ds (BNode l v r)) = Just $ TZip (TLeft v r : ds) l goRight :: Zipper BinTree a -> Maybe (Zipper BinTree a) goRight (TZip ds BEmpty) = Nothing goRight (TZip ds (BNode l v r)) = Just $ TZip (TRight l v : ds) r goUp :: Zipper BinTree a -> Maybe (Zipper BinTree a) goUp (TZip [] _) = Nothing goUp (TZip (TLeft v r : ds) tree) = Just $ TZip ds (BNode tree v r) goUp (TZip (TRight l v : ds) tree) = Just $ TZip ds (BNode l v tree) testTree :: BinTree Int testTree = BNode (BNode (BNode BEmpty 4 BEmpty) 2 (BNode BEmpty 5 BEmpty)) 1 (BNode (BNode BEmpty 6 BEmpty) 3 (BNode BEmpty 7 BEmpty))