Open-source development PB173/oss, spring 2020 open-source-development-course Course goal: Encourage, learn and do real-world open-source development Course structure 1. Coding open-source 2. Five guest lectures 3. Four student sessions 4. Three homework assignments Requirements 1. Open-source coding (50‒60 hours, time tracking, expected contribution) 2. Completing three homework assignments 3. Three short presentations (status update) 4. Lecture attendance Course info (lectures, assignments) (link in IS and email) Choosing a project What project qualifies? (any language, sizeable, active, new to you) Project selection needs to be approved! (Email us till the end of 2nd week, ideally sooner.) Red Hat open-source contest Possibility to join and win. Contest tasks pre-approved for PB173/oss. In case of questions regarding OSC, you can email Matúš Makový at (keep the teachers in cc, please). Project inspiration PC software you actually use Mobile apps you use Awesome First PR Opportunities Up for grabs GitHub explore Project liveness check Commit activity (latest commit, frequency, number of contributors) Issues & pull requests (amount open/closed, recency, labeling, responsiveness, style of reactions) Questions? Martin Ukrop ( Dušan Klinec ( (Try to think of a project here and now.)