PB138/07 - Modern Markup
Languages and Their Applications
Lab 01 [24.02.2020]
Course instructions and Introduction to XML, DOM & JAXP
Bruno Rossi
Department of Computer Systems and Communications,
Lasaris (Lab of Software Architectures and Information Systems)
Masaryk University, Brno
About your lab instructor
About your previous experience
Content of the seminars
Assignments/Tasks solved during each seminar session
→ 20 pts (2pts x 10 seminars, starting week 3)
Team project given at half the semester (4 students)
→ 0-40 pts
Final Exam
→ 0-40 pts
To pass the course:
→ 70 pts (60 with 'zapoucet')
Attendance to seminars in not compulsory, but to get the points is
necessary to submit the completed task for each week
Structure of the Seminars
During the semester:
→ each week an incremental task to be completed
Second part:
→ starting with the development of the project to be delivered
Introduction to XML, DOM & JAXP
XML = eXtensible Markup Language
DOM = Document Object Model
JAXP = Java API for XML Processing
XML is a mark-up language created to store & transport
information in a structured form
What is the difference between well-formed
and valid XML?
Can a 'non-well-formed' XML be valid?
Can a 'non-valid' XML be well-formed?
XML well-formedness
Try yourself: create 6 files
At the prompt
Try to fix the errors and re-run xmllint (see also next slide)
$> xmllint --noout *.xml
What happens if you
add the --valid
flag to xmllint?
(if you have only those xml files in the dir)
Before running
xmllint, think
about which should
not pass the well-
XML Escaping
" "
' '
< <
> >
& &
→ Cannot be used in attributes
Try rewriting the following by proper escaping
Playing with encoding
Download the file 01-enc.zip
Uncompress the files in a directory
You should have two files: enc.xml and enc-prob.xml
Try to run xmllint on both
Running on enc-prob.xml should give you the following error:
Try to fix this issue in the file (hint: you can either use a text editor or
enc-prob.xml:2: parser error : Input is not proper UTF-8,
indicate encoding !
Bytes: 0xE0 0x3E 0x0A 0x20
Playing with encodings - hints
In a Linux terminal, you can look at the file encoding
You can look at the “bytes dump” for the two files
$> file --mime enc.xml
enc.xml: application/xml; charset=utf-8
$> file --mime enc-prob.xml
enc-prob.xml: application/xml; charset=iso-8859-1
$> hexdump enc.xml
0000000 3f3c 6d78 206c 6576 7372 6f69 3d6e 3122
0000010 302e 2022 6e65 6f63 6964 676e 223d 7475
0000020 2d66 2238 3e3f 3c0a 6f6c 6163 696c c374
0000030 3ea0 200a 6f52 656d 3c0a 6c2f 636f 6c61
0000040 7469 a0c3 003e
$> file --mime enc-prob.xml
0000000 3f3c 6d78 206c 6576 7372 6f69 3d6e 3122
0000010 302e 2022 6e65 6f63 6964 676e 223d 7475
0000020 2d66 2238 3e3f 3c0a 6f6c 6163 696c e074
0000030 0a3e 5620 6e65 6369 0a65 2f3c 6f6c 6163
0000040 696c e074 003e
Create a new XML file
Create a new XML file called continent.xml
Represent several continents in the file (e.g. Asia, Africa, America,
Europe, Australia). Each continent has a name attribute
Each continent contains one or more cities
Each city has an attribute: id and sub-elements: name,
population, and pollution (that can be either 'low','medium','high')
Add several continents and cities to the file
Check with xmllint the well-formedness of the xml file
Hint: you can use xmllint to output a nicely formatted xml file
from the command line:
$> cat continent.xml | xmllint --format -
Using JAXP (1/2)
We will start familiarizing with JAXP in this exercise (will continue
next time)
In this lab we are interested about the DOM API:
– org.w3c.dom
– javax.xml.parsers
Check the following documentation (so it will be familiar for the next
lab session):
→ http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/intro-140052.html (intro to JAXP)
→ http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/dom-139036.html (DOM API)
→ https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/org/w3c/dom/package-summary.html(org.w3c.dom)
Using JAXP (2/2)
Use the sample project (01-02-xml-ex.zip) to familiarize with the
Just consider the class 'XML'
You can modify the method doMyXMLTransformations
In the src/ folder, there is already a continent.xml file with
some data that you can use
Try to run the application
Task 1: Output Element Names
In doMyXMLTransformations(Document document)
1. Get the root element
2. Print the root element name ('world' in the sample file)
3. Get all the continents in the file (you can use
getElementsByTagName() )
4. Iterate over the continents and print the names (name attribute)
– output based on the sample should be (asia, africa,
europe, america)
Task 1: Output Element Names
Use getDocumentElement()to get the root as a Node
Cast the Node to Element
Iterate over a NodeList by using getElementsByTagName()
Use getAttribute("name") to print the attribute ‘name’
Suggested material:
Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.0 W3C Recommendation (annotated):
→ https://www.xml.com/axml/testaxml.htm
Introduction to JAXP from Oracle docs:
→ http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/intro-140052.html(chapt1)
→ http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/dom-139036.html(chapt3)