233671 - Jan Crha, PV207/02ENGLISH Customer Customerorderingprocess E-Shop E-Shop Recalculate order total Items added to cart Prompt "Proceed to Checkout" Proceed to checkout? Continue shopping Present order summary Customer action type? Order cancelled Checkout requested Is signed in? Request customer details Get customer data Sign up? Process Order Order DB Order created CRM CRM Customer DB Check db for existing account Account exists? Create account Order has items? Customer Input YesConfirm order Cancel order Back to shopping No No Yes No No Item(s) added Go to checkout requested Choose action Proceed to checkout response Yes Yes Proceed to checkout message No Notify order created Yes This process models order checkout process in our eshop. There are 2 possible starts - either customer adds new item to order or checkout is manually requested. The process then guides the customer through checkout, creates customer account (if requested) and processes the order. -1 Unnecessary terminate event (there is no other token) -1 Missing message: Customer starts process with a message but there is not message back Here is missing a message from Present order Summary to the customer In general it is not recommended to have two starts for one process. Each start starts different process instance. There is missing lot of messages.. maybe it would make more sense to model customer as lane. This means that every time item is added to cart, the new process starts and customer has to respond if he wants to Proceed to Checkout or not. Result: 6