PA165 Enterprise Java - Lectures

Week 5 - Persistence II

These are materials from previous edition of PA165, covering Persistence I and II.

Note: you can access the source code used by Filip in the video from here: or download it from the course material:

Teacher: Filip Nguyen


  1. Persistent storage: Goals, available APIs
  2. Java patterns: Persistence Layer, Data Access Object, Object Relational Mapping
  3. Java Persistence API: Basic Configuration and Basic Entity Mappings
  4. JPA deep dive: Relationships, Schema Creation Strategies, Temporal Types, Cascading, JPQL, Criteria API
  5. Quick look at Spring Data
  6. N+1 problem and other typical pitfalls 
  7. Beans Validation standard


Chyba: Odkazovaný objekt neexistuje nebo nemáte právo jej číst.

Chyba: Odkazovaný objekt neexistuje nebo nemáte právo jej číst.


Chyba: Odkazovaný objekt neexistuje nebo nemáte právo jej číst.

Note: you can access the source code used by Filip in the video from here: or download it from the course material: