Flowers Delivery FlowersDelivery Delivery Delivery Deliver order Order delivered Is order paid? Receive payment OrderingSystem Ordering System Payment succeeded? Process order Order Order Order canceled Generate bill Bill Order archive Bill archive Verify payment Payment on delivery? Florist Florist Pack orderPrepare order Customer Customer Receive order Order received Need flowers Order flowers Is order paid? Pay for order Bank Bank Yes Order No Order No Yes Yes Yes No Payment Verification responseVerification request No -1 Wrong gateway used -1 Unnecessary terminate and missing message to customer I would suggest not to model customer. It is extra work and it is entity which probably does not have defined business process (use just pool). Result: 6 445504 Silvia Nagyová, group 01/CZECH This diagram model Flowers's delivery system. Customers can place an order and choose from two payment methods: online card payment or payment on delivery. If chosen the online card payment method, the payment is verified. If the payment was successful or the customer will pay on delivery, the order is processed and bill generated. Florist then prepare and pack order, which is then delivered to the customer. If the order was not paid online by card, the customer pays for the order to the courier.