LAB 9: WiFi security – homework LAB 9: WiFi security – homework 1 / 5 Homework On captures from offline dictionary attack and find the hidden password. Password was choosen from rockyou wordlist. SSID: PA197-WPA-DICT2 rockyou wordlist is downloaded to root user home directory on lab laptops offline brute-force attac based on story on next slide. SSID: PA197-WPA-BF2 data analysis of decrypted capture of brute-force attacked network. SSID: PA197-WPA-BF2 Hint: you should use one of the “air*-ng” family tools and one other. It is recommended to read man pages of this tools before solving homework. LAB 9: WiFi security – homework 2 / 5 Brute-Force attack Imagine scenario: You had few oportunities to sneek when user typed in password for wpa encrypted wireless network. Noticed few details which will help reduce number of possible combinations: Password contains exactly 8 characters first 2 characters are ”ue” third character is digit fourth character was written with left hand and is lowercase fifth character is space rest of password are lowercase letters LAB 9: WiFi security – homework 3 / 5 Data analysis Client on SSID PA197-WPA-BF2 is downloading from AP every minute 1 text file using unsecured protocol Your task is to decrypt captured data with password from BF attack and find following: filename file content protocol used for transport user credentials Hint: this can be done all with very popular network analyzer LAB 9: WiFi security – homework 4 / 5 Homework: report Deadline: May 7, 2020 23:59 Format: pdf file Your report must contain: Full command (with all options) which you use for solve assingned problems Screen-shots of used programs with found WPA2 pass-phrase (see example bellow) Data analysis Example: To solve this problem I used command ”airtun-ng -a 00:14:22:56:F3:4E -t 0 -p captured.cap wlan0” LAB 9: WiFi security – homework 5 / 5