Projects Descriptions
After a nuclear disaster there are a lot of mutans, zombies and other creatures wandering through some areas of our world. A handful of survivals must defend themselves agains these creatures. There are available various kinds of weapons, each weapon has different useability against some monster.
This system should enable storing information about monsters (name, height, weight, agility, ...), areas where the monsters live (name, description, area) and available weapons (name, gun-reach, ammunition used). Aministrator of the system should be able to perform CRUD operations on all entities. Ordinary user will use this system to record his experience which weapon could be efficiently used against the monster as well as to assign areas where the creature has been spotted.
Music Library
Let us introduce you the Music Library used for managing songs. Each song has a title, bitrate, its position on the album's playlist, and commentary. For the sake of simplicity, each song belongs to exactly one musician, it is part of exactly one album, and can be of exactly one genre. Each album has basic attributes such as date of release, title, commentary, musician and album art. In order to support compilation albums each album can contain songs of different genres from different musicians.
Sports Club
Think of a sports club for a team sport (football, ice hockey etc.). Create a system managing teams and players. Each team is defined by its name and an age group (men, juniors etc.) given by an interval between two years of birth. Each player is described by his first name, last name, height, weight and date of birth. Each team has a roster of players listing their jersey numbers on the team. It is important that each player's age group matches the age group of the team, but a player is allowed to be on the roster of a team one level above (i.e. a younger player can be on the team of a higher age group). That implies a player can be listed on multiple team rosters.
Haunted Houses
Existuje nekolik domu v kterych strasi podivna strasidla. Kazde strasidlo ma sve schopnosti a muze je mit i vic strasidel. Kazde strasidlo muze strasit pouze v jednom dome.
Dum je definovan nazvem, adresou (neni entita), datum kdy zaclo v dome strasit a strucnou historii. Strasidlo ma svoje hruzostrasne jmeno, dobu od kdy do kdy strasi (pouze jeden interval) po zbytek
dne odpociva) a popis jak se projevuje, proc strasi atd. Schopnost ma sve jmeno, popis apod. Inspirovat se muzete na
Car Park
The project should emulate a real situation in a company. The company employees can apply for rental of a car. The rental is applied to a given date. Based on such application, the system will offer list of free cars and the system allows reservation of a car.
Dog barbershop
We present you the Dog barbershop. People dress up their dogs and they want them to be beautiful. Your task is to create an information system supporting the dog barbershop. For one, the application should keep record of customers (their name, surname, address, and phone). The customers can bring as many pets as they want. The system should keep track of dog’s name, breed, age and other needed attributes. The barbershop employees are also kept in the system. The employees have the same attributes as the customers with the addition of their salary. The dogs can enjoy different services and the services must be treated as such. The system should keep track of the performed service, its length and price.
Dominating species
There are several animals on the planet. Animal is defined by its name, species (not an entity, only textual attribute). Every animal eat or is eaten by other animals (cannibalism is also possible). Every animal needs some environment for its life. Example: a carp need 95 % of fresh water and 5 % of mug. Environment is defined by name and description.
Aim of this project is to create system for management of food chain. System Administrator could manage all entities (CRUD). An laboratory worker (ordinal user) can enter his findings about food chain and also living environment of all the animals in the system.
Management of Sporting Events
Create an information system allowing sportsmen to sign up for a sporting event. As an example, let's consider a system for registration of swimmers in a swimming competition. The system should store details about the competition, individual competitors and their results in the competition. It should be able to present people taking part in each competition and the results they achieved. The system should handle multiple types of sport simultaneously. Consider Sport, Sportsman and Event as basic entities in your application.
Mushroom Hunter Portal
Goal of this project is to develop a mushroom hunter portal where mushroom hunters can exchange information about locations rich for mushrooms and also locations that are poor for mushrooms. The mushroom hunter have at least these attributes: firstname, surname, optional personal information (some text description that they choose for themselves). A forest is another important entity in the system. It has a name and description of its locality. A visit of the forest is a relationship between mushroom hunter and a forest and is described by a date of visit and note (e.g. "it was very dry, no mushrooms found"). A mushroom has a name, type (edible, unedible, poisonous). and interval of occurence in the following string format: "June - July" (month - month).
THe portal should contain a catalogue of mushrooms. The catalogue should be searchable, filterable and sortable. The user of the portal can also list visits of a forest (default sorting should be the most recent visit first) with a possibility of sorting by forest or mushroom hunter. The user of the portal will be also able to perform CRUD operations on the following: mushrooms, forests, mushroom hunters, visits.
Vytvořte systém, ve kterém si bude moci zákazník vybrat nové obutí pro svoje vozidlo z nabídky pneuservisu. Pneuservis bude poskytovat různé typy pneumatik, velikosti, od různých výrobců, s různou cenou. Výběr zákazníka bude zaznamenán a evidován pod jeho jménem, adresou, telefonem a typem vozidla, které chce přezout. Kromě přezouvání bude pneuservis poskytovat i nějaké doprovodné služby, jakými může být kontrola sbíhavosti kol apod. Ty si může zákazník přiobjednat k přezutí kol. Jeden zákazník si může vytvořit více objednávek. Systém také bude schopný poskytnout přehled všech objednávek dle zákazníků, celkovou cenu obejdnávky apod.
Manager LEGO stavebníc
Vžijme se opět do dětských let. Mějme firmu prodávající stavebnice Lego. Aplikace bude sloužit jako manažer, který obstarává správu stavebnic, setů skládajících se z různých kombinací a kategorií do kterých jsou zařazeny. Každá stavebnice bude mít soupis dílů které do ní patří stejně jako každý set bude obsahovat soupis stavebnic ze kterých se skládá. U každého dílu je zase potřeba uvádět ba2revné kombinace v jakých se vyrábí.Manažer obstarává správu (tedy přídávání, odebírání, úprava) stavebnic a jejich dílů stejně jako setů. Každá stavebnice se skládá z různých dílů. V nabídce jsou i sety složené z jednotlivých stavebnic. Existují různé tématické kategorie pod které se stavebnice budou řadit. Je třeba uchovávat:<UL><LI>Barevné kombinace u jednotlivých dílů</LI><LI>Evidovat z jakých dílů v jaké barevné variantě je stavebnice složena</LI><LI>Cena za jakou je stavebnice prodávána</LI><LI>Je nutné evidovat věkovou hranici pro děti</LI><LI>Z jakých stavebnic je složen set</LI><LI>Za jakou cenu se každý set prodává (nemusí nezbytně odpovídat součtu cen stavebnic)</LI><LI>Set i samotná stavebnice musí evidovat do které kategorie je přiřazena</LI><LI>Kategorie také nese stručný popis</LI></UL>
Liquor bottles registry during prohibition
Everybody knows why prohibition went into effect in Czech Republic some time ago. In order to prevent this in the future there is a need for liquor bottles registry. Such a registry would keep track of all the liquor bottles that are, or will be, on the market. For each bottle there is a need to keep record of its producer. All the bottles currently on the market must be gradually analyzed and for each bottle it must be determined if the bottle is toxic or not. In order to return the bottle to the market, it cannot be toxic and it must re-stamp with new kind of tax stamp. Newly-manufactured bottles carry the new stamps automatically and thus can be introduced to the market.
The customers are interested in how many bottles of which liquor type are currently in particular stores. Police, on the other hand, is interested in the statistics of the toxic bottles for each store and producer.
Language school
Create a system for language school lectures management. Each lecture can take place in a given day and time, and is related to some course. The course is defined by its (unique) name, language and proficiency level. However, each lecture will be independent. That means that each lecture can have different topic, it can be given by different lecturer and arbitrary number of students can enroll in it. Each lecturer will have name, surname, and record of taught languages. In addition, the lecturer will have indication that he/she is a native speaker.
Pokémon league participation manager
K získání přístupu do pokémonové ligi musejí nejprve trenéři získat určitý počet odznaků ze stadionů. Odznak lze získat poražením vůdce stadionu, který je také trenérem. Aplikace bude sloužit k evidenci jednotlivých trenérů, odznaků které získali, stadionů a pokémonů náležících trenérům. Každý pokémon bude mít jméno, přezdívku, typ, úroveň a příslušnost ke konkrétnímu trenérovi. Každý stadion bude mít město ve kterém leží, typové zaměření a trenéra který je vůdcem stadionu. Odznak bude obsahovat stadion původu a trenéra, který jej získal. U jednotlivých trenérů pak bude uchováno jméno, příjmení a datum narození. Pokud je vůdce trenérem daného stadionu nesmí získat jeho odznak.
Soccer records
Create an information system, which will help its users to keep track of soccer match results. This system should be able to keep track of soccer teams and their players. Next it should support entering information related to particular matches between two teams. For each match the system should keep track of the following:
Date and time of the match
The teams
Team statistics (win, tie, loss, goals scored, goals received)
Player statistics (goals scored)
Create an information system for a public library. The system should keep track of book collections in library departments, library members as well as individual loaned items of every member. The system should be capable of providing information about all the members and books, what a member borrowed and when, who borrowed a certain book and what condition they returned the book in. Take into account that a person can borrow multiple books in a single loan.
Půjčovna stavebních strojů
Vytvořte systém, který bude evidovat vypůjčené stroje zákazníkům. Tento systém by měl umožnit uživateli zadávat záznamy o vypůjčených strojích, dále informace o poslední revizi stroje a informace o zákaznicích, kteří si stroj vypůjčili. V každé výpůjčce musí být evidován datum vypůjčení, stroj, který byl vypůjčen, jeho doba vypůjčení a zákazník, který si konkrétní stroj půjčil. Kromě základních informací o entitě Zákazníci, bude obsahovat enum informující, zda se jedná o právnickou či fyzickou osobu, v entitách Revize a Výpůjčka musí být datum.
D&D Troops
Through Forgotten realms are wandering various troops of several heros trying to complete assigned mission (mission is not an entity, it is just text attribute). Hero has a name, role, experience level. Troop has a name, mission and amount of golden money. Role contains name, description and other suitable information. Example of a role is "elf magician". Every hero could belong to up to one group and have assigned multiple roles.
Administrator should be able to manage (CRUD) all entities. Hero could assign himself to some group and also can assign himself some role.
Delivery Service
Create a system for management of deliveries for a delivery service. Each delivery should contain information about the delivery itself, the customer, the goods delivered and the person performing the delivery.
Airport Manager
Create an information system managing flight records at an airport. The system should allow the users to enter records about stewards, airplanes and destinations. It should also be possible to update and delete these records. A destination should contain at least the information about the location of an airport (country, city). Airplane details should contain the capacity of the plane and its name (and possibly its type as well). A steward is described by his first and last name. The system should also allow us to record a flight. When recording a flight, it is necessary to set the departure and arrival times, the origin, the destination and the plane. The system should also check that the plane does not have another flight scheduled during the time of the this flight. It should also be possible to assign (remove) stewards to (from) a flight while checking for the steward's availability. The ultimate goal is to have a system capable of listing flights ordered by date and displaying the flight details (origin, destination, departure time, arrival time, plane, list of stewards).
Let us imagine a Booking Manager for hotels: every customer can choose desired hotel and a particular room. There is also an information about accommodation price. It should be possible to browse hotels and available rooms. System Administrator should be also able to find customers who have some room reserved in a certain time range.
System pro evidenci sportovnich aktivit a vypocet spalenych kalorii
System bude evidovat seznam uzivatelu a sportovnich aktivit, ktere uzivatel muze provozovat.
Kazda sportovni aktivita vyzaduje ruzne energeticke vydaje. Ty zalezi na vice udajich, zejmena na vaze jedince, veku i pohlavi.
Tabulky energetickych vydaju lze nalezt na internetu (napr.
System bude zaznamenavat kazdou aktivitu, cas kdy byla provozovana, dobu trvani, spalene kalorie a delku trasy
(v pripade ze se jedna o aktivitu, kde se delka trasy da merit - beh, jizda na kole...)
V systemu budou 4 entity:
<UL><LI>uzivatel (vek, vaha, jmeno, pohlavi...)</LI><LI>sportovni aktivita (nazev...)</LI><LI>spalene kalorie behem aktivit (viz napr.</LI><LI>zaznam sportovni aktivity (cas, vzdalenost, doba trvani...)</LI></UL>
Travel Agency
Travel Agency needs a system for online holidays booking. The system should store information about these entities:
<li>Trip - date from, date to, destination, number of available trips, assigned Excursions the clients could make on this trip</li>
<li>Excursion - date and duration, description, destination, price</li>
<li>Customer - personal data</li>
<li>Reservation - for each customer it should be stored, what trips with which excursions he has reserved</li>
Usage: Customer can browse trips catalogue, he can make reservations where he can also choose optional excursions on his trip. Administrator can use
administrative interface for managing trips and excursions (CRUD) and also an
ability to list all customers and reservations.
Správa vozového parku
Aplikácia eviduje vozidlá vo vozovom parku imaginárnej organizácie. Pre každé auto je možné definovať servisné intervaly, ktoré sú priradené k jednotlivým vozidlám. Vozidlo je definované základnými parametrami (značka, typ, rok výroby, typ motora, VIN, pocet km ...). Každému autu je priradených viac servisných intervalov, pričom sa definuje či daná kontrola prebehla, ak áno tak kedy. Auto musí íst na kontrolu v pravidelných intervaloch. Ak dosiahne určitý stav najazdených km nesmie byť dostupné pri výbere. Aplikácia bude schopná pridávať zamestnancov, ktorí si môžu auto požičať, avšak iba také, ktoré prináleží do jeho triedy zaradenia. Každému zamestnancovi je možné evidovat jazdy, ktoré absolvoval a bude možný výpis jázd, počtu km za určité obdobie.
Lost & Found service
The application allows to manage a Lost & Found service. Users can report their lost items with the possibility to give the type of item and the main characteristics. They can also upload a photo of how the item looked like. The responsible people for the website have the possibility to search the items added by users and set their statuses (e.g. claim received, in progress, found, etc...). They can also define categories for new items to be added. All found items need to be archived with the possibility to add the location where they were lost & then found. Once items have been confirmed missing, other users can see the list of missing items and contribute to return to the owner.
Your task is to build basic version of well known car sharing app BlaBlaCar ( Your app should allow to register users, login, create rides that have origin in one city and destination in another city, assign users to rides, should allow users to comment on rides and also should allow users to search rides (based on time, origin, destination). To simplify the app, load in just some basic, pre-defined, set of cities in Czech Republic. Don’t allow to create/search rides from cities that doesn’t exist in the database.
As a bonus, you can add a functionality to user interface, that will allow users to use IntelliSense when choosing a city (during ride creation or ride search), instead of using cumbersome combo box.
Reference Manager
Provide a web application that can be a basic version of a reference manager (like Zotero, Medeley, JabRef). Each user can manage each own list of references to articles that he can share with other users of the system. Information that is stored is the typical information found on bibtex files: title, authors, venue, pages, etc... Users can also add notes to each entry to add their specific comments. They can also tag / mark entries to cluster them in different groups. Users can select to export some entries or the entire collection in different formats, like bibtex or csv files. The system also allows to import collections from files (bibtex). Users can share their collections of references with other users.
Ice Hockey Manager
Several human players (at least two) can manage their hockey teams out of a list of real ice hockey teams of several championships across Europe. Human players can pick their team and add / remove ice hockey players from a list of available free agents. There is a schedule of games and results will be generated taking into account the players characteristics (no need to have some advanced algorithm simulating games: just a simple randomization will do it!). Admin can put new hockey players in the main list of free agents and change their attributes before they are selected by other human players. If you want, you can implement a budget system for each team, so that players can be bought and sold based on the financial availability of teams.
Soccer Manager
Several human players (at least two) can manage their soccer teams out of a list of real soccer teams of several championships across Europe. Human players can pick their team and add / remove ice hockey players from a list of available free agents. There is a schedule of games and results will be generated taking into account the players’ characteristics (no need to have some advanced algorithm simulating games: just a simple randomization will do it!). Admin can put new soccer players in the main list of free agents and change their attributes before they are selected by other human players. If you want, you can implement a budget system for each team, so that players can be bought and sold based on the financial availability of teams.
Researchers Night Management
Every year researchers across Europe are showcasing their projects to the public audience. The web application will allow to manage the projects for a research group. Each group will be composed of several researchers that can have one or more projects to showcase. Projects can only be deleted by each groups’ research head. When a project is created by a researcher, it needs to be approved by the research head in his group to be active. Each project can have a description and several attachments (e.g. schemas, diagrams, etc…). All the history of projects creations need to be logged and statuses recorded (e.g. project approved, ongoing, presented, cancelled, etc…). After each year, researchers from other group can vote for the best projects.
Movies Recommender Catalogue
The web application is a catalogue of movies of different genres. Each movie has a title, description, film director, and list of actors, and image(s) from the main playbill. Each movie is categorized in one or more genres. Only the administrator can create, remove and update the list of movies. Users can rate the movies according to different criteria (e.g how novel are the ideas of the movie, their final score, etc…). The main feature of the system is that users can pick one movie and get the list of similar movies and / or movies that were liked the most by other users watching the same movie (no need of complex algorithms, some simple recommendation is enough!).
Secret Service Archive
The web application is an archive of missions performed by agents of a secret service. It contains data about countries, missions, agents and reports from each agent from each mission. The data about countries are similar as the CIA World Factbook (google it up). Each mission targets a country, has some duration, objectives and needs some material resources (explosives, submarines etc.). Agents have personal data about their codenames, training, language skills, weapon skills etc. Agents are assigned to a mission for independent periods of time, thus the number of agents assigned to mission may change during its duration. A report about each assignment and an agent’s performance evaluation is archived. The application also helps to find available agents that have previous experience with a country and have required skills for a planned mission.
Monsters Slayer Agency
The web application is an information system for employment agency for monster slaying heroes. It keeps list of available heroes with their personal data (names, skills, images), library of known monster types (zombies, dragons, basilisks etc) and their attributes (size, food, resistance to fire etc.), customer requests (location, number and types of monsters, offered award), and archive of jobs (assigned heroes, performance evaluation). The application helps to finds heroes suitable for a new job by matching skills of heroes with attributes of monsters.
Space Mission Manager
The web application allows the management of a space mission (clearly simplified from real needs!). The managers can mainly track different missions and for each mission the required components. Each mission has a final destination and Estimated Time of Arrival (ETA). They can also track the completion of rocket construction for a mission, based on the several components that are needed. They can assign astronauts with different levels of experience to the missions. There are also exploratory missions in which there are no astronauts, but just probes / pathfinders for planets exploration. Ended missions need to be archived with all the information that was collected. Each astronaut can login to the system and see to which mission he has been assigned. He can confirm / reject the participation to the mission and add their explanation for the decision.
Photography Club Manager
The web application allows a photography club to manage their activities. Mainly, the managers of the club are interested in arranging photographic tours according to different themes (e.g. portraits, landscape, etc…). Each club member can decide to participate to one / more tours. Once a tour is completed, members have the possibility to post their comments and rate their experience. Each team member has a profile that other member can also see, with information such as name, gender, a photo, their address, age, and their experience about photography according to different categories. Also, they can add a statement about their reason to participate to the club. As very likely affected by Gear Acquisition Syndrome (GAS), it’s important for them to showcase all their equipment in the profile (cameras, lenses, filters, studio equipment, etc…).
Music Band Manager
The web application allows one music band to manage their activities. Managers can create a new band and start hiring team members from a catalogue. They can set for the band the musical style (e.g. rock, pop, etc…), a name, and a logo. Band managers can add new albums and songs to a band. Each Song has a name and a duration. Managers can also schedule tours for the bands, in terms of dates and cities visited.
Team members can login to the system and see the offers made by the band managers. They can accept or reject to be part of a band. After they are part of a band, they can see all the activities that are planned and the profiles of the other band members.
Historical Timeline
The web application allows to create timelines of historical events that teachers can show to students to better learn history. The main functionality for teachers is to add new historical events (e.g. Austerlitz battle, Dec 2, 1805). Each event is represented by a date, a location, a description and an image/placeholder. Teachers can create several timelines and add events to them. All events on a timeline will be shown graphically ordered in time (no need of something complex, also some simple HTML will do it). Teachers can create some study groups (e.g. Roman Empire, Second World War, etc...) and enroll students. Teachers can add one or more timelines to each group. Students can login to the system and take part to some groups created by teachers. They will be able to see all the timelines for the specific group and add a comment to them. Searching among all events is also possible.
Tennis Club
A tennis club manager is in need for a system to manage his/her tennis club. By using the system, the manager can add information about the courts available, their location and type (e.g. crass, clay, ...). Each court has an associated schedule that comprises three different types of events: i) bookings by the tennis users of the club, ii) tennis lessons given by some tennis teacher, iii) occasionally some tournaments. The manager can CRUD events of type ii) and iii), while for type i) users of the club need to login to reserve a place in the schedule. Each user can only reserve maximum 2 hours per day, and at the moment of booking they need to define the names of other participants to the reserved time (only other users of the club are allowed). The manager can search through the list of all users to see their profile information. He can also get for each user the statistics about the total number of hours reserved per week, per month, and yearly.
Flea Market Manager
A company organizing local flea markets needs a web application for their management. The manager of the company can create a new flea market event in time for a selected location. Each flea market event has a predefined number of spots available for expositors to showcase and sell their stuff. The manager can set such number of places and also the price per day that can vary depending on the category of the place (e.g. places nearer to entrance or in particular beneficial locations are more expensive). An expositor can register and login to the system to reserve one spot (this is the max that is allowed per expositor). He/she needs to specify the type of items he is going to sell. Non-logged users of the website can get the list of upcoming events that they can search for interesting type of expositors.
Formula One Team
A Formula 1 team is in need to manage its participation to the world championship. The team has two cars participating to each race, each one driven by one driver, with other test drivers available to develop the car further. The manager of the team can set the driver for each car and manage a list of other (test) drivers that are under contract and he can also set as main drivers if unhappy about results. Each driver has a name, surname, nationality, and set of characteristics (e.g. driving on the wet, aggressivity, etc..) that the manager can visualize. The car is composed of several components (engine, suspensions), that the different departments of the team (e.g. engine, aerodynamics) evolve during time. The manager can pick from a list of components and assemble the cars that will participate to the next race. Engineers from other departments can login to the system and put newer components available. The manager is notified that those components are available and that they can be used to improve the car.
TV Channels Management
The web application allows to manage Television (TV) channels scheduling, with the possibility to create preference lists of TV broadcasts. The administrator of the system can add the list of available channels with the scheduled TV transmissions for the week. There can be different types of transmissions: movies, tv series, events like TV-shows, or sport events. Users can login and build their own lists of preferred programs. When they login they can be notified that a transmission they added to their lists is about to start. They can also vote and give a mark about some transmission they watched, giving also comments.
Roommates management system
Roommates management system for shopping and other necessities
required for comfortable coexistence
- SAAS application accessible from the web browser everywhere
- Its purpose is to track state of common household (mainly students dorms), for necessities as shopping lists for common condiments and/or cleaning duties
1. User sign in, login and obvious personal data tracking.
2. Creating households with other users.
3. *Creating shopping list & adding items to it
Additional functionality (if necessary):
o Debt tracker – who is owningh how much to other, backed up by the shopping list
o Lets‘ cook!: Add ingredients to the shopping list and distribute expenses to between
users + ability to tip the one who cooked.
4. *Tracking cleaning duties: Many cleaning duties, each with different period (clean dishes
– everyday, clean bath once in two week) + distribute it fairly
Additinal functionality (if necessary):
o Blame: blame someone for mess and request cleaning
o Holiday tracker: add a holiday (time when user is not in household) to skip his duties or shift them before he leaves.